Good timing

"Are we just actually going to stay right here till Alina comes back?" asked Lilith as she looked at Matt, and Maddie wondered how someone could be worse than Ollie, Lilith was way worse than Ollie, already acting as if she was part of them, if not for the fact that Matt seemed to like her or something.

"Lilith, what did we say about being nice and thoughtful? People won't like you if you aren't considerate to other people's feelings" said Matt as Ollie wondered why it sounded like Matt was Lilith father, and she was a little child who needed training.

"Really?" asked Lilith as Matt nodded his head.

"Okay, then I won't be inconsiderate then, but how do I do that?" asked Lilith as she blinked her big baby blue eyes, she was so confused, she had never had to be considerate towards anyone before, it was usually only herself that she had tot think about, but now that she was with other people, she had to act differently, nicer? Somehow.

"Well you…" said Matt as he sighed, he felt like he was teaching Lilith how to live, how to communicate with people, it was rather tiring.

"Well Lilith you can be considerate by caring of what others think about you, watching their facial expressions to see their emotions, things like that" said Annie as she chipped in as she saw that Matt looked rather tired, and Lilith turned to look at her.

"Ohhh, I see now, thank you Annie" said Lilith as she looked at Annie and she smiled and Annie smiled at her as Matt mouthed the words thank you, taking care of Lilith was really a full time job, she was such a handful.

"Oh you guys" said Alina as she panted as she ran back towards them as Ivor was walking steadily behind her.

"You guys have such good timing, I don't want to imagine what we would have done if I didn't see you and my Master was already gone" said Alina as she smiled.

"I can imagine" said Maddie as she laughed.

"I am glad to see that you are all well" said Ivor as he smiled and he walked to them.

"Yes, we are, and we heard that you were going to look for us?" asked Curtis.

"Well yes, Alina and I were worried, so I decided to go out and look for you" said Ivor as Curtis nodded.

"Queen Lilith, it is a surprise to see you here" said Ivor as he looked at Lilith, he knew that she never came down from the mountain, she lived up there alone, so he was actually surprised to see her down here.

"Hello" said Lilith as she smiled at him and she waved.

"How about we all go inside?" asked Ivor.

"You don't have to tell me twice, I am tired" said Maddie as she walked ahead of everyone else and Ollie chuckled as they all followed after her.

"Thank you" said Lilith with a smile as Alina handed her a cup of tea as Alina just forced a smile and she sat back down as she looked at Ivor, sorry to say, but she did not trust Lilith at all, she did not like her, after all, she kidnapped Matt.

"So Queen Lilith, what brings you here?" asked Ivor as he looked at Lilith.

"You never come down from the mountain" said Ivor as he sipped his tea.

"Oh you can just call me Lilith… and also, I am here to apologize" said Lilith as she looked at Ivor.

"I apologize to Matt and everyone else… it was wrong for me to capture him like that and hold him against his will, it was horrible, and I am very sorry, I didn't mean to be insensitive" said Lilith as she looked down and Matt smiled at her.

"Well it is alright, these things do happen" said Ivor as Maddie scoffed internally, she was not going to forget the fact that they almost died just because they were trying to save Matt from Lilith.

"You forgive me?" asked Lilith as she looked at Ivor in surprise.

"Well yes, there is nothing to be angry about" said Ivor as Lilith smiled, Matt was right, they were all so nice.

"And what about you Alina, do you forgive me?" asked Lilith as she looked at Alina and everyone looked at her.

"Although I do no agree with your methods, I understand that you were lonely up there, and I have no right to be angry at you for something you did without knowing that it was wrong, so I forgive you as well, I just hope that you will never do it again" said Alina.

"Oh you do not have to worry about that Alina, I will never do it again, if I want something I will ask for it, that's what Matt said" said Lilith as she looked at Matt and he smiled at her.

"Thank you for inviting me into your home, and for the tea, it's really sweet" said Lilith as she smiled and Ivor just smiled at her.

"But I have a question though, how do you know my name Ivor?" asked Lilith as she looked at Ivor, she had never met him personally, or at least that was what she thought.

"Well when I was younger, I used to go up to your mountain and gather some herbs, I met your nanny a few times" said Ivor.

"My nanny never said anything about that" said Lilith as she was wondering.

"Well yes, your nanny did not like me coming over there, I think she disliked it when people from the colony tried to go up there" said Ivor.

"Weird… I always thought that you guys didn't come up there because you didn't like me" said Lilith.

"No, not at all Lilith, we were not allowed to, your nanny made it very clear" said Ivor.

"But I don't understand why she would do that… I always asked her about the colony, and she did not tell me anything at all, she always went silent, so I assumed that you all chased us away to live in the mountains" said Lilith.

"No Lilith, we never, you should know that you are always welcome down here, you are still one of us after all" said Ivor as he smiled.

"Thank you Ivor" said Lilith as she smiled, Ivor was actually a very nice person.

"What sort of conspiracy Is going on here?" asked Maddie to herself as she looked at Ivor who was smiling, she could not help but feel like that Lilith's nanny was a rather shady character.

"You only mentioned your Nanny, what about your parents?" asked Maddie in curiosity.

"Oh well they died when I was very little, so my nanny took care of me, and she raised me, until she died as well, then I was left all alone" said Lilith as now that made sense to Maddie why she seemed to out of touch with reality.

"Ahh I see" said Maddie as she sipped her tea.

"Yes… well… I should get going now… Elvis should be worriedly waiting for me" said Lilith as she stood up.

"You are leaving?" asked Annie as Lilith nodded even though she did not want to leave at all, honestly, she did not want to go back to living all alone in her cave, lonely, and sad.

"Yes, it's going to get late soon and well I… I have to go" said Lilith.

"Good riddance" said Maddie internally as Matt looked at her as if he could tell what was she thinking about, but she just ignored him and she smiled.

"Oh but you don't have to go" said Alina as she felt sorry for Lilith.

"I don't?" asked Lilith in surprise as she looked at Alina and then at Ivor.

"Yes, you don't, if you want to, you can stay here, or if you don't want to, you can go back, it all matters on you" said Ivor as he smiled.

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, I am going to stay here, being up there alone is boring, thank you Ivor" said Lilith as she smiled and Ivor smiled at her.

"It's going to be nice to have another person here for a change" said Alina as she smiled and Lilith laughed.

"Oh I promise you that I won't be a burden at all, I will help around, and clean, and cook" said Lilith as Matt shook his head at the cooking part, she was a danger to herself in the kitchen, especially with knives.

"You don't need to do that Lilith, it's just fine if you do nothing, you are a guest here after all" said Ivor.

"No, I want to do it, please let me" said Lilith as she pleaded with Ivor with her big baby blue eyes as Matt laughed.

"Alright then" said Ivor as he smiled.

"Well let me go and make breakfast now" said Alina as she smiled and she stood up.

"Let me help you" said Maddie as she smiled.

"Okay, let's go" said Alina as she smiled and Maddie followed after her.