I don't care

"Anyway, who's ready for desert?" asked Annie happily. Things were going so great at the moment, she didn't want any one of them to strum a sour note right now.

"I am!!" Maddie declared excitedly, oh boy had she been craving that apple tart from the first moment she laid eyes on it.

"Of course you are." Matt replied laughing, obviously it was clear that Ollie did outdo himself with the apple juice and apple tart.

"I can't wait to taste this tart. If the apple juice tastes like this, I wonder how heavenly this tart will taste." she declared expectantly. Annie chuckled as she cut the tart into equal pieces.

Maddie looked at Ollie narrowing her eyes at him, he didn't say anything about her comment, which made her suspicious.

"Don't tell me that's not the case blondie?!" she asked accusingly.

Ollie chuckled nervously, he liked how nice Maddie was being right now, but it also made him on edge, he was nervous, seriously nvervous.

"Sadly, it's not." he said sighing.

"Oh what nonsense is this?!! Why allow me taste the diving nectar of the gods in juice and yet not do the same for the tart?!!" she asked outraged.

She was surprised when she heard Ollie snickering instead of cowering in fear or trying to defend himself as usual.

"Gosh Maddie, you really do like your apples." he laughed.

"Stop laughing or else I will—" Maddie quickly cautioned herself remembering that mere moments ago she had promised to be nicer.

"Relax Maddie, I was just joking, of course I used the apples for the tart." he smiled brightly.

"And why in the world would you lie to me?!" she asked.

"I just wanted to see your reaction, besides what sort of person would I be if I gave you the best first and then went back to subpar ingredients?" he asked.

Maddie just stared at him, wondering how he so quickly lost his fear of her. He even had the audacity to joke with her. That blondie really must have faith in Matt and Annie ensuring that she kept her promise.

"You... just don't be more annoying than usual blondie, yes I promised to be nicer to you, but I don't joke with my food." Maddie declared as Annie shook her head and handed her a plater with two pieces of the tart.

"Hey Annie, are you trying to cheat me or something? How come I only get two pieces?!" she instantly turned to Annie as if trapping her in a corner.

"Hey, don't look at me like that Maddie, everyone gets two pieces, it's equal." Annie replied.

"Don't act like I didn't see you cut it into nine pieces, where's the last one?" asked Maddie accusingly.

"I knew that it would be uneven so I plan to cut it into four equal pieces." Annie replied.

"Oh no, don't try that scamming nonsense with me, give me the last piece." Maddie demanded.

"No way, why would I do that?!" asked Annie, she had a feeling that Maddie was prepared to fight her for the last piece of the tart even though they had not even started eating yet.

"I am the winner and so I demand that last piece be given to me." said Maddie.

"Gosh Maddie, are you being serious right now?" asked Annie in disbelief, her mouth open, who would have guessed that Maddie was such a foodie.

"Dead serious." she replied.

"Annie, she's right, just give her the piece." said Ollie as Annie looked at him shocked.

"Really? But this is unfa—" 

"Don't worry about it, she truly is the winner, she can have the last piece." Ollie said cutting her off.

"Fine." Annie scoffed dropping the last piece of the tart messily on Maddie's plate.

"I don't care if it's smooshed, it's still a tart." Maddie replied her mouth watering as Annie scoffed shaking her head.

"For the sake of the peace you get the last piece." Matt said chuckling. Everyone looked at him, definitely not proud of the joke.

"That was a weak joke." Annie deadpanned.

"Totally unoriginal, it was terrible." Maddie added nodding her head.

"It was a nice attempt, maybe if you had said that a little bit later dude." Ollie replied patting Matt on the back.

"I don't care what you guys say, it was a funny joke." Matt insisted.

"Whatever you say, as for me, here comes the moment of truth." Maddie said forsaking her fork resorting to using nothing but her bare hands.

