Dead Serious

Matt left Annie room and he immediately ran to go and find Maddie, Matt ran through the halls until he reached a particular room.

"Maddie!!!" called Matt as he was panting, but he was not panting because of tiredness, but rather because he was so excited to tell everyone that his heart was pounding really fast, and for once he was very nervous and excited and just speechless.

"Maddie!!!!" called Matt once again as he looked around the room.

"Maddie" he called once again.

"Gosh Matt what is it??" asked Maddie as she walked in from another room while combing her long, blonde straight hair and she was wearing cat pajamas for some odd reason??

"You are shouting as if you have seen a ghost" she said as she tied her hair into a quick bun and she looked at Matt.

"Where is Aunt and Mr. Grey and my parents????" asked Matt as he did not pay attention at Maddie's complains at all.

"Well they went to the orphanage with Uncle Capi" said Maddie as she lazily sat down on the couch as she yawned and she picked up a book that she was reading.

"Well they need to come back right now!" said Matt.

"Matt can you please calm down, you sound like you have just seen a ghost" said Maddie as she paid no attention to Matt at all, he had been really weird for the past month, what happened to Annie affected them all.

Everyone was basically depressed and they only tried to distract themselves with work, or just ignoring everyone else like Curtis did, Curtis was the only one who supposedly had answers since the rest of them had blacked out and they had no recollection whatsoever of what happened, and yet he just kept to himself and stayed in the shadows.

"Maddie you will not believe what I am about to tell you" said Matt.

"You will be shocked!!" he said

"Oh please don't tell me that he is coming over here again???!" said Maddie as she looked very annoyed.

"Oh please don't tell me that, because I don't care who he is, I promise you that I will kick his butt!!" said Maddie as she seemed really angry.

"The Guy just thinks that he can literally walk in her..." said Maddie

"Annie is awake" said Matt without warning and Maddie stopped talking immediately.

"What???" asked Maddie as she turned to look at Matt and he smiled.

"You are lying to me, you are pranking me, stop it Matt, it's not funny, not funny at all" said Maddie as she laughed sadly, this was a mean prank.

"Listen Maddie, I am not lying to you, or pranking you at all, I am dead serious" said Matt as he looked at Maddie.

"Why would I ever prank you with something so serious??" asked Matt as he looked very serious at Maddie and she just stayed quiet, she had many emotions going through her eyes right now.

"No but you... you must have seen things" said Maddie, because as much as she wanted to have faith, and be strong and believe, she had started coming to the conclusion that maybe Annie wouldn't wake up anymore, which was why she had stopped visiting her.

And Maddie hated herself for that, what sort of friend was she when she could not be there for her friend in her greatest time of need??? Every time Maddie saw Annie like that her heart would be pricked, she just could not handle it, and yet she knew deep down that she was letting Annie down, because she was sure that if she was the one in the coma, Annie would stay by her side all the time.

Maddie felt guilty, very guilty, which was why she found it very hard to believe right now, she actually hoped that maybe Matt was pranking her, but another part of her wanted it to be true.

"Look Maddie, I did not see things, she is alive and well, and she even coughed... Multiple times!!" said Matt.

"She did??" asked Maddie as she did not know what to say.

"Come on Maddie, come and see her for yourself" said Matt as he smiled.

"Okay... okay I will" said Maddie as she stood up and she walked straight to the room where Annie was in and Matt followed behind her, he could not wait to tell everyone else.

Maddie's heart was beating very quickly, Annie was awake??? she was awake, after such a long time of waiting and loosing hope, she was finally awake, oh how much she had missed Annie.

Everything had been bland without Annie, there were no longer cheers or smiled, everyone was either sad or angry, there was no one to cheer her up to make her laugh when she needed to.

Maddie slowly opened the door to Annie's room while Matt stood right behind her with a smile, waiting for her to be ready to see Annie herself.

The creaking of the door could be heard as Maddie stepped into the room with Matt behind her, she could hear all the beeping of the hospital machines that had been monitoring Annie for a while.

Maddie did not want to... but she had to, she had to see Annie for herself, Maddie walked right to Annie's bed, and Annie's eyes were closed.

"Annie??" called out Maddie as she reached out to touch Annie's hand.

In that instant Annie opened her eyes, she was no longer falling into unconsciousness and she could now control her body a bit.

"*Gasp*" gasped Maddie in shock as she moved away, she was surprised, Annie was actually awake!!! She was awake!!

"Annie!!, Annie you are awake, you are actually awake??!!" said Maddie as she could not contain her excitement she almost jumped for Joy.

Annie wanted to smile at Maddie, but she just could not, her eyes just looked around and stayed on Maddie.

"Oh Annie, you do not know how much we have missed you, how much I have missed you" said Maddie as without warning she started to cry.

"Oh Annie, I missed you, I missed you so much" said Maddie as she just had to hug Annie, and she made sure to be very gentle.

Annie was surprised, this was the first time she had ever seen Maddie cry, Maddie was always tough and serious and yet here she was crying.

"I missed you so much" said Maddie as she cried.

Annie wanted to tell Maddie that there was no need to cry and that everything was okay, but she just could not say anything, all she could do was slowly move her hand to pat Maddie's back.

"I missed you too" said Annie in her mind.

"Oh look at me, crying like a baby" said Maddie as she sniffed and she stopped hugging Annie.

"I must look so weak right now" said Maddie as she sniffed and she wiped her tears away.

"Oh Maddie, there is nothing wrong with crying sometimes" said Matt as he smiled and he looked at Maddie.

"Oh well then if that is the case, then why don't you cry too??" asked Maddie as she sniffed and she turned to look at Matt.

"Well because..." said Matt.

"Okay alright fine, but stop crying okay, Annie would not like you to cry" said Matt.

"Right Annie??" said Matt as he turned to look at Annie and Annie blinked twice as in an attempt to reply to them.

"Oh Annie" said Maddie as she wiped her tears away.

"Oh Annie I missed you so much, there is so many things that I have to tell you, but first you have to recover well and be alright" said Maddie as she smiled and Annie tried to nod her head but she could not.

"Oh and your parents and Aunt Luc, and Uncle Luke went to the orphanage" said Maddie as she knew that Annie was probably wondering where her parents and everyone else was.

"And Curtis... well I have no idea where he is" said Maddie as she laughed.

"You know how Curtis is Annie, he's been weirder than usual lately" said Matt as he laughed and Annie blinked three times.

She had missed her friends, and she was very happy that they were all okay, and that they were still all smiling.

"Oh and Aunt Stella!!" said Maddie as she finally remembered Stella.

"Aunt Stella needs to know, she needs to know right now" said Maddie as she knew that Stella was by far the person most worried about Annie.

"Yes, but I think that she is in a meeting with my Grandfather and Uncle Capi" said Matt.

"Oh well then we need to inform them all that Annie is awake, I am sure that they would be more than excited" Maddie.

"Yes, you know what, I am sure that you are right" said Matt.

"Don't worry leave it to me, I will be right back" said Matt as he took off right away, and Maddie turned back to look at Annie.

"I missed you so much" said Maddie as she smiled.