Defeat me

"Maddie, Maddie are you in there?" asked Ollie as he banged on the door as he tried to open it, it was locked shut.

"Maddie!" called Ollie as he banged on the door even more as Annie and Matt finally arrived.

"What's going on?" asked Annie in a panic.

"Maddie is in there, I know she is, but she's not responding" said Ollie as he tried to push down the door.

"And the door is sealed, I can't get in" said Ollie.

"Wait, wait, move over" said Matt as he could see that both Ollie and Annie were panicked. Ollie moved over as Matt walked to the door and he used all his might to open the door as it didn't work.

"What in the…" said Matt as this did not make sense to him at all.

"I told you, it's sealed" said Ollie as Annie looked at him.

"So even I can't break through it?" asked Matt in disbelief as Ollie nodded and Matt started to kick down the door violently.

"Maddie!" called Matt as he continued kicking the door as he ran to the wall and ran to the door to forcefully open it.

"Maddie, are you in there?" asked Matt as he started to get out of breath.

"Stop it Matt, you are only going to tire yourself out" said Annie as Matt sighed.

"You see, Annie, Matt and that blondie are right outside that door, and they are probably with back up as well, there is no way that you are getting out of here" said Maddie with a smile as Azazel had loosened his grip on her neck as he looked at her and tightened it again.

"You think those little friends of yours will be able to defeat me?" asked Azazel with a scoff as Maddie tried to shout, but she felt as if her voice was ceased.

"They might not be able to, but Annie will" said Maddie as she chuckled.

"Oh you are so dead right now" said Maddie as she laughed, she didn't even care that she was being strangled at this point.

Azazel looked at Maddie, if anything she was insane, here he was strangling her, and she wasn't even batting an eye, she was convinced that he would be defeated.

Azazel dug his nails deeper into Maddie's neck as that was enough to stop her laughing as she cried out in pain.

"You really do have a big mouth Maddison" said Azazel.

"Guys, guys, you have to get in here, Azazel is here he's…" said Maddie as she shouted and Azazel tightened his grip as she started to choke.

"Maddie!!" called Matt, Annie and Ollie in a chorus as Ollie rushed to the door and he pounded on it even harder this could not be happening right now, under Stella's own roof that was packed with security.

"Ollie, Ollie, we need to call for help, we need to get Aunt Stella" said Annie as she had also tried a spell but the door didn't budge.

"I already did, they should be here soon" replied Ollie as he continued to try to push down the door as it still didn't work.

Ollie could not take this, Maddie was right behind this door in danger and they were all uselessly stuck here, he felt so guilty.

Azazel was faltering as he seemed to be thinking about something, he could hear that they were not relenting at all.

"Do it already and kill me" said Maddie in a choked voice as Azazel looked at her while pondering as he smiled.

"Not today Maddison, not today" said Azazel with a smile as in the same moment Ollie kicked down the door with all his might and force as the door fell down and he, Matt and Annie rushed In as they were all face to face with Azazel.

"Maddie!" called Annie in horror as she saw Maddie almost looking unconscious.

"Let her go now!" said Ollie as he was about to face Azazel as Matt held him back, this was Azazel they were dealing with, he was dangerous, if he could get in here without any alarms sounding, that just showed how dangerous he was.

"How cute, the little prince seems to have a liking for my daughter" said Azazel with a smile as Annie narrowed her eyes at Azazel as they turned purple and Azazel just chuckled as he raised his hand and Annie was stuck.

"Maddie is nothing like you!" said Ollie as Matt held onto him so he didn't do anything stupid, the three of them couldn't take him on their own.

"You are wrong, she has my blood flowing through her veins whether she likes it or not" said Azazel as he squeezed Maddie's neck and she started to gasp for air as Ollie pushed Matt away as Azazel laughed.

"You really don't like to mind your business Prince" said Azazel.

"And you as well" said Azazel as he looked at Matt and Annie struggled as heat was emanating from her as she focused on Azazel.

"You three children think that you can defeat me" said Azazel as he laughed.

"Annie cannot even move now" said Azazel with a chuckle.

"Let me just tell you one thing, you will never win" said Azazel as he looked at Maddie.

"We will see each other later, Maddison" said Azazel with a smile as in the same moment he suddenly disappeared as Maddie dropped to the ground and Annie struggled as she blasted a whole through the wall and shattered the window as her eyes returned back to normal as she rushed to Maddie.

"Maddie, Maddie, are you okay?" asked Annie as Maddie started to cough violently as she nodded and Annie patted her on the back.

"Maddie, I am so sorry" said Ollie as he walked to Maddie and his eyes caught the bleeding nail marks that were all over her neck.

"Shu *cough*, Shut up blondie, stop apologizing" said Maddie as she coughed.

"But I can't look at what that man did to you" said Ollie In anger as he punched the wall, this was just to much.

"Does it hurt?" asked Matt as he touched the marks on Maddie's neck as she shook her head.

"It stopped hurting a while ago" said Maddie as she started to feel better, her life flashed in front of her eyes literally.

Matt sighed in anger as he casted a healing spell and all the red bloody marks on her neck disappeared.

"How did he even get in here without the alarms going off?" asked Matt as Maddie coughed.

"I have no idea" said Maddie.

"I knew there was something wrong when the spell I casted on you was activated" said Ollie as Maddie narrowed her eyes on him, of course he casted a spell on her, he did not trust her.

"Not because I don't trust you, but for your own safety" said Ollie as he explained.

"Enough guys, stop talking about this, Maddie how do you feel?" asked Annie in worry as she looked at Maddie who had finally stopped coughing as she looked at her.

"Annie, you have to promise me that no matter what, you will kill that man" said Maddie as she touched her neck as Annie nodded.

"I mean really promise Annie, promise me that you won't rest till you kill him" said Maddie in all seriousness.

"I promise" said Annie as she nodded.

"Good" said Maddie as she stood up and Annie and Matt helped her off.

The rain outside had stopped as the ground was wet, and the sound of footsteps could be heard.

"Did you see her Azazel?" asked Hunter as Azazel walked to where he was standing under a tall tree.

"I did" said Azazel.

"She didn't come with you?" asked Hunter.

"She insulted me her own father, she really is a brat" said Azazel.

"Did you kill her?" asked Hunter.

"Not at all" replied Azazel.

"Why not?" asked Hunter in confusion.

"With that stubbornness of hers, she truly is my daughter" said Azazel.

"She openly refutes and disobeys me, if she was on my side, I would have a trusted heir" said Azazel.

"She is much better than that other one, who does not have a backbone" said Azazel.

"You know that she will never betray her friends right? She has come too far to do that at the last minute" said Hunter.

"It is never too late for a change" said Azazel with a smile.

"When I win, she will be more than accepted to be on the right side next to her father" said Azazel.

"Right…" said Hunter in sarcasm, he would wait for Azazel to realize how truly impossible that was, they were talking about a girl who rejected reconciliation with her own mother, how much more Azazel himself??

"Let's go, before those stupid witches find us" said Azazel as Hunter nodded and he snapped his fingers as they both disappeared from sight, not to be seen at all.