Disobey me

Maddie was cursing silently in her mind; just what sort of problem was this? Why did he have to show up just now.

She was sure that with Ollie talking about him, he was calling for it, and now he had summoned him.

Even though Maddie had not turned back to really determine if Azazel was truly there or not, she was sure of one thing, his voice.

"Turn around and look at me Maddison" said Azazel in a cold commanding tone as Maddie shivered, that voice of his could make her melt.

She remembered how he used to torture her emotionally, all her tears, she just hated him so much, she wanted nothing to do with him, and yet here he was.

"No!" said Maddie in a determined tone, this was the first time that she had ever raised her voice at him face to face, more like back to face, but she didn't care, no meant no.

"I said turn and look at me Maddison" said Azazel as he narrowed his eyes as Maddie as she was busy thinking of a way to get out of this, she needed to call for help, but without letting Azazel know so the others could come and catch him.

But Maddie was not stupid, she knew that if Azazel was here, he was assured that they will not be able to do anything to him, which either meant that the library was completely sealed from the outside, or Azazel did something else that she was not sure of.

"I said no!" said Maddie.

"What the heck are you even doing here?" asked Maddie as she needed to find time to stall till the others got here, she had tried contacting Annie, but she couldn't it was like everything was blocked.

"How did you even get in here?" asked Maddie as Azazel chuckled coldly.

"is that even a question Maddison?" asked Azazel as Maddie looked around, she didn't know how he even got in here without the alarms tripping of, or everyone being alerted.

"Yes it is a question Azazel" replied Maddie as she was trying her best to think of a way to get out of this.

"Enough of this" said Azazel.

"You will turn and face me right this instant!" said Azazel in an angry tone.

"And I said no, can't you get it into your head that I said no??!" asked Maddie in an equally angry tone as before she knew it in the next moment she felt herself being lifted from the ground as her back was thrown on one of the bookshelves as the books fell down and Azazel appeared in front of her as she gasped in fear as he held her chin up to face him.

"I asked you nicely and you still disobey me" said Azazel angrily as his eyes focused on Maddie's eyes, there was just something so familiar about her eyes, she definitely did not have his cold blue eyes, hers were lighter and filled with something else, he was now starting to wonder if she was truly his daughter, his son had his same colour of eyes, but she did not.

"You do not deserve to be obeyed" replied Maddie as she struggled but she felt like she was pinned down against the bookcase as she tried to look away from Azazel but her head was pinned to face him.

"That is what you think" said Azazel as he chuckled and his eyes focused on Maddie's as she tried to close her eyes shut but an invisible force was prying them open, her eyes started to water as they turned red and Maddie knew what he was trying to do.

Azazel focused on Maddie's eyes as his own eyes started to get darker as his pupils dilated and Maddie's pupils contracted.

"You won't succeed in entering my mind, I learnt from the last time you controlled me, try all you want, you are not getting in here" said Maddie with a smile as Azazel looked at her.

"Leave me alone and just go, get out of here, heck, you are not even supposed to be here in the first place" said Maddie as she knew trying to fight him would be useless, he did not even have to move a finger to pin her down, she was at his mercy, but she was not going to let him know that she was scared.

"Watch your language, that is no way to talk to your father" said Azazel.

"You are not my father!" said Maddie as she refuted him in anger.

"I am your father, I named you, you have my blood in your veins, I gave you life, without me, you would never exist" said Azazel.

"You didn't give me life, my mother did, I have your blood in my veins, unfortunately I do, you named me, well I will change my name just because of that" said Maddie in anger as Azazel chuckled and he moved back as Maddie lifted up in the air and was dropped on the ground.

"What an insolent, ungrateful brat you are, I gave you everything, and yet you betray me like this" said Azazel in anger.

"You gave me nothing, and don't pretend like you remember, that stupid woman Selene has done everything to wash your brain, which she was successful in, the both of you deserve each other, a wicked man, and an equally vile wicked woman" said Maddie.

"You will not speak to me that way, shut your mouth" said Azazel as Maddie felt her cheek burn as It turned red.

