
"Master, I am worried, Annie, Maddie, Ollie and Curtis are yet to return, I cannot help but feel that something bad happened to them" said Alina as she was pacing up and down as Ivor watched her.

"Master, what if Queen Lilith did something to them? Or worse. What if she refuses to let Matt go? And then she captured Annie and the others as well? That would just be horrible master, and it would all be my fault, if only I had not allowed them to go to the waterfall with me, all this would not have happened" said Alina as she sighed, she could not help but feel guilty that Matt got captured by Lilith just because they had all wanted to help her.

Ivor closed the book that he was reading as he knew that Alina was feeling guilt right now, even though none of this was her fault at all, she could not have altered what was already meant to happen.

"Alina relax, and stop worrying so much" said Ivor as he closed the book that he was reading and he stood up to walk over to where Alina was standing.

"It's been three days, I will go out and look for them now" said Ivor as Alina looked at him.

"Then I will go with you master, I want to go with you" said Alina as Ivor shook his head.

"No Alina, it is too dangerous, it is better that you stay here, I will be able to rest easier that way" said Ivor.

"But Master, I want to go with you, I am worried for Annie and the others, and especially Matt, I do not trust Queen Lilith at all, what if she poisoned Matt, or worse?" asked Alina.

"Alina, I doubt that she would do any of that, you have a very vivid imagination" said Ivor as he shook his head and he walked to get his cloak.

"Master, I still want to come with you" said Alina as she looked at Ivor.

"What for Alina? Just stay here" said Ivor as he looked at Alina.

"Master, I want to go with you, I won't be at rest if I don't go with you" said Alina.

"Alina, stay here, dear, okay? I will not be able to concentrate if you come with me, it's safer here, so stay back okay?" asked Ivor.

"Okay…" said Alina reluctantly as she did not want to stay at all, but she knew better than to argue with Ivor, she knew that he was right.

"Good, thank you Alina, now, let me go get ready" said Ivor as he smiled and he walked out of the room as Alina sighed, she really wanted to go with him, she was so very worried about Matt, Ollie, Annie, Curtis and Maddie.

"You know what, this is truly so fun, no wonder Elvis likes flying so much" said Lilith as she giggled and she patted Elvis's head, she did not remember the last time that she had ridden on him, maybe back when she was still very little.

"This girl is crazy" said Maddie as she shook her head and she looked at Matt who just laughed.

Maddie sighed, this made no sense at all, they were currently flying on a giant eagle right now, with a crazy girl, but well she guessed that by now she should have known that everything was possible here, this was just how their lives were full of weird, weird things.

"Elvis boy can you land right there?" asked Lilith as she looked at Elvis and she pointed down and Elvis cawed as if replying to her as he slowly began to move down little by little until they landed.

"Wohooo, that was fun, we should do that again" said Lilith as she jumped down from Elvis to the ground.

"Yeah right, preferably without you kidnapping any one of us next time" said Maddie as she scoffed.

"Maddie, be nice" said Annie as Maddie scoffed, of course, and now, the sweet, nice Annie was back, and she was being reprimanded yet again, what a life this was.

"It's alright Annie, and Maddie, yes, next time, I won't kidnap any of us, I know better than that now" said Lilith as she smiled happily.

"I think we should go now, Ivor and Lilith should be worried sick about us" said Curtis as he walked ahead, Elvis had landed in a meadow not too far from Ivor's house.

"Oh, yes yes, let's go and meet them, they seem like very nice people from what I have watched" said Lilith as she smiled.

"Watched?" asked Annie in confusion.

"I will explain later" said Matt as he looked at Annie and she nodded as they all followed after Curtis.

"Be good Alina, I will return soon" said Ivor as he walked out the front door as Alina followed after him.

"Alright Master, be safe, and please find Annie and the others" said Alina as she sighed and Ivor hoped that he would.

"I will Alina, don't worry, hmm" said Ivor as he smiled and he patted Alina on her head as she nodded as Ivor smiled and he started to walk away.

Alina decided to go out to the stables to do some chores as she removed her cloak and she walked out to the stables.

"Alina" called Annie as she smiled and Alina looked up as she turned to the left in a mix of confusion and surprise, wondering if she was hearing things.

"Alina" called Annie once again as she smiled and Alina turned to look at her as she dropped a bowl in surprise.

"Annie??" asked Alina in surprise as she saw Annie and the others.

"Annie!" said Alina as she knew that she was not seeing things at all as he ran quickly to Annie.

"Annie, you are okay" said Alina as she hugged her.

"Oh Annie, you are here" said Alina as Annie smiled and she nodded.

"Maddie, Curtis, Ollie" said Alina as she smiled.

"*Gasp*, Matt, you are here, and you are okay" said Alina as she saw Matt as gasped as she looked at him and Matt smiled at her.

"Yes I am alright Alina" said Matt as he smiled.

"Oh, I was so worried about you Matt, so very worried" said Alina as Matt just smiled at her.

"Wait, if you guys are here then…" said Alina as she was cut off.

"Hello Alina, I have heard a lot about you" said Lilith as she smiled, she did not like the fact that she was yet to be noticed.

Alina gasped as she looked at Lilith, she was not stupid at all, even though she had never seen Lilith before, she knew who she was.

"Wait, wait, my master went out to go look for you guys since we were worried, let me go find him, wait right here, do not move at all" said Alina as she did not wait for them to reply at all as she ran as fast as she could to catch up with Ivor.

"Wow, looks like someone missed us" said Lilith as Maddie looked at her, contemplating whether she should have hit her or not.

"Wow, gee, I wonder whose fault that is?" asked Maddie in sarcasm as she looked at Lilith in particular.

"Guilty as charged" said Lilith as she laughed sheepishly and Maddie scoffed as Matt just shook his head.

"I do think that it's nice for Ivor to go and look for us though" said Ollie as he smiled.

"I do think so as well, seems that we have good timing, or else Ivor would have been long gone" said Annie as she agreed with Ollie.

"Wait, is Ivor the big, scary, always serious looking man?" asked Lilith.

"Well yes, although, he's not scary, he is serious, but he is actually very nice once you get to know him" said Matt as he looked at Lilith and he explained.

"Ahh, I see" said Lilith as she nodded her head.

"Master, Master!!" called Alina as she ran as fast as she could as Ivor heard her voice and he turned around.

"Alina, what's wrong?" asked Ivor as Alin caught up to him and she panted as she caught her breath.

"Master I… I…" said Alina as she panted.

"Take a deep breath Alina, and tell me what's wrong" said Ivor as Alina did as she was told and she caught her breath.

"Master, Annie… and the others, they are here, with Queen Lilith as well" said Alina as she panted.

"They are?" asked Ivor in surprise.

"Yes Master, come, they are back at the house, I left them there, you don't have to go and look for them anymore" said Alina.

"Alright then, let's go Alina" said Ivor as he turned around and he began to walk in the opposite direction that Alina came from as she followed after him in relief.