029. The cross of the moon {2}

Third person pov;

She went in full speed as she aim for the spot between it eyes. The karken started producing poison liquid into the water.

Crystal quickly cover herself in a barrier and hit straight to it's weak spot. The karken screech as it wave it's hands around.

One of the tentacles hit Crystal as she went straight toward the wall of the trench. The karken soon become very still and fell onto the ocean floor.

The minions start to disappear. 'Stalle!' Vivian and Zeckery yells as they went to Crystal who was just getting up and hug her.

Vivian punch her softly and said 'You idiot that was reckless and dangerous.'

'Your grounded young lady. You think you can get away easily after the little stun you just pull.' Zeckery said as he glare at her while crossing his arms.

Crystal scratch the back of her head nervously. 'So where is the bow?' Vivian asked her. 'Oh right the bow!' Crystal said as she swim toward the karken's dead body.

'It's in there.' Crystal said as she pointed toward the shell on the head of the karken. 'Pardon?' Vivian asked confused.

'The riddles state that it was buried under the nest inside a chest covered in shell. It means it was buried inside the karken's head which is cover in shell and some of the mini squids protect it just like a nest.'

'That ....actually make sense.' Zeckery said while thinking. Crystal then used magic to cut the karken in half which did not work.

They tried many other techniques to cut open the karken's head. After several hours of trying they were finally able to open it.

Then black liquid start to come out. 'Ahhh blood.' Vivian yells as she hug into Zeckery's chest.

Zeckery sigh and gesture Crystal to continue. After all the black liquids were out there was a big gem stone inside the head.

Crystal took it out and used a pressure spell to break the gem stone. After the gem stone was broken inside was a bow crave in gold and jewels.

Crystal took the bow out and suddenly fainted. 'Stalle!' Zeckery yell through the telepathy.

Crystal pov:

What happen? One moment I touch the bow and the next I fainted. And when I open my eyes I was in a field.

Like a giant field. All I see is endless grass and sky. There is a giant grey tree surrounded by water which made it look like a little island.

It's really peaceful in here. But where am I. "Welcome human. " A voice spoke to me. It was a almighty, deep and smooth kind of voice.

Did he just call me human. Wait that's a he right? "Human are you deaf?" The voice spoke again. Did he just call me deaf. Me? Deaf?

I swear when I get my hands on you, whoever you are I'll fucking murder you.

Why you little some of a bitc-. *cough* *cough* Manners Crystal manners. Calm down before you kill someone.

"*cough* Umm hi?" I said as the voice said "So human you can hear and speak." This little piece of shit. Of course I can speak and hear.

"Yes so could you please get to the point. What am i doing here and who are you?"

I asked as the voice said "I am the guardian of the cross of the moon and you are here to sign a contract with me.

Of course you have to pass a test first." I look at him indifferently and said "Not interested." Then I turn around to leave.

"Yeah yeah so the test is- wait what. Did you just say leave." I just nodded. "Why?" He asked.

"Well I don't want to do anything like forming a contract or something I'm just here to pick this up under my master's order and how could I even trust someone who is can't even see. Lastly I am too tired to take the test."

The voice went quiet. It seem like it made him speechless. Yah Crystal one point, mysterious voice zero.

Then the voice spoke again. "I can fulfil your first wish." Then a blinding light appear as she super handsome and hot Greek God looking guy appear.

For normal people this is heaven but I spend ten years with two of the most beautiful people so good looks don't effect me anymore.

"Let me introduce myself again. My name is Zero and I am the guardian of the cross of the moon."

"Umm hi my name Crystal. So where in the world am I. " "Well you are inside the cross of the moon. This is my home.

Also why don't you want to form an contract with me." Zero said. I look at him with the 'WTF' face and said "Dude what the fuck.

Why would I want to form a contract with you." "Well you can become one of the most powerful people and take over the world and be rich."

Zero asked. What the fuck does this guy think I am some kind of power crazy tyrant or something. Not everyone want power and wealth you know.

"Dude I just want to live a peaceful life with my best friends what the hell is wrong with you. Plus this kind of responsibility is too troublesome and bothersome."

Zero went speechless again. Crystal two points, Zero zero points. "You are the weirdest human I have ever met.

Most people come seek me for the same purpose. No, there was another weird person like you someone who come seek me to save the world."

Zero said while smiling a little. "Cindy Alexander?" I asked him. He seems shock then he smile sadly and said "Yeah. How did you know her?"

He asked me again. OK so how do i explain it to him. Well here goes nothing. "Well you see the thing is-" I took a deep breath and continue.

"I have and best friend named Vivian. Let's just say she found and book about Cindy and the celestial war that happen years ago.

We just suspect that the war will happen andboutndgogain so my master sent the three of us to find the three divine weapons and here I am. That's pretty much it."

I explain. He seem deep in thoughts. "I see but you have to sign a contract with me because unless you did you won't be able to touch the bow. In order to sign one you have to pass the test."

"You seem sad?" Zero flinch. Then he smile sadly and said "She was my second contractor.

Even though we didn't know each other for long she was someone special.

She was someone who could handle all three of us divine weapons alone."

"I see anyways what's the test?" I tried to change tried he subject because he seems really sad.

His expression suddenly turn smug and said "You'll find out eventually."

Really life, are you trying to fuck with me right now. Do you want to go huh. I must be going crazy I am talking to myself.

I guess i have no choice. I sigh loudly and said "Make it quick." Zero smirk and snapped his fingers. Then I got teleported to somewhere.

Well this it's not bad. Yeah except for the fact that THAT MOTHERFUCKER JUST TELEPORT ME IN THE MIDDLE OF A VOLCANO.

Breath in breath out. Crystal keep your head calm. I can just kill him after I get out of here. First let's summarise my situation.

Right now I am on a rock in the middle of volcano and the flaming hot lava ignore rising.

This is not so bad. Yeah IT'S THE WORST. Breath in breath out what to do in a situation like this. Let's look around.

All I see is walls of the volcano. Wait that's it. The walls. "Do you know what to do went something is too full. You just have to let it all out."

I said to myself as I use magic to make a hole on the wall. Now the lava stop rising and started pouring out of the hole.

"Ha Take that you good looking freak. You are looking at the brain of the golden trio." I said as I got teleported again. I fell on my butt. MY BUTT.

And that scumbag is looking at me like amusingly like a human looking at a talking monkey.

"So you think I'm good looking huh." Zero said as I glare at him. Then he just laugh and said "Congratulations Crystal you pass the test.

I am amazed that you didn't even freak out instead you were just cursing at me." He looked at me smiling but his aura doesn't match his smile.

He's emitting a dark aura. Was he listening. OK that was awkward. I didn't think he would be watching.

"You're pretty rude for a human you know." He smile threateningly at me. "Ha ha ha ha."