Azazel and Clove

"Clove, Clove, dear heavens where has that girl gone to now?" asked a woman who looked middle aged, she had blonde hair and blue eyes, she looked very annoyed.

"Oh Martha calm down, she must just be in the barn, you know how much she loves the animals" said a man that wore glasses, he had brown hair and brown eyes and he patted the woman named Martha on the back.

"Yes she rather eat with animals rather than her parents" said Martha

"Haha my dear Martha, we all have one thing weird that we do" he said as he drank his tea.

"Whatever you say, she is your daughter after all" said Martha as she walked away.

"Martha she's our daughter" he corrected as he laughed at his wife.

"La la la la" sang a girl, who looked no less that 15 or 16 years old, her blonde hair was braided into two pigtails, with some strands of hair left to fall by the side of her face, her blue eyes shone, and she wore a white apron on red checkerboard patterned dress.

She skipped happily on a little cobblestone path, that looked very old, surrounding the cobblestone path was some long strands of dead grass that had turned yellow.

The girl had a small woven basket in her hand as she walked towards a big red barn, she opened the door of the barn and walked towards a chicken coup.

"Ooooh hello chick, chick, chick, it's time for breakfast" she said as she threw some grain from the basket to the little chickens who were chirping in delight, some were brown, some were bright yellow, while some were speckled.

"You are all so cuteee" she said as she smiled

She threw some more grain at the chirping chickens, then she proceeded to the left, where some cows were closed in stables.

She placed the basket in the hand, on the ground and she picked up a pitchfork which she left laying on the floor yesterday evening when she fed the animals dinner.

She held the pitchfork tightly as she used it to carry a bundle of hay towards where the cows were kept.

"There" she groaned in tiredness, as that was very heavy.

"Enjoy breakfast" she said to the cows believing that they could hear her and respond.

"Moo" mooed the cows like they were thanking her.

"Haha You're welcome" she said as she smiled, and picked up the basket from where she left it.

"And some beets for you guys" she said as she turned and picked some purple beets from a container and she fed it to the pigs.

"Oink" oinked the pigs in delight as they ate the beets.

"Haha" she said as she smiled and walked away,

"Oh you guys are done so fast??" she asked the chicks as she saw the grain that she had given them was now finished.

"Chirp chirp" chirped the chickens.

"Haha okay" she said as she threw them more grain.

"Chirp Chirp" said the chickens

"You are welcome" she said as she smiled.

But the smiled on her face disappeared when she noticed something off at the way back of the barn, she placed the basket that was now almost empty on the ground and walked towards the back of the barn.

As she suspected something had happened, the roof of the barn in the far back, had collapsed?? It was like something resembling comet, crashed into it, and now rubble, broken wood, and a hole in the roof was there.

"What happened here?" asked Clove to herself as she waved her hand and the pieces of wood that broke off went back to their place in the roof, all except for two boards of wood.

This made Clove very curious, so she walked over to where the wood board was stuck and she gasped when she saw something resembling a person's leg stuck under some other wood pieces.

Clove called for a stick, that flew into her hand, she walked closed and poked the leg of whatever that thing was, this caused the thing to groan in pain??

"Gosh, what is that?" asked Clove to herself.

She moved closer and decided to find out what that thing was, she used her hand to levitate the board trapped on the thing, but she regretted it once she saw what was underneath.

"Eeeek" she cried in shock

"It's a man?? and he's naked????!!" she said as she jumped back in shock and she dropped the wooden board, when her eyes caught sight of his peach buttcheeks, but luckily that was all she saw, because she quickly averted her eyes.

She was able to tell that it was a man, because his uncovered upper body, seemed muscular and he had very broad shoulders.

"Ughhh" groaned the man as the board hit him with force.

"Ahh sorry sorry" said Clove as she covered her mouth and moved back.

"Okay" she said to herself

She used her hand to cover her eyes, while she used her other hand to move the wooden board to the side.

Clove quickly turned around when she was sure that she had moved away the board, she ran quickly to the cows stables and she took a green cloth and he threw it on the body of the man.

"Phew" she said as she looked at the man that was now covered.

The man seemed to be unconscious, Clove was getting very curious, who was this man? and why did he crash in their barn of all places.

The animals were making noises, the cows were mooing and the chickens were chirping and the pigs were oinking, they were scared.

"Shush" said Clove as she warned the animals to keep quiet.

"I am also suspicious of this, but you don't want them coming in here, we would all be in trouble" said Clove as she talked to the animals.

"Chirp" chirped a chicken

"Yes so quiet" said Clove

"I will be back" she said as she she ran out of the barn, back to her house.

The house was a farmhouse, it was relatively big compared to the houses of other Agricola farmers, it had 4 bedrooms, it was painted bright white.

Clove sneakily entered from the back door in the kitchen and she started scones, bread and other foodstuffs into another Basket.

"Clove" called Martha as she entered into the kitchen, Clove was startled so she jumped back in shock.

"What are you doing with all that food?" asked Martha suspiciously.

"Ahhh well Mama, I wanted to have a picnic with the animals" said Clove as she looked up and smiled.

"Again?" asked Martha as this was not the first time that Clove would go eat with the animals.

"At this rate, you will finish all the food" said Martha

"But mama remember you said that I can only have picnics when I do not eat Breakfast and today I did not eat Breakfast, so I can eat with the animals today" said Clove as she looked at her mother very innocently.

"What am I going to do with you?" said Martha as she sighed

"Well played, just don't finish everything, your father and I are yet to go to the market" said Martha

"Okay, don't worry mama Thank you" said Clove as she smiled and walked to hug her mother.

"You are welcome dear" said Martha as she smiled, Clove was just too much sometimes, but she was still very sweet.

"Oooh your father is calling me" said Martha

"Okay mama" said Clove as she smiled as Martha walked out of the kitchen.

Clove went back to packing food, and as she promised she did not take too much.

"There, that should be enough" said Clove as she stood up and covered the basket with a cloth.

"But I still need some few things" she said as she placed the basket on the kitchen counter, and she ran out of the kitchen.

A few minutes later.

Clove was seen running out of the kitchen towards the barn.

She opened the door carefully and shut it down behind her, still holding the basket in her hand.

She walked over to where she had left the mysterious, unconscious man, but he wasn't there anymore??!

"Where did he go??!" asked Clove to herself in shock.

She looked at the animals which were suddenly very quiet, she looked around the barn until she caught sight of the person she was looking for he was standing in the way back of the barn, and he looked at her with dark and serious eyes.

He was wrapped in the green cloth that Clove threw on him.

"Umm, Hello, you are awake" said Clove as she smiled even though she was very shaky inside, this guy was just too cold for her liking.

The man didn't reply her, he just kept on staring at her like, he was contemplating whether to kill her or not.

"Umm I brought food" said Clove as she raised the basket to show him.