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"I don't get what you're playing at Maddie, that's not something to be boasting about." Ollie replied as he cleared his throat, he was not going to let Maddie make him uncomfortable in his own home, and own room.

"Of course an inexperienced blondie like you would think that." she smiled.

"Stop saying that, Maddie, what are you doing here anyway?" he asked as he stood up straight.

"Oh, consider this payback for you guys eating ice cream without me, so I am going to continue teasing your inexperienced little self." she said smiling.

"Don't blame me for you missing out on ice cream, you were the one who wanted to go to bed early, so there was no need for us to call you back." he said.

"No, no, I'm sure you did that in spite, you wanted to get back at me for the water thing, it doesn't matter." she said.

"Anyway, I want ice cream, and Annie said the only condition to get ice cream is I have to go on a walk with you guys, so I'm here to hurry you guys up, we're going on a walk." she said as if it was a command.

"Are we really going on a walk?" he asked sceptical.

"Yes we are, so get Matt out of the bathroom, why does it take him so long to poop or whatever?" she scoffed.

"Why are you so crude?" Ollie spluttered.

"Oh please, we all poop, it's a natural thing, just get him out of there and meet me and Annie outside, we are going on a walk before breakfast." she said as with that she disappeared.

Ollie shook his head, Maddie finally knowing how to convey was a serious problem, there was no longer anything as privacy.

"Was that Maddie?" Matt asked as he walked out of the bathroom drying his hair with a towel.

"Yep, it's Maddie." he replied.

"Let me guess, she finally got the hang of conveyance." he said as Ollie nodded.

"We're all doomed then, what did she want?" Matt chuckled.

"Yes, we are all truly doomed, anyway, she found out about the ice cream last night, so Annie said she can have some if she goes out on a walk with us." he said.

"And she agreed?" Matt asked surprised.

"Yes, she did, it surprised me as well, anyway, she's really serious about this, so get dressed quickly, I don't want any problems with her." Ollie said as Matt chuckled.

"You know, she knows that she can get any reaction she wants out of you, that's why she tries." Matt laughed.

"That's not true." Ollie said.

"Right... anyway, I'll get dressed." said Matt as he threw the towel he used to dry his hair into the bathroom.

"Dude." Ollie called.

"Yes, yes, I know, I'm sorry." Matt laughed as he waved his hand and the towel hung itself on the rack.

"That's better." Ollie said as Matt laughed and shook his head.


"Where are these two? They take longer than women to get ready!" Maddie said angrily as Annie laughed.

"You must really want that ice cream if you're really ready to go on this walk." Annie said.

"Just be quiet there, you're lucky I want to be nice, or else I won't put myself through all this nonsense." she said.

"Oh just relax, here they are." Annie said as Ollie and Matt walked out the front doors.

"Finally, what took you guys so long? It doesn't matter, let's get going." Maddie said as she started to walk ahead.

Annie, Ollie and Matt looked at each other surprised, this was definitely a strange way to see Maddie so willing to go on a walk.

"You know, I'm starting to like this nature loving side of you." Matt said as Maddie turned to look at him.

"Oh please, can you relax, I don't love nature like you nature boy." she replied as he laughed.

"Well you're walking ahead really quickly." Ollie said.

"That's because I want to get this silly walk over and done with." she replied.

"Do you even know where you are going?" he asked.

"I don't need to, my walk, my rules." she replied as she almost crashed into a tree.

"Be careful." Ollie said as he shook his head.

"I am careful." she replied.

"The way you almost crashed into that tree says otherwise." Matt said.

"Oh you all just be quiet and follow me!" she declared before going off the path and entering into the forest.

"Where exactly are we going now?" Annie asked almost worried, she was sure Maddie did not know where she was going.

"Just be quiet and follow me!" she replied as a huge colourful frog jumped right in front of her.

"Oooh, what a cute little frog." she said mesmerized as she almost picked it up.

"No!" Matt, Ollie and Annie said in a chorus as Annie moved her away from the frog.

"Hey!" Maddie said.

"That's a poisonous dart frog, if you touch it you'll be multicoloured for a week!" Matt said.

"And how do you know that?!" asked Maddie.

"You would know that by now if you had gone on walks with us before." said Annie.

"Geez, I get it." said Maddie as she laughed.

"You guys are being so serious for no reason." she giggled.

"Oh no, she probably stepped on a chortling caterpillar." Ollie said in worry.

"What the heck is a chortling caterpillar?!" she giggled.

"It's a caterpillar that when stepped on will release a gas that causes you to laugh uncontrollably." explained Ollie.

"Why didn't you tell me that before?!" she laughed.

"Well if you had gone out on a walk with us before you would have known." said Matt as she continued to laugh.

"This is ridiculous, I can't stop laughing, you all are the worst, you should have warmed me of how dangerous this forest is!" she laughed.

"It's not dangerous Maddie, the animals here are pretty harmless, you just were not careful enough." Ollie said.

"Oh well, the show must go on, at least I'm laughing not crying." she said as she ran ahead.

"Slow down Maddie, before you get sprayed by something again." Annie said as they ran after her.

"Nope, we must continue on!" she giggled.

"You do know that you're behaving really erratic right now?" Ollie asked as he appeared in front of her to stop her from running.

"I don't care, as long as I get ice cream, besides, you should be happy that I'm here with you guys." she said before she disappeared and appeared ahead.

"Maddie, you are really being more annoying than usual." Matt said.

"Well if I'm annoying you complain, if I'm mean you complain, I might as well remain myself." she giggled.

"Alright then, have you thought about what would happen if you stumble across yet another minutely harmful animal?" asked Annie.

"I thought you said this forest is not dangerous? If anything bad happens to me, I'll blame the blondie." she laughed.

"Of course, always blame me." he said laughing.

"Did you step on the chortling caterpillar as well?" she asked.

"Nope, I just expected you to say that." he laughed as she jumped on a log and ran across it.

She was behaving like a little child, Annie and Matt were worried that maybe she had stepped on another creature that had influenced her mood.

"This place is actually really beautiful, especially during the day." she said as she jumped up to hang on a branch of a tree and she swung on it.

"Look who's being the nature girl now?" Matt asked as he climbed on the tree easily.

"Show off." Annie said as Ollie laughed.

"I guess I'm nature girl and you're nature boy." she laughed.

"Well yeah, I'm sure that won't last, as long as the effects of the chortling caterpillar wear off, you'll be back to hating nature." he said.

"Maybe, maybe not, but you definitely can't catch me." she said dropping from the tree and she took off running.

"Okay, I am definitely worried about Maddie right now." Annie said.

"So am I, but I honestly think that she just wants to play." Ollie said as her giggles sounded more faint as she ran.

"Or maybe she inhaled another strange gas that makes her act like a child, either way, she's definitely not herself." Matt said.

"Everything is just so chaotic." said Annie as they walked.

"You guys are so far away." she laughed waving at them.

"We're not running." Ollie shouted back as Maddie sat down on the ground and dipped her hand in the clear brook.

She looked at her reflection in the clear brook.

"I look so pretty, really pretty." she giggled as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"No wonder people can't stand me, they are so jealous of how pretty I am." she laughed.

"Nope, that's not true, people can't stand you cause you're mean." Annie replied as she appeared in front of her.

"Now who's the one being mean?" Maddie giggled.

"You know what, I like this giggling side of you, it makes you look really cute." Annie laughed as she pinched her cheeks.