036. The five kingdoms meeting {1}

Third person pov;

One day before the meeting;

A large teleportation magic circle appear in front of the royal palace garden.

Then 9 robed individuals came out. "Vivian you are amazing." Loutus said with her soft voice.

"Excuse me are you 9, the apprentice court mages?" A voice asked. They turn around to meet an old man.

"And you are? " Crystal said swiftly hiding Vivian behind her back. "I'm one of the butlers of the king and I will be guide to you temporary resident."

With the help of the old Butler, we got to the temporary resident where we will reside during the meeting period.

Crystal pov;

Ah I'm so tired for the last few weeks. I'm going to rest for the whole day. As we were about to go in we met someone unexpected. 

"We greet the crown prince." The butler and the knight turn around and bow. I suddenly become stiff and didn't turn around yet.

I was so lost in thoughts that I didn't hear the prince, Louise calling out for me. I only come back to my senses when he touch my shoulders.

"Kyaaa!" I scream on the top of my lung while putting up a barrier around myself which accidently startle the crown prince and made him stumble backward.

"Your highness!" The knights came rushing toward the prince and help him up.

Some knights were standing in a denfensive position. I swear that scared the life out of me. 

After the prince got up he turn to a familiar figure with a white hood. "Umm did I do something wrong to offence lady Stalle?"

Vi just shake her head and walk past the prince toward Crystal. Then she put her hand on my barrier and my barrier turn to dust.

Then she didn't approach me and stop midway. "Stalle can I come closer?" I calm down a bit when I heard Vi.

I nodded my head and Vi came and hug me side ways and rubbed my arm in order to calm me down.

"You good. Are you still startled. Shall we go inside or do you want to go somewhere else."

I shake my head and got up. Then Vi bow toward the prince. "You highness we must excuse ourselves.

We'll pay you a visit on a later date." "Ah of course I must've startled the lady. Please rest comfortable."

The prince assure them as Vi and I left. 

Third person pov;

After Vivian and Crystal left, Zeckery approach Louise. "I apologise. She must've been startled. Are you ok your highness?" 

Louise just nodded. "No my apologies." "Then we'll be off." Ikei bow and then he walk away.

Follow by everyone else. "Your highness why did you forgive such rudeness." A knight burst as some others agree. 

Louise hold his hand up gesturing them to stop. "It was my fault from the beginning. I shouldn't just touch a lady without her premission."

'But it's strange it seem as if she was trying to avoid me. Last time too. She seem uncomfortable by my presence. Did I do something?'

The next day;

Zeckery and Crystal was walking toward the meeting room, lead by the old Butler from yesterday.

The butler stand in front of a door,  gesture toward it and bow. "This is the meeting room. 

Everyone except for the royalties should already be inside. I wish you the best of lucks."

Crystal pov;

I swear my heart is about to burest out of my chest. Calm Crystal calm.

Then the butlers open the door. It was a giant donut shape like room. It seem to be split into six sections.

The ministry of wizard, the Alfear kingdom, the Klolina kingdom, the Honiara kingdom, the Verlock kingdom and the Wastria kingdom.

The seating area is like a stair. You know like those seating in the football stadiums.

It look more like a football stadiums back on earth but like a round version.

I'm guessing the quarter circle tables in the middle of the room are where the royalties will sit.

I quickly pull out of my thoughts and went to sit with the other apprentice court mages. 

Vi isn't here since she has to attend the meeting as the second princess of Klolina, Princess Vivian Liberty. 

Every royalty over the age of 15 was suppose to participate. So Vivian can't really skip out.

"Is Vivian still not here yet?" Loutus asked as i shake my head. The other apprentice court mages were already inform about Vivian.

They already know somethings since we have been spending the last two weeks together.

"The royal family of Alfear, the Cyber family has arrived. His majesty King Cyber, her majesty Queen Cyber and the crown prince, Louise Cyber."

The announcer yells as the three of them has entered and went to sit down on the table in front of the Alfear kingdom nobels. 

"The royal family of Wastria, the Zinthia family has arrived. His majesty, King Zinthia, her majesty, Queen Zinthia and his highness, crown prince Zinthia and first princess Zinthia.

The announcer yells again as the four of them enter and sit in front of the Wastria kingdom nobels.

"The royal family of Honiara, the Dramules family has arrived. His majesty King Dramules, her  majesty Queen Dramules and his highness, crown prince, Dramules."

Then the Dramules family entered and went to sit in their prospective spots. The announcer announced again once they sat down.

"The royal family of Verlock, the Anthone family has arrived. His majesty,  King Anthone, her majesty Queen Anthone  and her highbess crown princess Anthone and the first prince."

The Anthone family came in and sit down as well. Noel only one family remaining. 

The royal family of Klolina, the Liberty family has arrived. His majesty King Liberty, her majesty, Queen Liberty, his highness crown prince Crimson Liberty and the second princess, Vivian Liberty."

Then the Liberty family came in. I can see Vivian and Omg SHE LOOK SO FREAKING CUTE. WAIT NO ELEGANT NO NO PRETTY.

SHE LOOK SO GOOD. SHE'S A SHINNING SOLO. I'm so proud. My bean is the prettiest person in the whole room.

Anyways shortly after the Liberty family arrive the meeting started. They started discussing about the drug matter that was going on in the borders.

During the meeting the nobels are glancing at us. I mean I don't blame them normally the ministry of wizard and the archmages would not participate.

Even if it's only the archmages, the apprentice court mages and some official mages.

Since the ministry tend to stay away from political matters, seeing the ministry participate in a meeting like this might confuse some people.

Three hours later;

It has been three hours.  I swear this conversation is getting no where.

Those power addicted morons are just making things beneficial for themselves and not exactly actually dealing with the issuse. 

For the last three hours they only has been trying to take credit for themselves instead of trying to solve the problem.

Whatever I'll just focus on my bean like I have been doing for the last two and a half hour.

This is really boring. I wonder what's Vi thinking about right now. Then as if right on cue. I heard a voice in my head.

'Stalle I'm bored to death.' It's my bean. I chuckle. 'Poor things.' 'Can't they just sped things up. Like actually get to the real business.

Instead of bragging nonsense like what they are doing right now. And those nobel ladies has been burning holes at me.

We'll it's not my fault that I have a handsome brother.' Vi started mumbling about her complains to me.

Thanks to her the rest of the meeting was quite funny and amusing. Finally after 5 hours of torture, the meeting finally come to an end.

We were given a lunch break. I'm thinking Vi might not be able to join us for lunch.

While me and Zeck are on our way to lunch, we ran into a bunch of nobel ladies. I swear they purposingly bump into us.

"Omg my I'm sorry." The lady said while covering her mouth with a fan. I swear to God I will chock you. "It's fine lady -"

I look up to see a familiar lady with red hair and caramel eyes. "-Lilac Devet." The lady look fake shock. Fake shock.

This little white loutus bitch. "My so you do know me. Seem like your not that much of a country bumpkin."

This bitch just snicker at me. "What did you just say?" Zeckhart just hissed at her. Just now she seem to notice Zeck's presence.

She slightly blush. What a whole. Right now we only have our masks on. So half of our faces are exposed. 

"I apologise but I was just stating facts." Facts my ass. Your clearly mocking me. "Zeck it's fine not everyone has manners."

"YOU-" "What do you think you are doing." We turn around to the source of the voice.