031. The ministry of wizard

Third person pov:

"Don't worry about it. I just need the three of you there as evidence and of course to register the three of you as apprentice court mages."

Tim said as the trio just nodded. "Then I'll see you later kids." Tim said as he cut off the communication device.

The trio spend the rest of their time here relaxing.

Their vacation was finish so Louise and his friends went back to the capital of Alfear while the trio teleport back to Warlock.

With Louise and the others,

After five hours they arrived back at Belfort. Since it was still noon, they ate lunch and then went exploring the city.

After that they went back to the inn and wash up and then they went out to eat dinner and went on a walk beside the river.

After the walk everyone was tired from the trip so they call it a night and went to bed. The next morning they went back to the capital.

The trio went back to Warlock. They teleport back but something went wrong as they accidently teleport to the wrong location.

They appear in the middle of a classroom. They look around to saw professor Queal looking at them with an indifferent look while the students were all staring at them with wide eyes.

"Hi professor Queal." Vivian said as she wave at him. He sigh."What are you three doing here in the middle of my classroom while school hours."

"Sorry professor Queal. It seem like we did a mistake. We'll take our leave now. We have an appointment with master."

Zeckery said as he bow a little. "Your lucky that this time. If you ever make a mistake like that in a mission you can failed or worst get killed."

Professor Queal said with his usual tone while looking at their bandages from the mission.

Even though he's cold the trio know he meant good. "We'll be more careful professor." Crystal asked as she also bow a little.

Then the trio went out of the classroom and went to Tim's office. "Oh you three are here. Take a seat." Tim said as the three of them did.

"So you can report now." Tim said as Crystal report everything about the mission to him.

After that he stand up and walk toward them and sit down in front of them. He took out an envelope and put it on the table.

"Master this is." Zeckery asked as Tim said "This is a letter from archmage Luciano. It seem like the king requested the three of you."

"We're not going." Vivian said almost instantly. Vivian was about to protest again when Crystal interrupt her.

"Fine then we'll go master." Everyone turn to Crystal. "Are you sure?" Zeckery asked clearly concern just like Vivian is.

Crystal know that they both worry for her in their own way. "Stalle!" Vivian yells as Crystal just smile.

"Vi I won't change my mind. Plus the prince is still on his way back." Vivian sigh in defeat.

After talking for a little bit more they went out of the office and teleport to the royal palace of Alfear.

They went to the king's office. Once they open the door Crystal curse herself.

In the office the king was on his desk while Duke Light was sitting on the couch. The king asked them to sit down as they did.

Then the king came and sit down and get sure the Duke to talk. "So there's something I want to discuss about."

The Duke said seriously. "Yes Duke. What is it.?" Crystal asked curiously. "A war might break out in two months."

The Duke bluntly said it. Vivian accidently choke on her tea." Excuse me?" The king sigh.

"Well you know the relationship between Alfear, Verlock and Honiara kingdom was never on good terms."

Everyone nodded their heads. "There'll be a meeting between the royal familes and some high rank nobel familes of the five kingdoms which are, Alfear, Honiara, Wastria, Verlock and Klolina, in next month.

There seem to be illegal drugs transportation in the borders of the kingdoms.

There'll be a meeting to discuss about this matter. I don't know about the other kingdoms but for our kingdom the Light family will be attending.

As well as the Bran family, Albert family, Devet family and the Uria family." Vivian nodded. "I see this is so troublesome." Crystal sigh.

"Just great more problem to deal with. I already had enough problem thank you very much."

The Duke suddenly remember something and said "Oh and some high rank magicians are also attending so the king want you three to discuss the issue of the war with the other two countries too.

It seem that monster attack are often occurring. The king fear that this might lead to another celestial war. That all.

I just want to warn you all in advance." Everyone nodded and started leaving the room. The trio went back to warlock.

Duke Light pov;

That girl with the white hair she look so much like her, my adopted. .no my daughter, Crystal Light. 

It has been over ten years. I regretted it so much. I regretted that what I show that child after I took her in was not the warmth and love of a parent.

I have no one else to blame but myself. If I had shown that child even the littlest bit of warmth. Would she have stayed here..

Would we have become a family. A happy family.

If she had stayed maybe just maybe I would have seen her walk into the ballroom while holding her brother's hand with a beautiful dress on her debutant. 

Third person pov;

The trio teleported back to Warlock immediately. They went straight to their dorm. Today has been very exhausting.

Once they were inside Vivian slump down onto a couch. "Should we discuss this with master first." Crystal sit down across her.

"We can talk about it at the meeting next week." Zeckery sit down next to Crystal. "I swear why does it seem like our jobs are increasing everyday."

The other two nodded and they spent the whole night discussing about it. The next day after breakfast they went to Tim's office.

They cross through the the mirror. "Master we're here."Vivian yells as she cross through the the mirror. Tim look up to them.

"Welcome did you have everything you need?" They nodded. He got up from his seat and walk up to them.

Tim then pull their hoods on with magic. "Hide your identity until we start the meeting."

"Oh and master it seem that the king want us to talk about the celestial war during a meeting with all the five kingdom which will be held in three weeks."

Crystal said as Tim only nodded his head. After that they went to the second floor in Tim's office.

The second floor was mostly filled with potions and ancient magic tools. They enter a room that has a giant magic circle drawn on the floor.

They went to stand in the middle as Tim start to recite the spell. Soon the magic circle started to glow and teleport them infront of a white castle.

"Welcome to the ministry of wizard." He said as he walk inside the building. They past many room. They went up to the third floor.

A lot of people were staring at them. Tim stop infront of the room at the end of the hall way and knock.

After a while a voice told them to come in. Tim open the door and walk into a room that has a giant round meeting table in the middle.

There are 14 people sitting in the room in their prospective seats. Everyone eyes were on them.

Archmage Deam was so sitting in there. Tim went to sit on a chair and gesture them to stand behind him.

"So these are your famous apprentices, the golden trio?" A man with chocolate hair and grey eyes asked Tim.

"Yes Drakes. Meet Crystal, Vivian Liberty and Zeckery Smith. My three proud disciples." Tim said as the three of them took down their hoods.

"My my they are quite a beauty aren't they. I am quite jealous. It seem that the rumors about their looks weren't exaggerating at all."

A woman with deep pink hair and deep pink eyes stared at them. Vivian look an round the room and saw the Klolina kingdom's archmages, Venia Zander, Elliot Enteliean and Frizt Holly.

She wave at them and said "Hi aunty Venia and uncle Frizt and uncle Elliot." "Hello princess how are you?"

All of them said as they bow. Venia has Cyan hair and red eyes. Frizt has aquamarine hair and eggplant eyes.

Elliot has maroon hair and olive eyes. "You know her?" said a mage with black hair and black eyes. Frizt sigh.

"Yes Kelvin. She is the second princess of Klolina, Princess Vivian Liberty."