Maddie gasped when she opened her eyes and saw that she had appeared in her room. She could not believe she actually got where she wanted to go.
"I did it!" she said to herself. "I actually did it!" she jumped up excitedly.
"Wait, of course I did it, I can do anything I want." she chimed happily clapping her hands together.
"I feel so good right now. So much for anything trying to ruin my day today." she smiled dropping on her bed. This was the one thing that actually made her happy.
She sighed happily and got off her bed changed into something more comfortable. She stopped in front of the bathroom mirror waving her hand over her arm she removed the makeup she had applied earlier.
To her surprise, the huge cut she had seen there earlier had disappeared.
She looked confused, but most of all worried. She had to find out what was going on, but right now, there was no need to alarm everyone by telling them what happened.
"The others are definitely going to take a while before they arrive." she scoffed, knowing them, they would want to bask in nature and burn all the calories they had just eaten.
Maddie contemplated whether or not to go back and enjoy with them, but she decided not to. She was a little peckish.
"I am going to find something to eat." she said to herself walking away smiling.
"You know what, this is actually such a nice thing for us to be doing. Just walking around, seeing the trees, smelling the fresh air." said Matt happily as he took a deep breath.
"You're right, it's really calming and peaceful." Ollie smiled.
"At this point Ollie, you basically just agree with what everyone says, except for Maddie that is." Annie pointed out.
"Guilty as charged, but I agree because it's true, not because I don't have my own opinions." he replied.
"That's understandable, anyway, as for you Matt, we all know you have a thing for nature." she said. "In fact, I think we should start calling you nature boy." she laughed as he unhooked his arm from her neck.
"Ha, ha, very funny, I would expect that kind of taunting from Maddie, but not from you." he said.
"*Gasp, wait, you are really turning into Maddie then." he exclaimed as he laughed and she hit him on his chest.
"Oh please relax nature boy, who says I'm not allowed to be a little mean sometimes?" she asked as Ollie laughed.
"Besides, you forget, Maddie already has a nickname for you, so my nickname for you is nature boy." she smiled as he laughed.
"Now that you say it like that, I would gladly accept any nickname from you rather than Maddie." he smiled as she smiled back.
"Since you have a nickname for me, it's only fair I should have one for you." he replied.
"Oh really now? Okay, what do you have in mind?" she smiled.
"I was thinking of maybe Lavie" he smiled.
"Lavie? As in lavender?" she asked confused looking at him as he nodded.
"Yes Lavie, it's a combination of lavender and your name." he smiled.
"I see that, but why Lavie?" she laughed.
"Well because, you always smell like lavender and lavender is purple which is your favourite colour, and whenever I see lavender, it always reminds me of you." he smiled.
"So that's why I thought of Lavie." he said. If Annie didn't know any better she would think that he had thought of this earlier, but it was just so spontaneous and beautiful that she could not think of it that way.
"Awww, that so sweet Matt." she cooed giving him a side hug as they walked.
"I take that as you like the name." he smiled.
"Like it? No I love it, I love that nickname, it's so meaningful." she smiled as he chuckled.
"I'm glad you do." he smiled.
"So thank you nature boy." she joked.
"You're welcome Lavie." he replied smiling.
"Ahhh, wow, I am starting to feel left out, some of us need a nickname too you know." Ollie coughed out as they both turned to look at him remembering that they were three not two.
"Aww, sounds like someone is jealous." Annie laughed letting go of Matt.
"Of course I am, you two gave each other very lovely nicknames, and I don't have a nickname." Ollie frowned.
"That's not true dude, you have a nickname." said Matt.
"Which is?" he asked.
"Blondie." Matt laughed as Annie also laughed, however, Ollie did not seem to find it funny at all.
"Come on, be serious, that's not a nickname." said Ollie.
"Technically it is your nickname, the special nickname Maddie dubbed you." she laughed.
"No, technically, it's her hatename for me, or at least that's what she told me." he said frowning.
"Please, that's her nickname for you, believe me, she must really like you a lot to reserve a special name for you and you alone." Annie joked.
"Ha, ha, very funny, if anything she doesn't like me a lot." Ollie said.
"Come on guys, I'm serious, I want a nickname too nature boy and lavie." he said.
"Alright, alright fine, but can me and Matt just come up with one together?" Annie asked, she actually found it cute how Ollie felt a little bit left out.
"It doesn't matter, as long as I get an actual nickname, a thoughtful one like the two of you have." he said.
"Alright, alright, give us a moment." Annie replied.
"You stand over there while we talk." she pointed to the tree behind them and Ollie nodded and smiled.
"So, what do you have in mind?" Matt asked.
"I have no idea, I think that Ollie is already a very good nickname, but he insists, what do you have in mind?" she replied.
"You're right, Ollie is already a good nickname. But he won't let it go, so how about we name him something in his character." said Matt.
"That's true, but he has so many good characters, which one should we choose?" asked Annie.
"I got it." Matt replied.
"We have a nickname for you." Matt suddenly called out.
"Let's hear it." Ollie said excitedly walking towards them.
"You're nickname is nicey." Matt smiled. Ollie did not look impressed at all.
"Nicey... really?" asked Ollie with a shake of his head, they could have at least tried to do better.
"Yes nicey, it's true isn't it, your nice, very nice." Annie smiled.
"You could have least tried to come up with something more original." he said shaking his head.
"Sorry dude, what can we say? We think that Ollie is already such a good nickname." apologized Matt, he could see how disappointed Ollie looked.
"You know what, maybe you're right. Ollie is a good nickname." he smiled.
"Another thing I like about you so much is how understanding you are." Annie said hugging him.
"Being friends with you guys is more important to me than any nickname." Ollie smiled.
"Same here." she smiled.
"It's getting really late, should we continue walking?" asked Matt.
"I say yes, let Maddie worry about us since she left and didn't even return to check on us." Annie scoffed.
"I agree." Ollie smiled walking ahead happily.
"Someone looks really happy today." said Annie.
"Why wouldn't I be? The picnic was a success, my friends are here with me, and most importantly Maddie promised to be less mean with me. If that doesn't look like enough reason to be happy, then I don't know what is." Ollie replied.
"Wow, just don't let her know that her words made you so happy dude. She might take advantage of that. What am I even saying, she will take advantage of it." Matt scoffed.
"Baby steps Matt, baby steps. I can proudly say that our relationship is better than when we first met." he smiled.
"Before, she couldn't even stand my mere presence, now it seems that she can't stand my presence a little bit less." he laughed.
"I know that makes you happy Ollie, and it makes me happy to know that you're happy." Annie smiled.
"Yes well, now I have three wonderful friends. Two of them are just simply lovely, and the last one is... well, she's the reason I'm always alert." he laughed.
"Maddie must be sneezing where she is." Annie laughed.
"Well she should, maybe it will make her nicer." Matt laughed.
Maddie sneezed while eating cookies in the kitchen.
"What in the world?! Those three must be talking about me." she concluded with a shake of her head.
"This should teach them a lesson." she scoffed wiggling her fingers.
Matt, Annie and Ollie were laughing as they spoke when what seemed to be water fell out of nowhere soaking them from head to toe.
"Maddie!" they all called out accusingly.
"That's a really dirty trick." Matt said as Annie started laughing.
"At this point I don't know whether to be offended or just surprised that she's this petty." she laughed.