"Oh but there is a difference Annie, before it was hating me less, now it's liking me more." he smiled.
"Dude, have you been charmed or what?!" Matt asked in concern, even Annie looked worried, they never knew that Ollie sought for Maddie's approval so seriously. This was honestly worrying.
"No, of course not, but I wouldn't be surprised if my beauty did charm him unintentionally." Maddie said proudly as both Annie and Matt's faces contorted even Ollie himself frowned.
"The blondie gets it, there's a difference, actually, let me break it down for you." she smiled.
"It's basically like there's a hate meter and a like meter. My hate meter for the blondie used to be at a hundred percent, but it's slowly decreasing, I would say it's as seventy percent now." she said as Ollie frowned.
Just seventy percent? After everything, he thought that it would be fifty percent by now. Oh well, at least seventy was better than nothing.
"And before my like meter was at like zero percent, but now it's at ten." she smiled.
"Maddie, you are really just something else and not in a good way." said Annie shaking her head, this was the most ridiculous explanation she had heard about an absurd idea.
"Dude, she literally still hates you, ten percent is nothing, neither is seventy percent." Matt said hoping the veil on Ollie's face would be pulled away.
"It's still better than nothing." said Ollie as both Annie and Matt groaned as Maddie just giggled.
"I like this even more, today as been the best day." she smiled.
"I'm happy you say so." Ollie smiled.
"Yeah, yeah, anyway, I am exhausted, I am going to bed early, goodnight everyone, even you blondie." she smiled at him.
"Goodnight." Ollie smiled as she left the kitchen.
"Hello, earth to Ollie." Annie said waving her hand in front of Ollie's face, he had a dreamy smile on his face.
"Oh he's really been charmed, get a grip of yourself dude, Maddie will have you eating out of her hand if you continue like this." Matt said as he shook Ollie violently.
"Relax guys, can you just let me enjoy this for a while? This has to be the first time she has been nice to be consecutively in one day." he smiled.
"I'll be back to normal in a few minutes, just let me cherish the warm feeling I have knowing that Maddie doesn't completely hate me anymore." he said.
Matt sighed, he was happy for his friend truly, but he did not want Maddie to take advantage of Ollie's good nature.
"You are just too simple dude, too simple." he said shaking his head.
"Would you act the same way if it was either me or Annie instead of Maddie?" he asked.
"Yes, I would." he laughed.
"I know he would, and I like that he's simple, it gives him charm." said Annie as she smiled and Ollie looked at her.
"Why thank you Annie. I am just happy that in a few months I won't be hated by one of my friends." he said.
"Well, stay strong in those few months Ollie, but don't be so weak or else Maddie will take advantage of it. She can't help it, she's manipulative, it's just her nature." Annie warned.
"Oh you guys don't have to worry about that, I know how to handle myself with Maddie." he smiled.
"Anyway, who wants ice cream?" he asked.
"Shouldn't you have said that before Maddie went to bed? I mean, she's going to be upset when she finds out we had ice cream without her." said Matt.
"Now who's being considerate towards Maddie?" Ollie teased.
"Anyway, it skipped my mind, she won't mind, she did say she wants to go to bed early and if we disturb her she might be upset." he said.
"Besides, consider this payback for soaking us in water back there." he said menacingly.
"Ahh, now I like it when you're this way." Annie laughed delighted.
"See, I can be mean when I want to, I just don't chose to." he said.
"Noted, now let's have some ice cream!" said Matt as he laughed.
"I can't believe you guys had ice cream without me last night." Maddie said sounding hurt as Annie brushed her hair.
"Oh please, and I can't believe you would pour water on us for no reason at all." Annie replied.
"No, no correction, I had a reason, you guys were talking about me behind my back and I just had to do the right thing." said Maddie.
"That's not the right thing, you couldn't have at least blew us a gentle wind or confetti." she scoffed.
"Those two things didn't come to mind at the moment." she smiled as Annie shook her head.
"Oh but come on Annie, being wet is one thing, and having delicious desert is another." she said groaning.
"No fair, I wanted some ice cream too." she whined like a child who's favourite toy had been snatched away.
"Alright, maybe if you go on a walk with me and the guys tonight I might convince Ollie to let us have ice cream again." said Annie.
"Maybe or definitely?" Maddie asked.
"If you tag along you'll get ice cream." she said sighing, Clearly Maddie was only focused on the ice cream part.
"Got it, I'll tag along, where are those guys? They should be up by now so we can get going." she said enthusiastically.
"If I knew ice cream was the way to get you to go on a walk with us I would have thought of this sooner." Annie said.
"Meh, I don't even care what you think at this point." she said happily.
"I just want to have some ice cream." she said giggling.
"I'm going to look for those two, they should we awake by now so we can go on the walk already." she said impatiently.
"Right now? You want to miss breakfast?" Annie asked surprised.
"Breakfast is not important, ice cream is." and with that Maddie disappeared leaving Annie alone shaking her head.
She kind of wished that Maddie had not gotten a hang of conveying just yet, now there was no way Maddie was going to stay when they were having a conversation that involved scolding her.
Maddie giggled in delight as she appeared in the dining room. Ahh it felt so good to finally be able to go wherever she wanted whenever she wanted.
"Those two are not here." she scoffed as she looked around.
"I know where they are." she said as she disappeared once more.
Ollie was busy looking through some files while seated on his bed when suddenly Maddie appeared scaring him to death as he screamed.
"Gosh blondie, I thought your scream would sound more manly." she teased as he got up ignoring her first statement.
"What are you doing here Maddie?" he asked surprised.
"Looking for you two that's what, where's Matt?" she asked as she looked around.
"He's taking a shower, now, you're not supposed to be here." he said.
"Why? Because you don't like the idea of me being in your room since you're annoying?" she asked.
"No, because it's improper for a girl to just appear in a guy's room, for all you know I could have been naked when you conveyed here." he exclaimed.
"Oh please, I would gouge my eyes out if that happened." she said as her face contorted into a ghastly expression.
"Yes, I trust you would, which is why it's improper for girls to enter boys rooms without knocking first, even if you do knock, it's always best to meet outside to avoid misunderstandings from others." he explained.
Maddie rolled her eyes at the lecture, she didn't come here to be told the do's and don't between boys and girls.
"Tell me blondie, who exactly laid out all these rules for you?" she asked.
"My mother of course! Boys and girls should never be in the same room together all alone, some really nasty things might happen!" he declared confidently.
"Oh please blondie, nasty things like what?" she asked taking a step forward as he backed up.
"Oh don't pretend Maddie, you know what I mean." he replied.
"No blondie, I don't know, would you care to elaborate?" she said walking closer and closer.
"Don't you dare intimidate me Maddie, I know what you're trying to do, and it won't work." he said standing his ground but his face turned red.
"Oh please, you're so square." she said as she burst into laughter.
"There's no way you believe that nasty things happen just like that without reason?" she laughed as he was silent.
"There has to be lingering emotions, people don't just kiss just like that." she scoffed.
"Don't say that word." he said.
"What word? Oh you mean kiss? Kissy, kiss, kiss." she said laughing as he shook his head.
"Don't tell me you haven't kissed anyone blondie?" she asked laughing.
"Of course not, relationships are not a joking matter, of course I'm sure you have." he scoffed.
"Oh course I have, unlike you, I am very experienced." she chuckled as she saw him start to turn red once again.