028. The cross of the moon {1}

At night; Third person pov;

Crystal change into a more suitable outfit to go into the ocean.

She went to the beach and saw Vivian and Zeckery waiting there. "You good?" Vivian asked as she approach them. Crystal nodded.

They then went into the water. Vivian put her feet in the water and jump back and said "Ahh it's cold."

"Come on let's go." Zeckery said as he pull Vivian in to the water. They used water breathing spell and went down into the ocean.

They were amazed by the sight of the ocean under the moon light. They went around looking. 'I think we have to go to the deepest part.

It does say the deep of the depth right.' Crystal used telepathy to talk. The other two nodded her in response. They were using telepathy.

They keep swimming into deeper parts of the ocean. After sometime they come across a deep trench and they went down to explore it.

After hours of searching they haven't found anything so they decide to return. They sneak back into the hotel before and went back to their room.

The next morning they went to eat breakfast and then go back to bed They sleep for the rest of the day. 

They woke up in the evening and go play in the water and have some tea. The next day Timmy arrived.

They were in their room when a hotel staff came to inform them about a guest arriving.

They dismissed the staff and went to greet Timmy in the front yard. They open the door to see a smiling Timmy standing there.

"Timmy your here." Vivian yells as she approach Timmy. "How have you been? I heard you three are on an important mission."

Crystal nodded and said "Yes and we good. How about you?" "Oh just the usual." Timmy said causally.

"So Timmy you have them." Zeckery asked him while Timmy nodded. "Let's go somewhere to talk shall we."

Crystal said as she went to the beach in the back yard. They walk along the beach. "So Timmy anything new?" Zeckery asked him.

"Well it appear that something is not right here because karken are supposed to be extinct. Also I presume father already told you on how to defeat it."

Timmy asked as Vivian nodded. "Then what you need to know is that karken can release poison and toxic liquid.

It's tentacles are also very sharp. It has at least 500 minions. It's extremely overprotective of it's nest.

Fire magic and ice magic are useless against it. The part on his head are hard to cracked. It can also eat you so be careful. "

Zeckery put his hand on his chin and said "This is useful information. Is that it." Timmy nodded.

"Yes unfortunately we can't fond out much about it since it is an extinct creature. " "Anyways thank Timmy." Vivian smile cheerfully at him.

"Guys!!" They turn around to saw Louise and the other. "Why the fuck are they here." Vivian asked.

"I swear just wish to dig a hole and die already. Just leave me alone will you." Crystal said while mentally crying.

Then they got near them. The trio is wearing their masks as always. They always wear a mask whenever they go out or go on missions.

"Who are they?" Tim asked. "Oh right Timmy let me introduce you to my friends.

This is Louise Cyber the crown prince and my fiancee, Mark Deam the only son of the archmage Deam, Shinsu and Delia Albert the children of the knight commander Albert, Leo Bran the son of Minister Bran and the last one is Amber Litch the daugther of count Litch and Leo's fiancee. "

Timmy bows a little and said "Nice to meet you all my name is Timmy Owen the son of Tim Owen the headmaster of warlock."

The others bow and return the greeting. "Sir Timmy we are having tea right now would you like to join us." Delia asked him.

"Sorry pretty lady but I must decline since I have some unfinished business to attend to. Bye you three see you at the meeting."

Timmy said as he disappeared. "Ah Shinsu calm down." Leo tried to calm his friend who was about to cut Timmy's neck.

"How dare that baster call my sister like that. I'll kill him." On the other hand Delia was beet red.

Crystal just face palm herself at the chaos while Vivian was laughting at the background.

For the next three days they just continue their routine in exploring the ocean.

They found a giant statute which they assume that is the giant karken which come alive at full moon.


They were exploring the trench and Vivian was playing by swimming backwards and crash into a rock statute.

She slowly turn around to see big eyes which spook the life out of her. She scream and went swimming to Zeckery and hug his wrist.

'Vi what's wrong. Let go.'She didn't let go no matter what Zeckery did so he gave up after a while.

Crystal approach them and asked 'What's wrong Vi?' 'Giant- giant- giant eye ball.' Vivian said as she hug tighter onto Zeckery.

They went to take a look at the giant eyes ball Vivian saw and found out it was a statute of a giant squid.

'It's a statute.' Crystal said as she knock on it. 'It's this the giant karken.' Zeckery said as he went closer with Vivian still hugging him.

'I think this is the karken but how will this thing move.' Crystal asked back in confusion.

'I think it's kinda like a curse that or some black magic. I mean can't you feel the overwhelming energy from this statute.'

Zeckery said as he closes hid eyes and focus on his mana. Crystal nodded and said 'I guesses we found our karken.'

Flashback ends,

Tonight is the night of the full moon the night which the cross of the moon will appear. They were excited yet scared at the same time.

They went into the water at midnight when the moon shine directly shine down onto the ocean.

They carefully approach the trench. Instead of finding a statute they found a real life living red eyed karken and a lot of little mini squid.

They were speechless. 'It's alive. It's alive. It's living, breathing and swimming. What in the world of magic is that.

I swear I need to know what kind of magic it is. Sealing, controlling, freezing. I need answers.'

Crystal said excitedly which creep the other two out. 'Stalle your crazy knowledge thirstily side is coming out. Snap out of it.

We have a mission to complete. ' They're were using telepathy. Vivian said while looking at her crazy friend.

They observ a bit before they used camouflage and swim steadily toward the karken. They carefully went behind it and went to the nest.

Once they got there they remove the nest slowly and used magic scan to search the ground where the chest was buried.

After a few minutes they can find anything. They accidently cancle the camouflage and sigh.

'Nothing there is latterly nothing under there. According to the riddle, the first wepon, the cross of the moon is supposed to be buried here.'

Vivian said with a disappointing tone. They felt a presence behind them. Then they remember that they cancle the camouflage. 'Guys run!'

Crystal yells as she swim away. They all swim away as fast as they could while avoiding the karken's tentacles and it's minions.

' What are we gonna do?' Zeckery asked while still running for his life. Vivian was distracted while fighting withcthw minions when the giant karken throw some poison spikes toward her.

'Vi!' Zeckery yell at her throught telepathy. Vivian turn and saw the spike. She quickly avoid them. Then they keep fighting.

The three of them were already really tired. They were also bruised and wounded from the fight.

They have been fighting for like 2 hours and keep attacking. Then Crystal notice that a few of the minions are not chasing them but hovering over the giant karken.

'Chest cover in shell, nest, protect it's nest, moon, buried'Crystal thought and gasp as she figure out the answer and yells 'Wait that's it guys!'

She called the other while swimming to them. Once they united they put their back against each other while still fighting the mini squids.

'Guys I know where the bow is. I need your help to retrieve it.' Crystal exclaim excitedly. 'Yeah what do you need.'

Zeckery said while still fighting the mini squids. ' Cover me' Crystal said as she swim toward the karken with an water acceleration spell at full speed.

'Wait what Stalle! Where are you going? It dangerous.' Vivian was about to follow her when a group of mini squids stop her.

Crystal swim toward it in full speed while avoiding the karken's tentacles and it's minions and took out her dagger.