She picked up a piece of the tart took a ginormous bite and groaned in nothing but delight as she felt the flavours burst in her mouth. The tiny hint of cinnamon, the sweetness of the apples, the moist not too chewy feeling in her mouth. It was just truly divine.

"It tastes pretty good." said Matt as he chewed.

"Pretty good doesn't cut it, this is divine. Finally everything makes sense, the world is at peace." Maddie cooed.

"As long as there's food the world is always at peace for you." Matt scoffed. Maddie ignored him completely immersed in enjoying desert.

"Isn't that the truth." Annie scoffed.

"Come on guys, just leave her, let her enjoy the tart." said Ollie as he smiled, this had to be the happiest he had seen Maddie ever since they had arrived here.

"I'm glad that you're happy she's happy Ollie, but she seriously annoyed me today." Annie sighed shaking her head.

"I don't know if I could ever go back to eating things made with normal apples." Maddie said definitely still in her dazed euphoria of desert.

"I agree, but she's happy now, and that's all that matters." he smiled.

Maddie did not know how time flied so quickly. One moment they were eating the delicious tart, the next the sun was setting and it was time for them to leave.

They had spent an entire day just eating, talking to each other, she didn't even know what they talked about, but she was sure that they laughed a lot.

"Well, it's time to leave now." Ollie said standing up. He had truly enjoyed this day out with his friends, he wished that they could do this everyday.

"I wonder how time moved so fast." Annie laughed standing up.

"I tell you, what were we talking about again?" Maddie asked utterly perplexed. Who knows maybe this valley was enchanted and they were intoxicated by an enjoyment spell and that's why they didn't notice how long they had spent here.

"I have no idea, but I would really like to do this again. Just take a day off and relax under the sun." said Matt as he smiled.

"Do you know how ironic that sounds coming from you." Annie laughed.

"I'm part vampire, I love the sun." he smiled back.

"I agree though, I hope that we can do this again someday." Ollie smiled.

"We definitely will." Annie replied smiling.

"Anyway, I am stuffed and there's no way I'm walking all the way there." groaned Maddie.

"If you're stuffed then walking back to the castle will help get you unstuffed." Annie replied.

"No way, you guys enjoy your walk back because I know you're nature freaks, adios." Maddie smiled showing the peace sign with her hands before disappearing into nothingness.

"Did she just disappear on us?" asked Annie shocked.

"Mhmm, she just did." Matt replied nodding.

"Looks like someone has finally caught the hang of conveying." Ollie smiled.

"Stop looking so proud, you're encouraging her bad behaviour!" Annie said.

"No I'm not, she's not even here." Ollie laughed and with a snap of his fingers the picnic blanket and everything on it disappeared.

"You know what, she annoyed me a lot today, and I don't want to transfer my aggression on you." she said walking ahead.

"Do you think that I'm truly encouraging Maddie's bad behaviour?" asked Ollie turning to look at Matt.

"I don't even know, Maddie doesn't need anyone to encourage her bad behaviour, she does it herself. Besides, I get that your happy she's happy." replied Matt as he smiled.

"Thanks for standing up for me earlier. You didn't have to, but you still did." Ollie smiled.

"You don't have to thank me dude, it's all good. I was just getting sick of Maddie's unfair treatment of you. You can always count on me to have your back, and I know you have mine." Matt as he smiled.

"Thanks dude." said Ollie as he smiled.

"Don't mention it." Matt replied as they walked to catch up with Annie.

"Have you calmed down now?" Matt asked ruffling Annie's hair.

"I was before, but now that you did that I'm not." she replied coldly looking at him trying to smooth out her now messy hair with her fingers.

"You know, it's funny how all of us are happy except today for you." Ollie laughed.

"If you put it that way, I think I'm turning into Maddie." Annie gasped as she heard Matt and Ollie laugh.

"Relax, you aren't turning into Maddie, as long as you're not blonde... or blue eyed... or mean... or bad tempered... or a lot of things actually." he laughed wrapping his arm around her neck as they walked.