030. The cross of the moon {3}

Third person pov:

I just smile awkwardly around turn the other way avoiding eye contact.

Then he sigh and said "Anyways let's sign the contract fast. Your friends are getting worried." Then I have remember about Zeck and Vi.

I nodded then he came forward and kiss on my forehead. A light shine as I felt something on my palm. I looked at it and saw a black moon mark.

"With this the contract is done. You may go back now." Zero said as I feel dizzy and feel unconscious again.

Third person pov;

After Crystal left Zero just keep staring at the spot where Crystal once stood.

"Could it be 'her'? No she look too young to be 'her'. Plus she has grey hair. Could it be one of 'her' spouses."

Zero keep mumbling about something. "They are so similar. No they're exactly the same. From the way they talk to the way they think."

Then he smirk. "This will be interesting."

Crystal pov;

Then when I open my eyes I was in some kind of cave.

Crystal woke up and found herself lying on some kind of cave. "What happen?" She said as she look around.

She notice that the cross of the moon was lying beside her. She pick it up and store it inside the sapphire bracelet that Vivian gave her.

"What happen?" All she remember was that she fainted after she touch the bow and she meet Zero.

Crystal look out of the cave and saw that it was almost dawn.Then she went back into the cave and sit down. "Oh your awake."

Crystal turn around to the voice to see Vivian. She already change her clothes. "Here."

Vivian approach Crystal and handed her a pair of clothes. Crystal look at her confusingly.

"I always carry clothes and other things in case of emergency like this. Go change first then we can eat."

Crystal just nodded and went to change clothes behind a giant rock. Then she came back and sit beside Vivian.

Vivian handed her some grilled fish. Crystal took the fish and asked "What happen to me?"

"Well you fainted and accidently deactivate the water breathing spell and almost drowned and die.

After you fainted the bow suddenly disappeared too. Zeckery and I had to take you up to the nearest land.

We were exhausted and none of us have the energy so we can't go back. You have been unconscious for two days now."

Vivian said as she took out a water bottle and gave it to Crystal. Crystal took the water bottle and drink it.

"Where's Zeck I have something to tell you two." Crystal said as she look at the entrance of the cave. "He'll be back soon."

Vivian said while smiling. Then after a while Zeckery came back. "Oh Stalle your up. Are you alright now."

Zeckery asked as Crystal nodded and said "I have something important to tell the two of you."

Zeckery came and sit down near them. "We'll you know how I suddenly fell unconscious." Crystal asked as the two nodded.

"Well the thing is-" Then Crystal told them them wheel story of her encounter with Zero.

"-That's what happen and boy I swear that was crazy." Crystal said while lying down onto the cave floor. "Stalle let's go back I'm so tired."

Zeckery said in a tired tone and walk out of the cave toward the camping spot. They follow Zeckery out of the cave.

They walk back onto the shore. Vivian turn to the ocean and said "Umm Zeck? Stalle?"

They turn to Vivian and turn to look at what Vivian was looking at. That is when they realised that it was already dawn.

The sun has already gone up a little. "You know what let's just go sleep first and then go back. "Vivian said as she started to walk away.

Zeckery pull her collar and said "Let's go back first." Vivian shake her head.

"No I haven't even gotten a wink of sleep since yesterday morning. Let me sleep."

"Come on Vi you can sleep more comfortably when we get back to the hotel." Crystal join in. Vivian just sigh in defeat and nodded.

Then Crystal created a magic circle and summon her familiar. It was a red and gold phoenix.

The phoenix sing a beautiful melody and snuggle Crystal. Crystal laugh and said "I miss you too Celest. Can you get us back to the hotel."

The phoenix nodded and lower one of her wings for the three of them to climb on.

The three of them climb up onto Celest and they took off back to the hotel.

They camouflage themselves so they won't scare people on the beach and landed safely. They put their masks back on.

Their hairs were a mess and there were also some bruises and marks left from the fight.

They sent Celest back and broke the camouflage spell. To their ignorance someone or someones were watching them.

"What happen to the three of you?" They turn around to see Louise and Mark. The three of them were shocked.

The trio pov:

Why are the two of them here this early in the morning. Good thing we decided to put our masks on before we broke the camouflage spell.

Louise pov:

5 minutes ago:

It's the break of dawn and I can't sleep. So I decided to take a walk on the beach.I walk out of my room to ran into Mark.

"Mark what's are you doing here." I asked him as he replied "Can't sleep so I was just going to find out more about that huge energy wave I feel not too long asked go. You? "

"I can't sleep. So I decided to take a walk on the beach." I answer. Then we both went to the beach.

After a minute Mark suddenly turn to the spot 10 feet away from us. He also put his hand protectively in front of me. I was confused.

"There's something there." Mark said. Then three masked people just appear out of thin air.

It was the golden trio. They look like.... how can I put this....a mess. No offence but they look like they just fell into a swamp.

There were bruises. "What happen to the three of you?" Mark asked as the three of the turn to us shocked. I guess they didn't notice us here.

Mark pov:

I can' sleep and my mind was set on one thing. It was the huge energy wave I felt not too long ago.

I mean who could when one minute you felt a huge energy wave and the next it suddenly disappear.

It has been bugging me all night. So I finally decideto go find out more about it. When I was going I met Louise.

He said he couldn't sleep. So he ended up combing with me to the beach.

Then I'm suddenly felt a overwhelming energy landed on the spot 10 feet away from us.

I put my arm in front of him protectively. Louise was confused at first. "There's something there." I told him.

Then three people with masks appear out of nowhere. It was the golden trio. They were all looking very bad and horrible.

Did try just came back from a mission. Do they have something to do with the huge energy wave.

They didn't seem to notice us. "What happen to the three of you." I asked as they look back at me and Louise shocked.

Third person pov:

"What are the two of you doing here so early in the morning?" Vivian asked them shocked.

"We can't sleep so we decide do take a walk my lady." Mark said. "You?" Louise asked. Zeckery just smile.

"None of your business your highness." Then Zeckery turn around and started walking away.

Crystal look back at the boys one more time before she just sigh and follow Zeckery. Vivian turn to Louise and Mark and smile at them.

"It would be better if the two of you forget whatever you see today." Vivian said as she ran after her two best friends.

The three of them just sleep for the rest of the day. The next day they woke up and went to eat breakfast in town and then they went to a remoted area and called Tim on the communication device.

"Hey kids what wrong?" Tim asked them. "Nothing master we just finish our mission." Zeckery said. Tim nodded and said "Good where it is.?"

Tim look around for the bow. "It's safe in my braclet. Master we have something to tell you. It's kinda private and important ."

Crystal said. Tim nodded and said "Then you can tell me once you get back. For now the three of you should enjoy the rest of the week."

Vivian face light up and said "Master you are the best." "And master about the meeting at the ministry of wizard." Zeckery asked.