Azazel and Clove II

"Umm I brought food" she said as she raised the basket up to show him.

"You must be hungry" she said as she sat down on the hay bundles and started unpacking the food.

"See, it's food" she said

The man didn't respond he just looked at her funny, he hesitated.

"Come on, I won't hurt you, come and eat" said Clove

The man seemed to be contemplating whether or not to join her, but in the end he gave up and walked towards her and sat down, he took a scone and ate it, which made Clove smile.

"Here" she said as she removed something from the basket.

"These are my Papa's old clothes, they should fit" she said as she gave him the clothes.

"That cloth is not the best to use" she said

"We just recently used it to deliver the newest calf" she said as she laughed.

"So it may stink a little" she said

He looked at her weirdly, she was giving a total stranger clothes and telling him about her life?? boy was she stupid.

"If you are worried about me seeing you change, then don't be" she said

"I can just turn around like this" she said as she turned around and put her hands over her eyes.

Clove heard some rustling sounds, it seemed like he was changing??

"Are you done?" she asked, but she got no reply, so she just turned around.

"Haha, My Papa's clothes are way too big for you" she said as she laughed, the shirt that she had brought him was two times bigger than his normal size, at least the pants still fit.

"But that's what we have for now" she said as she ate, the man didn't reply her, he just sat down and began to eat, while staring at her rudely.

Clove began to inspect the features of this mystery guest of hers, she realized that he was very good looking, his hair was black, and his eyes were dark blue, he looked like he was 2-3 years older than her, just who was he??

"You don't talk much do you?" asked Clove, but she received no reply.

"My name is Clove, what's your name?" she asked, but to no surprise he didn't answer her.

"Okay then" she said as she leaned in closer to him, and touched his arm.

"Your name is... Azazel and you are being chased by some people" she said as her eyes were closed and she moved back to where she was before.

"How did you know that?" he asked as he finally spoke, his voice was deep and had a cold tone to it.

"Ahh you finally speak" said Clove as she laughed.

"How did you do that?" he asked again carefully and with suspicious eyes.

"Oh well that, it's just my special power" she said non-chalantly

"Special power??" asked Azazel in curiously.

"Yes, I was born with the ability to see" said Clove

"See what?" asked Azazel

"I see visions... sort of, I can see vision like, information about whoever I touch" she said.

"That is a very powerful gift you have" said Azazel

"My Mama and Papa say so too" said Clove

"Your power, is it on command or involuntary?" asked Azazel curiously.

"Well it's on command, it depends on if I want to use it" said Clove

"Interesting" he said

"Haha, it is, but I only see glimpses" said Clove

"Why don't you go to power training school, your gift would be developed there" said Azazel

"That's also what my Mama and Papa say, they are always upset that they don't have enough money to pay for such an expensive school" said Clove as she drank some water.

"I see" he said

"Yes" replied Clove.

"So now that I have answered your questions, it's time for you to answer mine" she said

"So who are you being chased by?" asked Clove

"I cannot tell you that" replied Azazel as he looked away.

"Oh okay, then can you tell me how you crashed into our barn?" asked Clove

"I cannot tell you that as well" he replied.

"Oh well okay then" said Clove as she smiled.

"Well Azazel it was nice talking to you, I have to go now, my Mama must be looking for me" said Clove as she stood up and dusted her dress.

"Thank you for the food" muttered Azazel under his breath.

"Hmm what was that?" asked Clove as she turned to look at him.

" *Ahem" said Azazel as he cleared his throat.

"I said Thank you for the food" he said

"You're welcome" said Clove as she smiled, and walked away.

Later that day.

Clove was in her room, she was sitting on her desk, and she was writing in her diary.

"Dear Diary, today I met a very strange man, named Azazel. he still remains an enigma to me, but he seems nice enough" she wrote.

"Edgar, the animals need feeding" came the voice of Martha

Clove quickly closed her diary and put it under her pillow she rushed to the kitchen where Martha was.

"Don't worry Mama I will do it" said Clove

"Okay then Clove, just come back in time for dinner" said Martha

"I will mama" said Clove

"Where are you going?" asked Martha

"Ahh mama it's getting late and it's going to be cold outside, so I want to get my coat" said Clove

"Okay" said Martha, as Clove had been acting very weird since this morning, like she was hiding something, but then again Clove was always a peculiar girl, so Martha just thought that it was another one of her episodes.

Clove wore her cloth and she looked very puffy in it, she rushed outside to the barn and she opened the door carefully.

"You are still here" she said as her face lit up with a smile as she saw Azazel sitting on the hay, she had expected him to leave but to her surprise he hadn't.

"Here are some blankets" said Clove as she removed her coat and brought out some blankets that she had stuffed into her coat.

"It gets very cold at night" she explained as she handed him the blankets

Azazel collected the blankets and looked at her weirdly.

"Thank you" he said

"You are welcome" said Clove as she started feeding the animals.

"Hello chick chicks" she said as she smiled and threw them some grain and they chirped.

"Guys, make sure to be quiet and do not trouble our guest" said Clove as she was talking to the animals while she gave the cows hay.

All the animals made sounds to show that they would obey her.

"Good animals" she said as she smiled.

"Well I have to go now" said Clove as she turned to look at Azazel

"Oh okay" said Azazel

"Goodnight" said Clove

"Goodnight" said Azazel as Clove closed the barn door behind her.


"How was your day Clove?" asked Edgar.

"Ahh it was very good Papa and how was your day?" asked Clove as she ate her food, it was dinner time and as a family tradition, everyone would talk about their day, even though they were all at home, and nothing interesting happened.

"It was good my dear" said Edgar

"So did anything interesting happen today?" asked Edgar

"Yes Papa, I made a new friend today" said Clove as she smiled.

"It better not be another stray animal Clove" said Martha as she ate her food.

"Martha don't be so harsh" said Edgar

"Why wouldn't I be? remember the last time she brought a stray kitten home?" said Martha

"The little thing was a spy, it pretended to be hurt and harmless. next thing we know, all our food was gone the next morning" said Martha

"Well rest assured Mama, it's not another animal, I have learnt my lesson from what Mr. Whiskers did" said Clove as she looked sad.

"Good then" said Martha

"Anyway my new friend is a person" said Clove

"Oh is that so" said Edgar

"Yes Papa" said Clove as she nodded her head.

"Where did you meet this new friend of yours?" asked Edgar as he smiled.

"Well Papa, it was not too far from the house" said Clove as she did not give much details, she knew that if she told her parents that there was a strange man in their barn they would freak out, and she would receive another scolding lesson from her mother.

Her mother always said that she was too soft, she fell for cute things easily, which was a very dangerous trait to have, seeing as how dangerous their realm could be.

Martha just wanted her daughter to know, that you could not trust just anyone, and everyone, she needed to be careful, before she fell into the wrong hands.

"Just be careful dear, and don't go too far" said Martha as she drank water.

"Yes mama" said Clove

"Good, now Clove come help me wash the dishes" said Martha

"Yes mama" said Clove as she stood up and cleared the table.