Show off

"Oh this Is so wonderful, so very wonderful" said Maddie as she smiled happily as they walked through the forest.

"Are you saying that because we are finally leaving, or because of the sword?" asked Ollie as he looked at Maddie.

"Can't it be both?" asked Maddie as she looked at him and she smiled.

"You see, I am happy that we are finally leaving, so my beloved Annie can finally get her powers back, and we can get off his mountain once and for all, and I am also happy because now you are no longer the cool one among us, we all have the same swords hehe" said Maddie as Matt, Curtis and Annie all shook their heads.

"Wow I didn't know that you were jealous of me Maddie" said Ollie as he laughed.

"Not a chance Blondie, but now we are all equals, as it should be" said Maddie as she laughed and they all continued to walk.

"Okay, firstly, your sword is light, since it is a beginner sword, it is obviously made out of steel and not iron, and hence why it looks like that, not very shiny" said Ollie.

"But my sword, which was crafted and forged specially for me, using the melted down iron of my Grandfather's sword, engraved with my initials, and made out of nothing but pure filtered iron" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Show off" said Maddie as she scoffed and Ollie only smiled at her, she started it.

"Your sword isn't that great Blondie" said Maddie.

"Oh you are right, but the way that I use it is, but anyway, why do I argue with you, when it is probably too heavy for you to carry" said Ollie as he smiled.

"Don't test me Blondie, or else, you won't like what you get" said Maddie as she looked at him with a warning gaze and he only smiled at her, which made her feel even more annoyed.

"Those two are impossible together" said Matt as he sighed and he walked next to Annie.

"Tell me about it, I don't know which I like better, them being enemies, or them being somewhat friends, because either way they get at each other's necks, and even worse now than before" said Annie as she sighed and she shook her head as Matt laughed.

"I am glad that we are not like them" said Matt as he laughed.

"We can never be like them, and luckily for that" said Annie as she laughed.

"Hey what are you both talking about?" asked Maddie as Annie and Matt turned to look at her and they both laughed.

"You better not be talking about me" said Maddie.

"Oh we are, but you don't have to worry, it's only good things… mostly good things… you know I don't want to lie to you, but okay fine, some bad things" said Matt as he laughed.

"Oh Matt, very funny now, I should use my sword against you, but then again, I don't think that vampires have regeneration" said Maddie as she laughed.

"They don't" said Matt.

"And you really are dangerous with that sword" said Matt.

"Whatever" said Maddie as she scoffed.

"Curtis, you have been awfully quiet, what are you thinking about?" asked Maddie as Curtis kept on walking.

"Nothing much" said Curtis as he replied.

"Well okay then, whatever you say" said Maddie as she did not mind how Curtis replied her, she knew by how he always spoke, instead she kept on looking at her new sword.

"Yes I need something from you, and no they are not coming back" said Griselda as she walked to the training ground and Katarina turned to look at her.

"Why do you always like coming when you are not expected" said Katarina as she did not even look surprised at this point, Griselda had the habit of showing up unexpectedly.

"Have you never heard of the element of surprise?" asked Griselda.

"No, I have heard of the element of stalking, how long have you been watching me?" asked Katarina.

"Not long at all, I just came here" said Griselda as she smiled.

"You said something about them not coming back, you do know that it is rude to snoop around people's lives" said Katarina.

"The difference with me is that it is not by choice, I just see things, anyway, can I borrow some sugar?" asked Griselda as she smiled.

"Today it's sugar, tomorrow it's salt, the day after that it's flour" said Katarina as she sighed.

"Don't act like you don't like my company dear" said Griselda as she smiled and Katarina laughed as she shook her head.

"I have sugar, come on let me get it for you" said Katarina as she walked in the direction of her house and Griselda smiled.

"Now that's better" said Griselda as she smiled and Katarina shook her head.

"Maddie, you are not even helping out like you usually do" said Matt as he was making a fire as it was about to get dark, and he looked at Maddie who was playing with her sword and moving it around with its sheath as she smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be there in a minute" said Maddie as she did not even look at him.

"You said that twenty minutes ago" said Matt as he scoffed and he shook his head as Annie laughed and she helped him gather the sticks together.

"Leave her be, it's not every time that Maddie get's something that she loves a lot" said Annie as she looked at Matt and she laughed.

"But she is acting like a child" said Matt.

"Oh give her a break Matt, she always does things for us, let her do her own things for once" said Annie.

"I guess that you are right" said Matt as Ollie walked to them with more sticks.

"I mean who knew that Maddie could be so childish?" asked Ollie as he laughed and Annie laughed.

"I would be scared of her accidentally hitting something or someone if not for the fact that her sword is still in its sheath" said Matt as he shook his head.

"She's a sword maniac at this point" said Ollie as he laughed.

"She might as well give her sword a name at this point" said Ollie as he laughed and Maddie walked closer to him.

"I heard that blondie" said Maddie with a smile as her voice was barely a whisper as Ollie felt a hiver run down his spine.

"Just know, that I will let it slide, but the next time you try to insult me, my sword will not be for enemies but for you" said Maddie as she smiled sweetly at him as Ollie looked at her, he knew that her smile was anything but sweet.

"Anyway, yeah, yeah, I am here now, I know that you all missed me" said Maddie as Annie laughed and Matt shook his head.

"You will never change now will you Maddie?" asked Matt as he laughed.

"Of course I will never change, because there is no need for me to change at all, I am more than perfect the way that I am, in fact, some of you want to be like me" said Maddie very proudly.

"Narcissist" said Ollie as he scoffed under his breath.

"I heard that blondie" said Maddie as she smiled and Matt just ignored Maddie's remarks as he rubbed two sticks together on top of some dry leaves as fast as he could as he started the fire.

"And that's why it's good to have you around Matt, our nice half vampire friend" said Maddie as she smiled.

"You say it as if I wasn't a half vampire we wouldn't be friends" said Matt.

"No, no of course you know it's not like that at all Matt, might I remind you that we were friends long before I knew that you were half vampire, half witch, this just comes as a bonus of the friendship package" said Maddie as she laughed and Annie laughed.

"Maddie, sometimes I can't with you" said Matt as he laughed.

"That's because you don't have to" said Maddie as she smiled and Matt shook his head.

"Anyway, now that we have a fire, we need to boil some water, and also, is it only me or is it getting cold?" asked Maddie as she shivered.

"You should put on a sweater before you get a cold" said Matt.

"I will do so dear Matt" said Maddie as she smiled and Curtis threw her a bottle of water.

"Thank you Curtis" said Maddie as she smiled, she was really in a good mood today.

"Alright, let me make dinner for us" said Maddie as she smiled.

"I will help you" said Annie with a smile as Maddie smiled at her, she didn't mind the extra help.

"You go away blondie, I don't want my food to be contaminated by you looking at it" said Maddie as she looked at Ollie.

"Oh ha, ha, very funny Maddie" said Ollie as he scoffed and he walked to where Curtis was.