037. The five kingdoms meeting {2}

Crystal pov;

We turn toward the voice to see Jeffrey in other words my 'brother'. Seem like that bitch and her friends are shocked.

"L- L -lord Jeffrey!" Lilac squeal with a slightly blush cheeks and bow down. Disgusting. 

"Lady Devet I asked you what you're doing." Jeffery asked with a disgusted look.

"I was just helping them and warning them about things." How shameless for you to say your helping me.

When you just insulted me. I swear Lilac is getting on my nerves

I mean who wouldn't when you just blush at any handsome face and started picking fights.

Jeffery ignore her and walk toward me. "I apologise for the ruckus my lady."

"Ah it's fine lord Jeffrey. You don'the need to apologise for everything." "But I had to." He mumble quietly.

"Huh?" What did he just say. "I said since I was in charge of the ministry during your stay it was my ignorance. So please forgive me."

"Ah it's really fine and lady Devet next time I hope you watch your manners as a nobel lady.

It would be a shame if you accidently made someone who is out of your league, mistanderstood again right?

Also you wouldn't want to cause conflict with the ministry of wizard. Do you?" I smile innocently like I didn't just threatened her.

She just stared at me. What cat got your tongue. Dare to mess with me. I grow up along side Zeck, the king of sarcasm.

Children like you are no match for me. Maybe next time you can come up with a better excuse.

I finished as I walk away with Zeck.

Vivian's pov:

Once break start I was about to sneak out to Crystal and Zeckery but failed and was drag by my older brother back to the royal's dinning room.

We enter and saw all the other royals already sitting there. Papa and Mama smile at me. It seem that Mama is already back from my trip.

We just smile back and went to sit down. Throughout the whole meal I didn't say anything and just kept quiet.

I also secretly observe the crown princess Anthone of the Verlock kingdom.

She is the third daughter of the king but is so amazing that she suppress her siblings and become that crown princess.

I remember having 'that' conversation with big brother Crim.


I was in the palace garden drinking tea while my personal maid, Misa was standing beside me and my personal knight, Kllieo standing behind me.

I told them to sit down but no matter what I say they won't budge. I was getting bored.

"Misa do you have any rumors or gossip. I'm bored to death." Misa think for a second.

"There is this hot topic among the nobels about the heir of the throne of the Verlock kingdom."

I nodded my head in a gesture for her to continue as she did. "It seem that the heir to the throne is the third princess."

Now that pick my interest. "You mean the daughter of the concubine." I said. I mean of course I was surprised.

It was a well known fact that the king hated the concubine because she drug the king into sleeping with her and have the third princess because of that the queen become heartbroken and die.

After his beloved queen's death the king kill the concubine and become ...how do I put this spoiled? Rotten?

In short the king began to abuse his imperial power and sleep with many other woman and have many children.

The kingdom almost fall into ruined. So the king's younger brother has no choice but to dethrone the king and take over the kingdom.

I heard that the kingdom was almost into ruined back then. So the new king came to Papa and asked for help. Papa help him with their needs.

I mean the Klolina kingdom is known for their wealth. Klolina is also the kingdom that posses the most number of mages and magicians not to brag.

Anyways back to the story. So papa help the king and they form an alliance.

With the help of Klolina the kingdom got back to it's original state in five years. While I was lost in my own thoughts Miss continue.

"Yes mentioned daughter of the concubine. What I heard is that she suppress her 25 siblings and become the crown princess and the heir two years after the kingdom become normal."

"Wow that's impressive." I said. Then I heard someone say "What's impressive?"

I turn around to saw my older brother, the crown prince of Klolina, Crimson Liberty.

He sit down in front of me and asked "What's impressive that caught my sister's interest."

"Well we were just talking about the new heir of the Verlock kingdom." I answer him.

"Oh the crown princess Anthone, yes her news did shocked all the five kingdom but what's impressive about that." I swear my brother lack common sense.

"I mean she did suppress her 25 siblings and become a crown princess what's not impressive."

Once I said that my brother face turn into a unreadable expression. I got worried. What did I say wrong. I didn't say anything right?

After a long awkwardly silent he said "Vivi do you want the throne?" I was dumbfounded.

"What?" I asked expressionless. "You said that princess Anthone was impressive because she become the crown princess right.

So I thought you might want to take the throne.-" My brother keep talking nonsense while I become speechless. Is this person serious.

Brother you need to learn some common sense. "-So you can take the-" I can't take his nonsense anymore so I cover his mouth with my hand.

"Big brother first, I do not have any intention to do something like rule a kingdom. It's too troublesome.

Second, just because I said someone is impressive doesn't mean I want to be like them. Third, you need to learn common sense."

Behold ladies and gentleman this is the life I have.

Flashback ends;

I shake my head to stop my thoughts. After lunch me and my brother went to the lounge and drink some tea until a maid came to inform that the meeting was back in section again.

We dismissed that maid and went back to the meeting. My brother escort me there.

I swear I can feel the jealous glare of some nobel ladies.

It seem to be nobels from other kingdoms because it's a well known fact in the kingdom of Klolina that the whole royal family dote on the second princess.

People outside the kingdom might not be aware because my father forbid anyone from spreading any news regarding me.

Third person pov

Everyone went back to the meeting room again. This time they discuss about the peace treaty.

The kingdoms started to share their own opinions and problems. This topic last for about three days.

Finally after three everything was settle in everyone's favour. They decided to sent representatives from each kingdom.

They also decided to increase the trade of goods. On the fourth day after they discussed everything, they sign the peace treaty.

After signing the peace treaty they diamissed the meeting because it was already late.

The next morning after everyone was back in the meeting room the king of Alfear stand up as the whole hall quiet down waiting for the importance announcement.

"Everyone the important announcement will not be made by me but someones else."

Then king Cyber glance at the archmages as they nodded. He then look at Crystal and Zeckery. They nodded their heads.

Then king Cyber said "If you may." Crystal and Zeckery was about to stand up when the meeting room door suddenly burst open and a knight burst in.

"What is the meaning of this!" Louise yells. The knight bow down.

"Apologies your highness but there's an emergency from the borders." The five kings look at each other.

Then king Cyber, the king of Alfear said "Very well then. The meeting will be dismissed for now. My kings and queens if we should."

The rulers of the kingdoms nodded their heads and stand up. Then they walk out of the room.

After the rulers were out Vivian contact her two best friends by telepathy and said 'Stalle are there any place in the palace where we could meet up?'

Crystal think for a second and reply 'There's one. There's a giant oak tree in the back of the garden. We can meet up there.

That's my favourite place. Well more like Crystal's.' She mumble the last part quietly. 'What?'

Zeckery asked as she shake her head and said 'Nothing. Just talking to myself.' 'Your weird.' Zeckery said.

'Stop fighting you two. We'll meet up at that oak tree in 10 minutes ok?' Vivian said as the other two agree.

Then they cut off the telepathy. Then the remaining royals walk out follow by the mages and the nobels.