"Guys, I can't find her anywhere, I am starting to get worried, what if she went outside?" asked Annie in worry as she closed the door to the room as she was speaking to Matt and Ollie through a mind link.

"Same here, maybe she went outside" said Matt.

"Wait, wait, this is worrying, I am going to cast a searching spell" said Ollie.

"But it will trigger the alarm" said Annie.

"It doesn't matter, I will explain to the Chancellor, but for now, I don't like what I'm feeling, we need to find Maddie right now" said Ollie as Annie and Matt agreed.

"The library, there is some strange activity going on in the library, I can feel it" said Ollie as he closed his eyes.

"Strange how?" asked Matt.

"There is an unusual surge of power coming from in there, we can't waste time, meet me at the library" said Ollie in urgency.

"Alright" replied Matt and Annie with the same tone of urgency.

"I can speak to you however I want!, I am not scared of you, and if you think for one second that you can terrorize me the way you did in the past, then you are wrong" said Maddie as she stood up.

"You went to go and join yourself to my enemies, what sort of daughter does that to her own father?" asked Azazel as Maddie scoffed.

"You were never a father to me, never, you are just a power hungry man who is bent on getting what he wants by killing innocent people, and I am not going to support that, because you are wrong, you have killed so many people just because of your own selfish interests!" said Maddie.

"The world is already selfish, and my actions are justified" said Azazel.

"Oh don't you dare try to tell me that stupid sob story of yours, it justifies, nothing, nothing I tell you!" said Maddie as Azazel looked at her angrily and she was hit down to the ground again as she scoffed.

"Enough!" said Azazel as he was not going to take any of this nonsense anymore.

"What should I expect from you, you are of course a bastard, the daughter of a woman I cannot even remember, she is that unimportant, she must have just been a stupid woman who unfortunately gave birth to you" said Azazel.

"My mother was the only woman stupid enough to truly love you!!" said Maddie as she got up.

"She was stupid enough to care for you, to be loyal to you, and yet you treated her like trash" said Maddie as she scoffed.

"I am so happy that she doesn't know you, I am so happy that you can't remember your own wife, because you are a danger to everyone and everything, even yourself" said Maddie as at the mention of the word wife Azazel got a complex look in his eye.

"My mother, was the only one who didn't care about your power, or money, she just loved you, which was very stupid, because only a crazy woman would dare show love to a crazy man like you, and yet she did, because of her kind heart, even though you caused her suffering, you are nothing but a sad man whose only drive is kill, destroy and shed blood" said Maddie as everything went dark and as she opened her eyes Azazel as gotten hold of her neck as he lifted her up into the air and pressed her back against the wall.

"You really have a big mouth" said Azazel.

"I get it from you" replied Maddie with a scoff as Azazel tightened his grip on her neck.

"Let me get one thing straight, evil never wins, the wicked the prosper, the truth will always come out, and good will always, and I mean always win over evil" said Maddie with anger in her eyes, she was tired of everyone being scared of this man when he was only a man a witch just like everyone else.

"If you don't have the thought capacity to understand what I mean, let me translate" said Maddie.

"No matter what you do, no matter what you plan, you are going to pay for all the pain and suffering that you have caused, and Annie, well she's going to make sure to kick your butt once and for all" said Maddie as she laughed and Azazel's nails dug deeper into her skin as Maddie kissed from the pain.

"Any last words before I end you?" asked Azazel as he had had enough of this.

Maddie could feel him squeezing her neck as he was cutting off the air flow to her head, she started to feel light headed as she was choking.

"My only regret is that I was not the one who killed you myself" said Maddie in a choked tone as she casted a spell of poison as Azazel just chuckled.

"Child, no one can kill me, no one" replied Azazel as he squeezed her neck tighter and Maddie could feel herself blacking out, she did not even care if she died at this point, all she wanted was for justice to prevail and it would.

"Yo…u are wr…ong" said Maddie as she was about to lose consciousness when she heard the voice she least expected to hear banging loudly on the door outside.