Never change

"Vice Chancellor, I am sure that you are well aware of why this meeting was called here today" said one man in a green cloak.

"Yes I am Professor" said Stella as she looked very serious as she sat down in the at the end at the desk that was located at the back of the room as she faced the other high council members.

"And I hope that we are not all here, wasting our valuable time to discuss a matter that my stance will never change on" said Stella seriously.

"It all depends on if you yield to finally listen to us, on that supposed matter that your stance would never change on" said the man as he seemed to be the one speaking for the rest of the high council.

"Well then, we will see Professor Reagan" said Stella as she laughed coldly at the man who seemed to be the one fronting the others.

Stella turned to look at Sapiens who was sitting right beside her, and there was an empty seat on her left, which was meant for Captious, but seeing as the High council were determined to be unfair, they had called for this impromptu meeting, and Captious had already left to the orphanage earlier.

"We are here to talk about the girl" said the the man in the green cloak, who's name was Professor Reagan.

"The girl has a name!" said Stella as she snapped at Professor Reagan.

"It is Annie" said Stella as she took a deep breath and she sighed as she calmed herself down.

She was just tired, plain tired of everything, as if everything just came crashing down when it was not supposed to, and she could not do anything to help, she was the Vice Chancellor, and what was the point of having such a position if when she needed to use her position she could not do it at all.

Annie was in a coma, she had no signs of waking up anytime soon, Stella had a lot of things to do, and these High Council members were not making things easy for her at all, it seemed as if they were bent on making sure she would never rest or have peace.

"*Ahem*" said Professor Reagan as he cleared his throat.

"Regardless or not if the girl has a name, the majority votes of the High Council still stands" said Professor Reagan.

"The High Council believes that the girl needs to be gotten rid of" he said.

"That is impossible!" said Stella as she was she not going to stand for this at all.

"Oh come on, do not give me that nonsense Vice Chancellor, I only respect you because of your title Chancellor, and nothing more, because you obviously are not making good decisions due to your affection and connection towards the girl" said Professor Reagan as he scoffed.

"Professor, it is good that you know of my Position, I am the Chancellor, and whatever I decide goes" said Stella very seriously, all of them, they were cowards to speak against her, so they all gathered behind Professor Reagan to be their spokesman, as he fronted them and they all hid behind him like scared little cats.

"Oh stop that nonsense, regardless of whether or not you are the Chancellor, it does not matter at all, the High Council is based on the number of votes, and the votes have spoken" said Professor Reagan.

"The girl obviously failed in the one thing we kept her for" said Professor Reagan.

"She could not even kill Azazel!!" he said with anger and the other High Council members agreed with him as they hummed in agreement with his statement.

"You don't know that!" said Stella as she turned to look at Sapiens who remained quiet, as if he was observing them all.

"Oh is that so??" asked Professor Reagen.

"If that is so, then how come we cannot find his body anywhere???Hmm??" asked Professor Reagan.

"He is obviously still alive and lurking in the shadows waiting for the time to strike, while we remain here, protecting that girl" said Professor Reagan.

"Which is why, we High Council members have come up with a solution" said Professor Reagan as he stood up from his seat.

"We all suggest that we kill the girl now that she is weak, and we go after Azazel ourselves!! The girl has done nothing good to us, so why do we keep her??" asked Professor Reagan.

"And here comes your ultimatum Chancellor" said Professor Reagan as he turned to look at Stella.

"Either you kill the girl... or I will" said Professor Reagan with coldness.

"Enough!!!" said Stella as she stood up from her seat and she banged her hands on the table in front of her.

"No one is going to kill Annie, absolutely no one will lay a single finger on her, or else" said Stella as she was very serious she commanded authority and everyone else went extremely quiet.

"You think that because I am quiet, that I will sit here and take this nonsense and insolence from you all" said Stella as she looked at everyone.

"Then you are wrong" she said in spite.

"Annie deserves life just like every single one of us in this meeting do" said Stella.

"But Chancellor..." said Professor Reagan.

"Sit back down on your seat Reagan, or else!!" said Stella as she looked at Professor Reagan with a warning gaze that if he said anything else, she would deal with him right there and then.

Professor Reagan was startled, he did not expect Stella to call him in such a manner, he just kept quiet and he sat back down in his seat.

"Now, my stance will never change!" said Stella with all seriousness.

"No one, absolutely no one will dare lay their finger on Annie, you will not kill her, not as long as I remain the Chancellor, and that is going to be for a very long time" said Stella.

"Have you all no heart??" asked Stella as she looked disappointed.

"She is somebody's daughter" said Stella.

"Somebody's sister, somebody's friend, and somebody's granddaughter" said Stella with passion.

"You cannot just kill her, like we are some barbarians" said Stella.

"We all have family here" said Stella.

"Professor Reagan, I know that you love your daughter, and you would not want anything bad to happen to her, and that is the same people some care for Annie" said Stella as she turned to look at Professor Reagan.

"This is exactly what we are all talking about" said Professor Reagan as he spoke up.

"You, Professor Sapiens and Professor Captious, obviously are involved with the girl, and you feel some affection for her, which is clouding your judgement and not allowing you to see the truth which is right in front of you" said Professor Reagan.

"Excuse me" said Stella as she saw Sapiens look at her from her corner of her eye, she could see that he had an expression that read 'Please sit down Stella, so she sighed and she sat back down in her seat.

"Yes, I am speaking the truth" said Professor Reagan.

"You all are obviously biased towards the girl, and hence why you refuse that she be killed now that it would be easier to do so" said Professor Reagen.

"We are talking about a witch here, just like me and you, she is of our kind" said Stella as she could not believe what she was hearing right now, they were all so heartless.

"Not to us she isn't" said Professor Reagan as he scoffed.

"But this is nothing but nonsense!" said Stella.

"Stella that is enough" said Sapiens as he finally spoke up.

"We are all civilized witches here" said Sapiens as he was just observing all this while.

"*Tisk*" said Professor Reagan as he scoffed.

"We all know here that I have no affection for the Grey girl at all" said Sapiens.

"I was once like you all" said Sapiens.

"But I have changed, and I agree with Stella" said Sapiens.

"And not because I have a relationship with the girl, no far from it" said Sapiens as everyone listened to him.

"But because this is unethical as witches, to do such injustice against an innocent girl" said Sapiens.

"Oh do not start Sapiens" said Professor Reagan.

"In the Witches Act, of the year Elohiam in the Witch Calendar," said Professor Sapiens.

"It clearly states that no witch, should be unjustly killed, when they are proven innocent of doing nothing at all that would warrant them to be killed" said Sapiens.

"That does not apply here Professor Sapiens" said Professor Reagan as he looked very angry.

"Oh It does, of course it does" said Professor Sapiens.

"Annie is still a minor under Witch Law, she is yet to reach maturity, which means that laying a single finger on her, it would be punishable by law" said Sapiens as he looked very serious.

"That is preposterous!!" said Professor Reagan as he stood up in anger, they were all the same, defending that girl.

"And you are preposterous!!" said Stella as she also stood up.

"She is a blemish to our great realm!" said Professor Reagan in anger.

"Oh please do not give me that nonsense Professor Reagan!!" said Stella angrily.

"The Vampire Realm have the rogues" said Stella.

"The werewolves are so secretive that we do not know what they have" said Stella.

"And we have Azazel, and not Annie" said Stella.

"Who cares about the other realms, I am only concerned of securing our own realm" said Professor Reagan coldly.

"As long as that girl is alive, our entire realm would be at detriment!" said Professor Reagan with all seriousness, and grimness as Stella sighed and she sat back down in her seat.