022. Mission save the prince {2}

Third person pov:

Vivian was not moving and now unconsciousness. The monster then throw Vivian into the direction of the lake.

Zeckery quickely went to catch Vivian but the force was too strong which cause him to also flew back with Vivian and the both of them fell into the lake.

The monster turn to Louise and Crystal, who was unconsciousness, and shoot an attack.

Louise close his eyes while hugging Crystal tightly and prepare for the impact.

After a while nothing happens so he open his eyes to saw a familiar person. "Are you guys alright. I'm sorry that I'm a little late your highness"

When Louise look up he saw archmage Luciano standing infront of them while glaring at the monster.

He then started to cast a spell. Many chains appear in mid air and started making their way to the monster.

The monster then started charging toward the archmage. Suddenly the chains wrap the monster around until it's unable to move anymore.

Then the chains started to glow a bright gold. The monster scream and started to disappear.

After the blinding light disappeared there was two men with black curse marks on their body.

Then the knight start to appear and take away the men. "What the hell was that?"They look to the direction of the voice.

They saw Zeckery and Vivian soaked wet. Zeckery was carrying Vivian who was passed out in his arms.

"Are you two ok?" Archmage Luciano went to them and and touch Vivian's forehead and casted a healing spell.

"I'm fine but they are the ones who got hurt the most." Zeckery said while putting Vivian down so the archmage Luciano can heal her.

"She's fine now she just needs rest. How about you? Are you in pain anywhere?" The archmage Luciano asked Zeckery while examining his body.

"I'm fine. How is the other one. Is she ok?"The archmage Luciano didn't answer Zeckery and just nodded.

"Why don't you call her name." "Our identities are supposed to be a secret remember."

Zeckery answer as the archmage just laugh and said "I'll be looking forward to the day were we finally can call each other by name."

Zeckery didn't say and just nodded. Then he turn to the monster and said "What was that thing?"

Archmage Luciano said"That thing you just face is called a 'Chamain' . It a kind of monsters that is pretty hard to killed without a certain spell called 'Chains of enternal'.

I'm guessing your master didn't teach you this since you guys were too young." "I see. I understand archmage Luciano.

Thank you for saving us." Zeckery said while bowing a little. "It fine. To be honest i was pretty surprise see all of you alive."

Zeckery scrach the back pf his head. "Don't you think that a little too harsh." The archmage Deam just laugh at him.

Louise look at Zeckery and archmage Deam talking until he felt movement in his arms.

Then Crystal started to wake up. "Your highness? Wait archmage Luciano what is he doing here?

What's' going on right now." Crystal tried to get up only to end up falling down into Louise's arms.

"Miss careful you took a big hit. Just rest for now." Crystal look away and averted Louise's eyes and said "I don't think that's a great idea your highness"

"It's fine miss you save me. By the way what's your name and why are you covering your face?"

Louise asked as Crystal answer "I can't tell you for now your highness." Louise smile and just said "I see. If your not comfortable I won't pursue you."

Then the archmage and Zeckery come closer. "Your highness we should go back now." "Umm did something happen?"

Zeckery asked while looking at Crystal. The prince clear his throat to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"Yes. I suppose so. It's getting late. We probably should head out."He said as he pick Crystal up and carried her in a bridal style.

Crystal was startle by the sudden action. "Wha- what wait your highbeee I think I can walk by myself."

Louise shake his head and said "How could I have the heart to let my injured saviour walk alone." Crystal face turn beet red and hide her face in Louise's chest.

Archmage Luciano and Zeckery burst out laughing. After the knights finished capturing the last of the black robes mages they went back to the castle through the a magic teleportation portal.

Once they cross the portal, Everyone was waiting for them in the throne room.

Everyone was surprise when they saw their injured state. Vivian was passed out in Zeckery's arms and both of them are bruised and soaked wet.

Louise also has a few scratches and Crystal look like she just fell into a pit. She was also being carried by the Prince.

The three of them also had their hoods fell down. Everyone can see their hair and eyes.

Crystal look up and saw that the king, the queen, her so called family, Shinsu, Mark, Delia, Leo, Amber and a few others people looking at them with worried expressions.

Her eyes widen when she saw their master, Tim looking at them with wide eyes.

After a little while everyone snap out of their thoughts and came running to them. Tim came running to his apprentices.

Louise put Crystal down. "What happen to you? Why is 'she' pass out and why are you all bruised."Tim asked with an very worried tone while looking at them.

"Master can we explain later. We're very tired. I don't think I have the strength to explain anything right now."

Zeckery said before passing out onto one of the maids. He already put Vivian down before he pass out.

Everyone eyes to Crystal direction. Crystal return to them a weak smile before also passing out onto Louise.

Everyone started to panicked. Tim put a healing spell on them. Then the king ordered the maids to bring the trio to a guest room.

He also ordered them to call the royal physicians to check up on them and the prince.

After they all left, only the king , the queen, the king's personal aide, Crystal's family, Tim, Mark, Shinsu, Delia, Leo, Amber, the archmage Deam, the minister Bran and the knight commander Albert was left.

The king clear his throat. "I'm aware that all of you want to ask for an explanation.

"Everyone stayed quiet so the king continue."As some of you already know those were the famous golden trio of Warlock.

They were gone on a mission to rescue the crown prince. I think archmage Luciano will explain the rest for I do not know the whole story."

Archmage Luciano bow a little. "Sorry your highness but I think it's best if we wait for the victim themselves to tell the whole story.

When I have arrived a lot of things has already happen. Such as the white haired lady pass out in the Prince's arms or the lavender haired lady and the grey haored boy are already at the bottom of the lake."

Then a servant came to tell the king that Vivian and the others have wake up.

"Your highness the three injured mages have wake up. The crown prince is accompanying them to the throne room now."

The king nodded and dismissed the servant. Soon the door of the throne room open to revealed Louise and the others.

They have bandages wrap around their bodies. Vivian was being supported by Crystal and Zeckery.

Everyone eyes were on them as they walk in. As they got close enough they greet the king and queen.

Then Louise when to sit on his throne. "Now that the main character are here shall we start."

The king asked everyone else. "Start what you highness?" Crystal asked while looking at everyone else.

"My apprentices would you mind explaining about what happen at the cliff of eclipse?"

Tim asked her with a serious expression. Crystal used telepathy to talk to Tim.

'Are you sure that a good idea master. This matter hold many secret that outsiders shouldn't know.

Not to mention Vivian also weirdly read some mysterious book that doesn't even exist in this world.'

Crystal yell at Tim in her mind.' I think it's fine. We'll have to be corroborating with the royal family of Alfear since this involves the matter of the crown prince.'

Tim reassure her and then cut the telepathy spell. Crystal took a long sigh. She then turn to Vivian.

"I think it would be best if we heard about that mysterious book first." Vivian simply nodded.

"Well then story goes like this. Thousands of years ago, monsters ruled these land.

People were dying of incurable disease and natural disaster often occur. People were dying to the risk of human extinction.

Those era were called the dark ages. During the dark ages creatures suffer endlessly like a nighmare. One day a prophesy came.-"