021. Mission save the prince {1}

Third person pov:

The king asked her. "Your highness when is the crown prince's birthday.?" She asked the royal couple.

"May 4th" The queen answer her quickly. "Scepter of the stars, birth of the first stars, the child of stars.

Wait that's it. Zeck the name of the mountain which has a lake that reflects like a mirror." Vivian turn to Zeckery and asked him.

"You mean the cliff of eclipse in the mountains of Listeria."Zeckery answer her with a questioning tone.

"Yeah he must be around there somewhere?" Vivian said while looking at everyone else. "How did you know?"

Crystal asked while looking at Vivian suspiciously. "It's something related to the story. I'll tell you later.

Commander Albert can you send the knights through a magic circle to the cliff of eclipse in exactly 30 minutes."

Vivian turn to Commander Albert and requested politely. "But why after 30 minutes though."

The king asked curiously. Crystal turn to the king and started to explain. "It's because this is a fight between magicians.

If the knights were to interfere the damage might increase too. While we are holding them out we can tell the Prince to ran to the cliff of eclipse where the knights are.

Since our enemies powers and skills are unknown it's better for us to be prepared." Vivian nodded in agreement.

"We may bring back the Prince in one piece but I cannot guarantee that he will be unharmed since this is a battle between magicians and since he's the reason."

"Also if they are mages that can even kidnapped the Prince unnoticed, they are not to be underestimated. "

Zeckery look at Vivian and Crystal as they nodded in agreement. The archmage Deam smirk at the three of them.

"We'll be leaving then." Vivian said as she step away from them and perform a transportation magic circle.

"Be careful children." She heard the king said before stepping in the magic circle and disappear.

Then Zeckery followed her into the magic circle. Crystal went in after him. Once all three of them got in the magic circle dissappear.

The king turn to the archmage Deam and Commander Albert and said " Go prepared to sent the knights."

The both of them nodded then left.

With Crystal and the others,

Once they crossed the magic circle they were on a cliff with a big tree on the edge. Under the cliff was a giant lake.

The water in the lake was very clear just like air. It also reflect just like the mirror.

"So any idea where they may be."Crystal asked while looking at the mountains and forests around the lake.

"No but I know a way how to find them." Vivian said while also looking around. "How?"Zeckery asked Vivian.

"We can used a sensory spell around the area to find them." Vi0vian float up to a branch and stood on it.

She close her eyes as she focus mana on flow into her whole body. Her hair start to float and glow.

She herself float up from the branch. Soon a giant magic circle appear around her and spread throughout the whole area.

After a while she float back down and her hair started to turn back to normal.

She open her eyes and came back down towards Crystal and Zeckery. "So anything?" Crystal asked once Vivian land infront her.

"Follow me" Vivian said as she disappeared the other two also disappeared and followed her.

They reappear in the forest near the lake. Vivian started walking toward a certain direction while the others follow her quitely.

After walking for a while they heard talking. They hide their presence and went closer to the sound.

After they past a giant rock they can see ten people in black robes. Louise was near them tied up on a tree being guarded by two of them.

They quietly went around and went straight to Louise. They put on the exact same hoods that they wear at the magic tower and camouflage them self.

They make sure that they can see each other even if nobody else can see them.They got to Louise and Zeckery started to untied his ropes.

Louise was about to shout when he felt something untying him but Crystal cover his mouth and whisper into his ears.

"Don't worry your highness, we are mages sent by the king to rescue you. Stay quite and natural so they don't notice our camouflage. OK? "

When Louise nodded Crystal remove her hands. After a while Louise felt his ropes got untied.

Crystal whispered into his ear again. " Crown prince, can you please pretended to be tied up.

The knights will be here in 30 minutes to take you back home. Once I gave you the signal ran away from here as far as you can to the cliff of eclipse.

The knights should be there." Louise nodded at her even if he can't see her. Crystal then turn to Zeckery and signal him.

Once Zeckery saw Crystal signal he quickly went behind one of the mage that was guarding.

Crystal went behind the other one as they both knock them out at the same time.

When the others heard the sound they turn around as Vivian who was standing behind them knock another three out.

They already cancel the camouflage. Louise stare widely as he saw that they were the ones from the magic tower.

'So they were from Alfear. I have to asked father about it once I returns.' Louise though as he watch the fight infront of him.

"It's an intruder!!" One of the black mages with robes shout. "There are three!!"

Another one shout as three of the charge toward Crystal and Zeckery. Once they got near two of them drove Zeckery away form Crystal while the last one stayed.

The one that was fighting with Crystal sent ice spheres toward her. She avoid them easily as she went closer to him and punch him while using mana on her fist.

She knock him out and went to Zeckery who was fighting two of them. One was trying hit him with physical attack while the other one was attacking him with magic.

Crystal sneak up and knock out the magic user. While Zeckery got hit in the face and then finally successful in knocking him out.

Then they turn toward Vivian and two of the black robes mages fighting. One of them successfully land a hit on Vivian which cause her to flew a few feet away back.

Zeckery ran to Vivian while Crystal turn to Louise and shouted "Run!!! Your highness the knights should be here right now."

She then ran toward Vivian not looking back at the Prince who was now running toward the cliff.

Zeckery help Vivian up who was now glaring at the black robes mages. The mages started laughing and pull down their robes.

Their eyes went widen when they saw the curse marks on their body. Then they took out a bottle of black potions and drink it down.

After the bottle was empty. They started to clench their chest and fall to the ground.

Then the sky turn dark and a ray of black light appear and strike down at the two men.

Crystal and the other watch the scene in front of them as they cover their eyes because of the imitating black aura.

Once the black light disappeared, they saw some kind of monsters instead of two men with curse marks.

Then Louise suddenly appear from one of the bushes. When the monster saw Louise they shoot a giant ball of black mist which is known as blood lust.

The spell was about to hit Louise when Crystal teleport infront of him and created a magic barrier.

Once the magic barrier hit the blood lust it creates a powerful wind which blow everything away around the area including Crystal's hood.

Thank to Crystal wearing a mask Louise only saw her familiar snow white hair and voilet eyes. After a while the barrier starting cracking.

Soon enough the barrier broke into pieces and Crystal got blown a few feet back and hit a tree and passed out.

"Miss!!" Louise shout as he ran off to Crystal who was now unconsciousness.

While Vivian used this as an opportunity to sneak attack from behind only to get caught and got squish.

"Ahhhhhhhh" Vivian yells in pain as it squish her to death. Her hood fell down.

As she was also wearing a mask Louise only saw her hair and eyes. Zeckery wanted to ran up to Vivian and save her but for some reason his feet were glued to the ground then he turn to Louise direction.

Zeckery sigh and put down his hood when he saw Louise's look. Now all three of them has their hoods.

Louise only saw his grey hair and indigo eyes. Then suddenly Vivian's got silent which cause them to turn their heads back.