Wisely and Carefully

"How did you know that I was here??" came a familiar male voice

"You wouldn't think that I would know when someone is standing behind my door" said Stella as she looked up from what she was writing towards the entrance.

"I did not want to disturb you" he said

"Okay Captious whatever you say" said Stella as she laughed.

"When did you arrive?" asked Stella as Captious came in and sat down.

"Well not too long ago" said Captious

"Sapiens asked me to assist him in the lab" said Captious

"Ah I see" said Stella as she continued to write

"I heard that you dismissed Armand" said Captious

"News travels fast does it not?" asked Stella as she stopped writing.

"Haha you should know by now that there is no such thing as a secret in the council" said Captious

"That is true" said Stella

"I dismissed the boy because he was reckless and disobedient" said Stella

"Imagine if he had actually succeeded in killing Annie, there would be chaos everywhere, and just because of his stupid mistake" said Stella

"Not only would Azazel strike because the person he actually wants is dead, but joined with the fact that many witches are still recovering, I am sure that we would not have been able to fight back, and he would have killed us all" said Stella

"Armand seemed to forget that Azazel still had many allies, and vampires included, while we are still trying to sort everything out" explained Stella

"Yes, I understand all that" said Captious

"But what I don't understand is that you knew his plans and his intentions and yet you still let him come here" said Captious

"It is no secret on where Armand stands on the Grey family matter, he believes that they are an utter waste of time, and if we get rid of them the Witch realm would have plenty of resources to use on other trivial matters" said Captious

"He always said that how can one family cause so much problems for a realm?" said Captious.

"You do not have to narrate to me, I am fully aware of that" said Stella

"Then why did you let him come here?" asked Captious.

It was more or less the truth, the majority of the High Council believed that if they took care of the Grey family by killing them there would no longer be many problems, but for Stella, Captious and Sapiens along with some others believed that it would be wickedness to kill her seeing as she was innocent too.

"Well I believed that he would not dare do anything so stupid" said Stella

"I purposely introduced him as someone trustworthy" said Stella

"I thought that doing that would make him think twice before he did anything, but it seems that I was wrong" said Stella

"I had trusted him, and I had faith that he would not break my trust in him, but he did" said Stella

"And you dismissed him, is that not to harsh?" asked Captious

"Captious, I am the Vice Chancellor, I am second in command to the King, Whatever I say goes" said Stella

"He clearly showed his thoughts about me, when he happily disobeyed my orders" said Stella

"Dismissal is even a light punishment, I could have easily sent him to the holds for trying to harm a family member of the Chancellor" said Stella

"So do you have any plans to reinstate him?" asked Captious

"Of course I do, but not right now, he has to learn his lesson, he has to know that he must obey those who are above him, only then would he be a better person and captain" said Stella

"So some tough love" said Captious as he laughed.

"You could say that" said Stella

"You should have seen the look on Mira's face when I told that she would be take over Armand's duties as Captain, she looked like she was just put on death roll" said Stella as she recalled the helpless look that Mira had on her face, and it made her laugh.

"Poor girl must have been so scared" said Captious as he laughed.

"Oh she was, and I was not helping her either, with the way I looked at her" said Stella as she laughed.

"She must have been terrified" said Captious

"She was, but my orders need to be carried out, regardless of whether you like it or not" said Stella

"She was probably scared of what Armand might say" said Captious

"The thing is everyone one the force respects Armand, and who wouldn't he is young and very skilled, but that respect that they have for him has made him have a big head, he thinks that he is always right, and that is wrong" said Stella

"To earn respect you must be respectful to those above you" said Stella

"And that is what he is yet to learn" said Stella

"That is true" said Captious

"Well it is getting very late, I should be going now" said Captious.

"Alright then Captious, see you" said Stella

"See you" said Captious as he smiled and stood up.

"Ahh wait before you go" said Stella

"What is it??" asked Captious as he turned to look at Stella

"Can you please drop off these reports for me, they need to be sent to the High Council by tomorrow" said Stella

"It's no problem, I will drop by the messengers tent before I go" said Captious as he walked to Stella's desk and the levitated the reports off the table.

"Thank you Captious" said Stella as she smiled.

"You are most welcome" said Captious as he smiled back and walked away, with the reports following behind him.

Stella smiled, it was good to know that you had friends that had you back, even though she was the Vice Chancellor, she was still a person that had feelings and needed someone to talk to, now she could rest at ease, she was no longer angry, but rather she was relieved.

Meanwhile in the lab.

"Sapiens how far have you gone with the batches?" asked Curtis

"Don't push me book, I have been in here all day" said Sapiens, beads of sweat could be seen forming along his hairline.

"We need that batch a quickly as possible, it's going to be the last one and also the strongest" said Curtis

"I know that, but I also know that I only have two hands and I need to be careful, may be we need some more help" said Sapiens as he was fiddling with some vials.

"Well then help has arrived" said Captious as he walked into the lab.

"Captious?" asked Curtis as he was not expecting him to be here.

"Ahh yes Curtis, I forgot to tell you that Captious dropped by earlier" said Sapiens

"I see" said Curtis

"Anyway grab a vial, and start mixing the antidote" said Curtis

"Okay then" said Captious as he put on some rubber gloves.

Today was going to be a very long night.

Meanwhile outside the camp

"Mira, or should I say Captain Mira" said Liz

"Oh stop it Liz" said Mira as she was not in the mood for Liz's joked right now.

"Why are you so sour?" asked Liz

"Anyway, Mira, Captain Armand asked me to tell you to come meet him" said Liz

"He asked you to tell me to meet him??" said Mira

"Mhmm" replied Liz

"Oh no oh no, I knew that this was going to happen" said Mira to herself.

She knew that Armand would not just sit back and relax, and watch her take the position that he has worked so hard to get,

"Just relax, he cannot do anything to you, you were not the one that asked for his position, the Chancellor gave it to you, because she trusts you are worthy" said Liz

"So if he holds a grudge against you for that, then he definitely needs to be dismissed" said Liz

"Liz be quiet, how can you say that?? What if he hears you??" said Mira

"Well I don't care if he hears me, he's no longer my captain, you are" said Liz

Mira was a little bit jealous of her friend's bold, carefree attitude, she wished that she could be as bold as her, but she knew that she couldn't she was a person who liked to abide by the rules.

"Anyway, you better not keep him waiting" said Liz

"Okay see you Liz" said Mira as she walked away.

"Captain you called for me?" asked Mira as she saw Armand as his back was turned to her.

"Are you not the Captain now?" asked Armand as he turned to look at her, she could see the anger in his eyes, that he did not bother hiding.

"Yes but it is only temporary" said Mira as she tried to explain herself.

"And besides, you will always be my Captain, no matter what" said Mira

"Hmm" said Armand.

"Good to know how you feel" said Armand

"Anyway, I did not call you here for that" he said

"Then why did you call me?" asked Mira

"I called you to say goodluck" said Armand

"Make sure to lead the troops wisely and carefully" said Armand.