012. Lilac Devet

Louise pov:

I sigh and look up to the moon from the window. "I miss you Stalle." It's been ten years but we still haven't gotten any news from Alle.

I can tell that her family is also very worried. The Duchess rarely leave the mansion anymore.

Lord Jeffrey also seem to be even more distance and cold then before. Even the Duke has been shutting himself in his office.

They used to treat Alle coldly but I guess they regret it now just like me. I will find her no matter what.

I won't marry anyone who is not Alle. I made it clear to my parents as well as everyone in the kingdom. Many things change since Alle left.

Shinsu used to be indifferent to his sister before but when he heard what happen to Alle and lord Jeffrey he start to get closer to Delia and now he's an overprotective sis con.

Leo also start to pay more attention to his fiancee after seeing what happen to me and Alle.

Now they're the perfect couple. Even though they fight all the time they like each other a lot. I wish I could be like that with Alle too.

While it's was lost in my own thought a girl with red hair and caramel eyes. I didn't see her until she introduce herself.

Third person pov:

"Congratulations on debuting your highness. My name is Lilac Devet the daughter of Duke Devet."

Louise look at her with his usual princely smile and said "Thank you lady Devet." She laugh sheepishly.

"Just call me Lilac your highness may I also call you Louise." She look and the Louise with an innocent and cute expression.

Louise broke his smile and look at her with a frown and said "Lady Devet my apologies but I don't remember giving you permission to say my first name.

I only permitted my family, best friends and fiancee." Louise glare at her as she lower her head and apologise pitifully.

"Please forgive me your highness it'll never happen again." Louise just turn the other way coldly and said "It better not." Then he walk away.

"Wait your highness! Please wait!" Lilac called out again. Louise decided to ignore her and walk away.

Then Lilac suddenly pull his arm and cling onto it. "Your highness please wait for a moment."

Louise look at her coldly, dropping all etiquette and shook her off of his arm. "Lady Devet, I presume you should know your own situation and shut up."

Lilac started to tear up. "I'm sorry I was just- " Then she suddenly blush a little and shyly fidget her hands.

"I admire your highness a lot so I was not thinking. Forgive me." Then she look up with teary eye that can make anyone want to hug her and comfort her.

"I'miss sorry but I have a fiancee." Louise said coldly and left. "But she's gone and no one has seen her since ten years ago."

Louise stopped his tracks and just stand there. He didn'the turn around. That's why he didn'the saw the smirk on Lilac's face.

"Even so i'm still engage. So I hope you will restrain yourself." Louise finally said his last words and left.

After Louise left, Lilac just pouted and clench her fists. Then she change back to normal and just walk away before anyone could see it.

Unfortunately for her, someone saw the whole thing. It was Mark Deam, the son of the archmage. 

Louise pov:

Thanks to a certain someone my mood has turn even sour than before. How dare she call me so casually. She is bad news.

I don't have a good feeling about that girl I should stay away just in case.

Third person pov:

The next day,

Louise was walking down the hall to his father's office for a report. On his way he saw his mother, the queen.

He bow a bit."Good morning mother. How are you." The queen chuckles a little."Good moring my dear. Oh my.

My dear son is handsome today as well."The queen said as she hugs her son and continue" How have you been dear.

How's the investigation going. Don't overwork yourself too much. The Prince hug his mother back and said " Don't worry mother the investigation is going quite well."

The queen broke the hug and said" That's a relief. Are you going to your father's office?"

The prince smile warmly at his mother and said " Yes mother. I am going there to report about the investigation."

The queen just nodded. Then they went their ways. Louise started to think about last month.


The royal family was having tea in the garden when a royal guard came running.

When he got there he kneel and said " Your highnesses there seem to be an explosion in the west forest behind the temple.

The explosion cause huge casualties. It destroy half of the temple. Many people were injured too. " The knight inform the royal family.

The king told Louise to go check the premises immediately. When he got there he saw the temple half ruined and a lot of people injured.

The report state that it seem too be a mana explosion. There's some kind of black aura in the air.

After they did a little investigation they found out that this is not an accident and it seem that it was planned.

He report back to his father and has been investigating this incident for almost a week.

Flashback ends,

When he got to his father's office the guards who were at the door greeted him and inform the king that the prince is here.

After some times the king tell him to come in. Once he got there he bow at his father. "Good morning Louise. What're you doing here early in the morning. "

The king greeted his son with a huge smile."Good morning father. I am here to report about the incident in the forest."

The king face suddenly turn very serious. "Go on.""The mages and knight found the culprit but-"

Louise stop and look at his father's face for a second. The king raised one eyebrow. "But?"

Louise took a deep breath. "But the culprit claim that he did not know anything. According to the mages there's only three possibility.

One, the culprit has lost his memories of the incident. Two, the culprit was being control by someone or something else during that incident and three, the culprit is lying.

Since we use a truth potion. It seem that number three is not possible. It seem to be one of the first two options.

We are still investigating on this matter. They say the results will be out in one week."The king sigh and nodded.

"I see then I don't think there's much we can do then wait. I will be relying on you for this matter Louise. Don't let me down."

Louise bow down. "Yes father. Then I will be going now. I'll let you know once the results are out."

"Oh and Louise your granmother is visiting in two weeks." Louise sigh and said "I will be sure to prepare both physical and metally for her nagging. Then I will take my leave father."

Third person pov:

At Warlock;

Crystal was standing in front of her dorm waiting to escort the other two to the gate. Zeckery came out of the door and yells back "Vi hurry up."

"Coming!" Vivian yells back as she ran out of the dorm. Crystal smile at them. "Got everything?"

The both of them smile back and nodded. When they were about to leave, someone call out to them.

"Hey don't think your gonna leave with out saying goodbye first."They turn around to see some of their old classmates.

The three of them look at each other and giggle. "Of course not." "We're walking you to the entrance.

We won't take no for an answer right everyone."One of their friend said while the others agree.

They all walk to the entrance together talking along the way. When they got to the entrance they saw Tim .

He smile at them gently. The three of them run up to him and hug him. They broke the hug after a few minutes and Tim patted their head.

"Are you ready my dearest disciples. " Vivian and Zeckery look at each other and turn their head back to Tim.

"Yes master" Zeckery said while Vivian nod. "Aww don't be too sad master remember we will meet each other again.

This is not a good bye."Vivian beam at him and did her signature two peace sign.

After that they went to the entrance and wave at their friends and master.

Then Vivian and Zeckery cross the entrance. After Vivian was gone Tim turn to Crystal and said "Care for some tea."

"Sure master." Crystal said as she wave goodbye to her friends and follow Tim toward his office.