
"Good Morning Milady" said Nia as she walked into Clove's room.

"Good Morning Nia" said Clove as she looked up and smiled at Nia.

"Milady you are up early today" said Nia as she was surprised, because for the past few days now, Clove had been mopey and depressed it was a hassle every morning to get her out of bed, but here she was all smiley and better.

Just what did Azazel say to her that made her snap out of her sadness??quite frankly Nia did not want to know, all she knew was that she was happy that her lady was back to her usual self.

"Well Nia, I realized that I have not been very productive lately, and I want to change that" said Clove as she dropped a blue fountain pen which she got from Azazel for her last birthday on the table.

"Ahh I see Milady, I am glad that you are back to your usual self" said Nia as she smiled.

"So am I" said Clove as she smiled back

"Nia, did you get what I asked for?" asked Clove

"Ahh Yes Milady" said Nia as she put down her worn out bag that she was wearing, she opened unzipped the zipper and she brought out a brown sack.

"They were difficult to find, with no one being allowed out of the camp and all" said Nia as she carried the sack with an unknown item, it looked heavy.

"But after asking around, I finally found someone who happened to have some spare lying around, and I just had to pay a small fee for her to give them to me" said Nia as she removed the sack, and inside it there were many small pink coloured crystals.

"Thank you Nia, I will pay you back" said Clove

"There is no need to Milady" said Nia

"No there is need" said Clove

"You used your own money, your wages to pay for what I needed, so I should pay you back" said Clove

"No Milady, I would do anything for you" said Nia as she smiled.

"I know Nia, but every good deed must not go unrepaid" said Clove

"But Milady" said Nia

"But nothing Nia, now enough of this, you know I don't like it when you refute me" said Clove

"I'm sorry Milady" said Nia as she bowed her head sadly.

"Haha what's with that sad face?" asked Clove as she laughed.

"Don't be sad, I didn't mean it like that, so cheer up" said Clove as she smiled, Nia was like a little child, and Clove knew that she had to be delicate when dealing with her, the girl had unstable emotions, she could easily change from happy to sad and from sad to happy, within mere seconds.

"Really?" asked Nia

"Of course" said Clove as she smiled.

"Thank you Milady" said Nia as she smiled, and Clove smiled back.

"Milady, if I may ask, what do you need those crystal shards for?" asked Nia as she pointed to the pink crystal shards that she put on Clove's table.

"Well Nia, I have some messages that I would like to record" said Clove

"Ahh I see" said Nia

"I actually only needed two crystal shards" said Clove, as she looked at her table, she only needed two, and yet she could count almost six crystals.

"Then I think that I got too many crystals" said Nia as she laughed Sheepishly.

"Haha Nia, you may have, but it's alright" said Clove as she smiled sweetly at Nia.

Ever since Nia started working for her, Clove never ran out of laughter and smiles, the girl was just so sweet that it was almost infectious.

"Well then Milady, let me go get your breakfast" said Nia as she smiled.

"Okay then Nia" said Clove as she smiled back.

"And oh one more thing before you go" said Clove

"Yes Milady?" asked Nia

"After you bring my breakfast, you can have the rest of the day off" said Clove.

"But why Milady?? don't you need me here?" asked Nia as her expression changed quickly.

And here comes the emotions once again, thought Clove to herself.

"No it's not that Nia, I just need some time alone, you know to think" said Clove as she explained gently.

"Well I can stay here and be super quiet and watch you while you think" said Nia

Clove almost laughed at the bizarre sentence that Nia just uttered, the girl was just so clingy that it was cute, she was like a cute little kitten, that yearned for attention.

"No Nia, look dear, you are still very young, you need to make friends, socialize, maybe get yourself a boyfriend" said Clove

"A boyfriend??" asked Nia

"Yes Nia a boyfriend, someone you can talk to, to make you laugh" said Clove as she laughed, it was like she was explaining relationships to her daughter.

"No Milady, I don't think that I want a boyfriend" said Nia

"Well why not?" asked Clove.

"I don't know, I just do not interact with males a lot" said Nia

"Well then we need to change that" said Clove.

"Okay so I have a mission for you Nia" said Clove

"What is it Milady??" asked Nia

"So after you bring me breakfast, you will go on your day off, and you have to talk to one male at least today alone, and then tomorrow you come back and tell me what happened" said Clove

"I don't know Milady, that sounds very..." said Nia

"Very what??" asked Clove

"Very weird" said Nia

"Well it's fine if you do not want to do that for me" said Clove sadly.

"No Milady, I will do it" said Nia as she did not want to displease Clove.

"Great!! so hurry along then, go go, and come back quickly, so you can go again" said Clove as she laughed.

"Umm Okay Milady??" said Nia as she walked out of the room, it was so weird to her, she was a bit suspicious on why Clove wanted her to leave her alone for a long time??

Meanwhile back in the camp

"Wisely and Carefully", "Wisely and Carefully" those two words kept on repeating in Mira's ears.

To say that she was shocked would be an understatement, she was utterly stupefied, there she was panicking that Armand would draw the battle line between them, while in reality he had actually encouraged he.

He gave her advice on how to lead as captain, and he even wished her goodluck, hmm maybe she was actually just overreacting, maybe just maybe Armand was not as bad as everyone thought that he was.

Maybe she was actually a chicken for being so scared of what he thought about her, but who would blame her, she and Armand were trained in the same battalion, she had seen how he was ready to sacrifice anyone and everyone for his end goal.

So with that thought in mind, she actually did not overreact, she was just being careful, as the saying goes, your worst enemy could actually be your friend.
