Enjoy the walk

"A little bit of both Annie, a little bit of both." Matt said begrudgingly.

"You know what, it's hilarious because we all knew who is responsible for this." Ollie laughed snapping his fingers as they were all dry instantly.

"Yes, of course we did, who else would be so mean?" asked Annie as she patted her hair checking if it was thoroughly dry.

"I admire her courage, we know what she can and cannot do." Ollie said smiling.

"Don't go telling her that Ollie, or else we won't hear the last of it." said Annie scoffing. As much as she loved Maddie, there were just some times when she felt like strangling her just a bit.

"Yeah, well whatever, she gets a pass today since she was extremely moody in the morning." said Matt.

"Yes, that she was, I wonder what made her so moody? She seemed angry almost." said Annie.

"Didn't she tell you why she was like that?" Ollie asked.

"Beats me, she didn't say anything. Which is weird considering that it's been a while since she has woken up so angry at the world." said Annie almost worriedly.*

"Yes, but this is Maddie we're talking about. It might not even be something that serious. Maybe she just had a bad dream or something." said Matt.

"You know there's only one reason she's had bad dreams in the past, and that's Azazel, he's locked away, she's been happier since then." Annie said. "I do not know, I just feel like there's something more serious going on, I mean for one she was wearing long sleeves all day, as if she was hiding something." she said thinking.

"That may be true, but once again, it's Maddie we're talking about, each day is a surprise. She could be sweet today and the next a complete terror." said Matt.

"Just think about it, by the time she came back from who knows where, she was already in a good mood." said Matt.

"Actually, I had something to do with that. I thought that she was probably just hungry so I sent Adi to get her some food." said Ollie guiltily.

"No wonder she seemed more calm once I saw her, good thinking Ollie." smiled Annie.

"Thank you, I just thought that maybe some food would brighten her mood." said Ollie as Matt laughed.

"And right you were, anyway, you know it's truly odd, she seemed kind of sad and worried to me." said Matt.

"You see, you saw it too, I'm starting to get worried, what if it's something really serious?" asked Annie worriedly.

"Maybe you should just ask her if something is wrong, that is by far the easiest way to know for sure." said Ollie.

"You're right, I will ask her." said Annie.

"I'm tired of walking, it's already dark, should we just convey?" asked Matt.

"Already ahead of you." Ollie smiled as he disappeared and Annie and Matt followed behind him.


Maddie was brimming with happiness as she continued eating cookies. She could just imagine the shock on their faces.

She was on her way out of the kitchen when she heard a plate fall and break startling her as Ollie, Matt and Annie appeared.

"Gosh you guys, were you trying to give me a heart attack or what?" asked Maddie as she tried to calm down her racing heart.

"It depends, were you trying to freeze us to death out there or not?" Annie responded.

"Oh please don't exaggerate Annie, it's hot out there. Actually I did you all a favour by cooling you guys off." she smiled.

"Not an excuse Maddie." Matt said.

"Whatever you guys, I hope you enjoyed your annoying walk back here, but I can see that you finally got tired of nature which is why you're back here so soon." she scoffed.

"Yes, we really did enjoy our walk, we even had some fun memories that we made with Ollie and you weren't there." said Annie.

Maddie gasped incredulously, Annie knew that would be enough to hurt her in a very tangible way.

"No way, you're lying, there's no way you guys had enough time to make long lasting memories." she said.

"Actually Maddie we did. Annie came up with a nice nickname for me, and I came up with one for her, and we gave Ollie one as well." Matt chipped in as Maddie gasped again.

"Wow, unbelievable, I leave you guys for twenty minutes and you're already making memories without me." Maddie said dramatically.

"Oh give us a break Maddie, we didn't tell you to leave as soon as you did." said Annie, she felt like rolling her eyes.

"No, this is betrayal, betrayal of the highest order I say!" said Maddie as she walked away.

"Maddie, it can't be that serious." said Ollie, he knew that it was better he did not speak and keep himself out of this, but she actually looked hurt.

"No, no it is that serious, I turn my back and you're already making memories that I wasn't a part of." she said turning back to face them. "You know what, it's alright. I get it, I understand, it's fine, just continue making memories without me, I don't care." she said, tears forming in her eyes.

Annie scoffed and Matt laughed shaking his head, could she be any more dramatic?

"Maddie, it's not that serious, can you stop being so dramatic?" asked Matt.

"No, you're wrong, it's very serious. You wouldn't like it if me and Annie created memories all day long without you." she said.

"Umm, you guys do that all the time. I don't see the big deal." he said.

"No, it's different because he's the one you're making memories with." she replied pointing at Ollie.

"Alright, everyone stop, I have to agree with Maddie on this one, this is truly important." he said.

"Thank you!" she replied.

"But Maddie, you shouldn't be worried, I can't replace you, no one can." he added as she smiled.

"Of course I know that, it's just nice to hear it coming out of someone else's mouth." said Maddie.

"Of course you do." Annie scoffed.

"But that doesn't mean I'm not hurt. You shouldn't have said it that way Annie, you know how I feel about the blondie, I am only just starting to warm up to him." she said.

"Awww, that has to be the second nicest thing you've ever said to me." he said smiling.

"Anyway, just don't play with my feelings you guys." said Maddie.

"Aww, this has to be the most sincere I've seen you in a while." said Matt as he walked over to her and gave her a hug, surprisingly Maddie didn't push him away.

"You don't have to worry Maddie, you didn't miss anything, we were just pulling your leg." he said letting go of her as she frowned.

"No you weren't." said Maddie.

"No, seriously, Matt's new nickname is nature boy since he likes nature so much and he gave me a nickname, it's Lavie and I love it." said Annie as she smiled.

"Ahh Lavie, let me guess it's a mix of lavender and the last two words of your name." said Maddie.

"How did you know?!" asked Annie shocked.

"I'm a genius that's why." she smiled smugly.

"Yes, and they didn't even give me a nickname, they said that Ollie is a good enough nickname." said Ollie.

"Lies, let me guess, you asked for one and they couldn't come up with one. So they buttered you up by saying that." said Maddie as Ollie looked guilty.

"Oh what a shame, not everyone hates you like I do blondie." she laughed.

"That is evident." he replied.

"Whatever, are we going to eat dinner or what?" asked Maddie.

"Dinner?" Annie asked shocked.

"How can you be thinking about dinner right now? I'm still stuffed." said Matt.

"Hey, I'm not necessarily hungry, just a tad peckish." Maddie said in a British accent.

"Please well go peck some worms outside because we're not going to eat dinner that's definitely going to be wasted." said Annie sternly.

"Gosh, you can't blame a girl for trying to get something to eat." said Maddie as she frowned.

"At this point I don't even know how you can still stay so fit with how much you eat." Matt said shaking his head.

"Guys if Maddie feels like eating she can eat." Ollie said, he didn't really mind if she ate more, there was a lot of food to go around.

"You see, the blondie doesn't care, you guys should lighten up." she said smiling.

"Blondie, I think I am starting to like you a little more." she said as he smiled.

"You like anyone who lets you eat the way you want to." Annie said.

"Snap out of it dude, she's been saying she likes you a little more but it still doesn't show." said Matt as he waved his hand in front of Ollie's face.

"No, technically she's been saying that she hates me a little less, now she said she likes me a little more." Ollie smiled.

"There's no difference!" said Matt.

"Oh but there is a difference!" Ollie said.

"There's really no difference Ollie." said Annie as Maddie just laughed enjoying the disorder she had just created.