Little longer

Annie sighed as she looked up into the sky, she was in her sleeping bag and she was sure that the rest were already fast asleep.

The fire had been put out, and the sky was filled with many stars, as Annie was deep in her own thoughts.

"What makes you sigh Annie?" asked Matt as he whispered and Annie looked at him as he was right across her, she should have known that he would not be sleeping.

"I don't know many things" said Annie as she looked at him and she smiled.

"You want to talk about it or?" asked Matt as Annie nodded her head and he moved closer to her.

"You know, I don't think that any one of us have asked you what you feel about this, I mean we are almost there" said Matt as he smiled.

"Would it be bad for me to say that somehow, a part of me doesn't want to get there already" said Annie as she looked at him.

"I want the journey to be a little longer" said Annie as she sighed.

"Why?" asked Matt.

"I don't know, probably because of uncertainty, I mean, sure, I will get my powers back, and then what? We are going to go back to the witch realm, and then start the whole cycle all over again, because Azazel isn't dead, and I have to defeat him" said Annie.

"You are afraid of everyone's expectations on you, aren't you?" asked Matt as Annie nodded.

"Well don't be Annie, because you are not alone" said Matt.

"You have Curtis, Maddie, me and Ollie, and you know that we always have your back" said Matt.

"I know" said Annie.

"But it's just that I have been used to living without my powers for so long, it would be so weird to get them back again, I don't think that I will get used to it" said Annie.

"You will Annie" said Matt as he smiled.

"And about Azazel, last time, he caught us off guard, but this time he won't, I promise you, I am sure that Aunt Stella will not let what happened last time repeat itself again" said Matt as he smiled.

"Are you very sure about that?" asked Annie as she smiled.

"Absolutely" said Matt as he smiled and Annie smiled at him.

"Believe in yourself Annie, because you can do more than you think you can't" said Matt as Annie smiled.

"Thank you Matt, you always know what to say to make me feel better" said Annie as she smiled.

"That's what friends are for" said Matt as he smiled.

"Thank you" said Annie as she smiled.

"You are welcome" said Matt as he smiled.

"Now, you need to get some rest, we have to walk again tomorrow" said Matt as he smiled and Annie nodded.

"Goodnight Matt" said Annie as she smiled.

"Goodnight Annie" said Matt with a smile.

"No, I can't take this, it's so cold" said Maddie as she shivered and she held her sweater close to herself.

"Well what do you expect Maddie? The higher we go, the colder it Is" said Ollie.

"This is too much cold" said Maddie.

"Annie do are you warm?" asked Maddie as she looked at Annie as Matt helped her up a steep path.

"I am fine" said Annie as she looked at Maddie and she smiled, she had a sweater on so she did not feel cold at all, besides, she wanted to go on with this.

"Oh thank goodness, I am even sure that it will snow soon with the way it's so cold" said Maddie as Matt helped her up.

"I think so as well, but I mean, it will be good if it doesn't snow, I don't have many sweaters" said Annie as she looked at Maddie and she laughed as Maddie laughed.

"Neither do I" said Maddie as she laughed as Curtis walked ahead of them as Matt and Ollie followed behind them.

"You know what, I think that we are almost there, because I will die if it ends up getting any colder than it is right now" said Maddie as Annie laughed and they both stopped when they realized that the ground broke off from underneath them.

"Oh my… that was close" said Maddie as she and Annie moved back.

"Very close" said Annie as she looked down.

"Wait, is that a meadow down there?" asked Annie as she rubbed her eyes, she was not sure if she was seeing right or not.

"It is a meadow" said Maddie in surprise as she looked down and there was a green lush meadow with many bright flowers.

"Curtis" called Annie as Curtis walked closer to her.

"I don't know about there being a meadow here" said Curtis.

"And a very thriving one for that matter" said Ollie as he and Matt looked down.

"Well it would seem that the only way to go now is down" said Matt.

"That looks like a nice place to slide down from" said Ollie as he smiled and he pointed down to a smooth rock that looked like some kind of ledge that led from where they were on top down to the meadow.

"Come on guys" said Ollie as he wasted no time at all.

"Wait Ollie we didn't…" said Annie as it was too late Ollie had sat on the rock and he slide down as he landed on the grass as Maddie looked down.

"Come on, I'm alive aren't I?" asked Ollie as he smiled and he looked up at them.

"He does have a point" said Annie as she walked to the rock and she sat down on it as she slide down as well and she landed on the grass as Ollie helped her up, and Maddie did the same as she shot him a glare that read don't you dare help me.

"I wasn't going to" replied Ollie as he smiled and Curtis slide down as Matt decided to jump down.

"Show off" said Maddie as she looked at Matt and he just laughed at her as Annie admired the beautiful flowers around them, they were all so pretty, who knew that after walking for two days they would find somewhere as beautiful as this in somewhere that looked very dry, cold and deserted.

"This place looks so beautiful" said Annie as she smiled.

"I know Annie, but we cannot waste any more time, we should continue on" said Curtis.

"Wait a minute" said Maddie as she quickly searched through her backpack and she brought out her phone.

"Wait, you still have your phone?" asked Annie in surprise.

"Of course I do, I just don't use it since I want to save the battery life" said Maddie as she laughed.

"Anyway, I am going to take a picture of this beautiful meadow" said Maddie as she smiled and she turned her phone sideways as she took a picture of the beautiful meadow.

"There" said Maddie as she smiled.

"You really are something else Maddie" said Annie as she laughed.

"Say cheese" said Maddie as she took a picture of Maddie as she caught her off guard, and she took one of Matt, Curtis and even Ollie which left them all surprised.

"Why are you taking pictures?" asked Ollie in nothing but confusion, Maddie confused him so much, every single time, she was unpredictable.

"To savour the moment, these are good memories" said Maddie as she smiled and she put her phone back in her backpack.

"And don't you dare say anything Blondie" said Maddie as she looked at Ollie.

"I wasn't going to say anything" said Ollie as he shook his head.

"Mhmm right…" said Maddie as she scoffed.

"Can we go now?" asked Curtis as he looked at Maddie.

"Gosh Curtis, relax, yes, let's go" said Maddie as she sighed and she shook her head and she put her backpack behind her.

"Come on now, let's go" said Maddie as she walked ahead of them and Curtis shook his head and they all followed after her through the beautiful meadow.

"I mean, I would believe it if there are animals here, but I don't see anything" said Maddie as she looked down without paying attention to where she was going that she did not notice that she was going to hit a dead end rocky wall as Matt held her back.

"Maddie, you weren't paying attention to were you are going" said Matt as Maddie looked up and she saw the wall.

"Oh… sorry, thank you Matt" said Maddie as she looked at him and Annie looked up.

"I guess that we have to get up there" said Annie.

"Looks so" said Ollie as he looked up and he touched the rocky wall, it was too rough for them to even try to climb on.

"Matty, you are up" said Maddie as she looked at Matt and she smiled at him.