035. The sadist and the masochist

Third person pov;

"You guys are so childish." Vivian and Zeckery look at each other and smirk. Then they pull Crystal by her leg which cause her to fell into the lake.

The both of them burst out laughing. Then they went to sit back down. Crystal took a deep breath. "Ha this is paradise."

Zeckery lay down and as he watch the orange clouds and sky. "This feel so refreshing. Right Vi? "

Vivian didn't respond. "Vi?" Zeckery turn his head and look up to saw Vivian sleeping.

He look at Crystal to see that she's also sleeping. He smile to himself. 'I wish these kind of peaceful moments could last forever.

All of us together like this.' He thought as he drip off to dream land.

Third person pov:

The trio called the king of Alfear on a communication device.  "Why have you three call me." The king asked

"We would like to discuss something about the meeting next week."

Crystal said boldly. "Yes, we have permission from the council mages but-" Crystal stop and look at the king's reaction.

The king frown and asked "But?". "The council mages gave us full authority regarding this matter during the meeting and we have a request."

Vivian said. "That request is?" The king asked. "We would like you to not interfere when it comes to negotiating them."

Crystal said with a serious expression. The king burst out laughing. "If that's what your worried about you do not need to worried.

I'll not interfere in it. hahaha" Crystal let out the breath that she didn't know she was holding.

Then she smile a little but the king didn't saw it because she was wearing her usual mask.

"By the way I heard that you three have been officially registered as apprentice court mages."

The king said as Zeckery nodded and said "Yes your highness we officially become apprentice court mages at the meeting with the council mages at the ministry of wizard."

Then they have some tea and a friendly talk with the king. After talking they went back to the ministry of wizard.

Since they have been officially registered as apprentice court mages, they will start to live in the ministry of wizard and carry out their duties.

They pack most of their stuffs. After packing everything they teleport themselves infront of the ministry of wizard. 

They were met with the other apprentice court mages and some knights waiting for them at the entrance.

"I thought we should came by and welcome you." Ikei smile softly. "Vivi." The twins yells as they ran and hugged her.

"We'll we're glad you guys are here. Now shall we go have some tea?" Loutus suggested.

"Sure." Vivian said while doing her signature move. "So cute." The twins squeals. 'I know right?" Crystal thought.

"They'll take care of your things." Ikei gestured his hand slowly. "Tch Let's go. " Christopher clicked his tongue.

Ikei leads the way as they went up to the fifth floor, the herb greenhouse. "We can use the greenhouse. Normally only certain people are allowed here."

Loutus explains. "Because as you might already know. This is where we grow rare and unique herbs which you won't be able to find anywhere."

The trio just nodded. Vivian was walking with to her to he wins holding each of her hands.

They sat down on some chairs. Loutus used magic to make some tea for each of them.

"Now what is it that you might be curious about?" Crystal asked. "I knew you would catch on."

Ikei smile. "We'll you could've waited until the next day, if you just wanted to have some tea, seeing as you immediately ask us for tea it's quite obvious.

Moreover you brought us to a isolated place where normal mages can't enter must mean that it has some thing to do with yesterday's meeting.

Am I right?" Crystal raised her eyebrows. "You truly deserve the title of 'the brain'."

"My you flatter me, Ikei." Crystal just smile back. "After to hehe ree of you left.

The three chair men calls us and inform us about thing that were happening.

From what I heard it have some questions. Vivian-" Vivian look at Ikei. "-The book. What you told about.

You didn't tell the whole story in the book right? And you two-" Ikei turn to Zeckery and Crystal. "-know somethings right?"

"We know that Vi was not telling everything since before but didn't asked anything because we respect her decision."

Zeckery calmly said as he look at Vivian. All eyes turn to Vivian. Everyone was focusing on Vivian right now.

Vivian face suddenly turn cold. Not even an ounce of her usual cheerful expression can be seen.

It was a very cold expression that can send chills down their spines. "You are correct. I didn'the tell you everything that was written inside the book.

I have no intention to tell you anything nor do you need to find out about it. You will know when the times comes.

So before then just wait obediently like you are told to." Then her face turn back to normal. "OK? "

Then she left after saying farewell. After Vivian left, Zeckery also got up and said "It would be best when you just be obedient."

Then he left. Crystal also got up and look at them apologically. "I hope you guys won't pry further into it and not push Vi."

Then she also left. After she left the remaining people in the room also started to go back to their quarters.

The also went back to their own room and close the door. Once the door close they look at each other with lovesick expressions.

They were both thinking about the same thing.

Harry pov;

She's prefect. I didn't know she is similar to us. Her cold tone, her fierce eyes, her domineering presence.

Oh how I wish those hands would chock me and pull my hair and make me look up at her with tears in my eyes.

Begging and being punished. Kneeling for her. Making me be at her mercy.

Licking her feet and serving her like a dog. Pulling the collar she put on me and making me bark.

Just her voice alone can make me melt and beg. Ah~ it's feel like a bliss. It seem so lewd.

Just thinking about it is making me hard. SHE WILL BE MINE.

Perry pov;

She's so similar to me and Harry. Her cold tone, her fierce hawk like eyes, her domineering presence.

Oh how I wish I could see those eyes filled with tears. Her cold tone shuttering and sobbing.

Her being on her knees begging for me. Bring punished with her hands tied behind her back and blindfolded. 

I'm getting hard. But I know my little brother is thinking similar things but different than me.

It's because Harry like to be dominated while I on the other hand wants to be the one dominating. 


Ikei pov;

The golden trio, the prodigies in magic, the youngest apprentices, the direct apprentice Lord Tim Owen. 

They were known by many names. Three of the most talented individuals in the magic world.

'Vivian Liberty, the second princess of Klolina. She was know for her beauty and personality. 

Vivian, the heart of the golden trio. She is know for being gifted with an abundance amount of mana.

She has a very cheerful and childish personality. She is loved and and adored by many.

Zeckery Smith, the oldest son of the Smith family. He is known for his sassy and sarcastic remarks.

Zeckery, the hands of the golden trio. He is known for his talent on crafting magic tools. His skill are equal to better than Christopher. 

He has a very rude and disrespectful personality. He is the good but bad type that make girls swoon back at the academy. 

Crystal. ..Light, the adopted daugther of Duke Light that went missing 10 years ago.

Crystal, the brain of the golden trio. She is known as a very smart and wise person.

She is somewhat hard to approach. She is quite responsible and mature.'

That's he information I got about them but after meeting them myself most things are false. 

In my opinion, Vivian is someone who is cunning. She wears a mask that most people won't see through.

Zeckery is quite mature but still rude. He is also somewhat respectful. He only cares about his people.

Crystal is soft and calming. She is somewhat the person keeping the other two in check.

It seem that most of the rumors are not true.  I have to look out for them.

Loutus pov;

Ikei is at it again.  Observing others. He has all ways been like this since the first time we met.

Christopher pov; 

What The fuck is wrong with that freaking gremlin. First she bite me on our first encounter.

Now she glared at me like I was a piece of trash.