Going against me

"Oh please, if I wanted to be more annoying than Evie you would have cut your ears off by now." Maddie scoffed.

"You know what, you're just really annoying me today." said Matt.

"And you are doing the same. I think we need some space, geez." Maddie replied.

"You're telling me. You are being unbearable right now." he replied.

"You're the unbearable one. You've just been picking on me lately!" she shouted.

"Hey, hey, that's enough you two, we don't need this turning into an actual fight." said Ollie, this was such a peaceful picnic, and he didn't want it to be ruined because of a silly fight.

"Yes, Ollie's right, the two of you need to chill, just relax." said Annie.

"It's not me you should be warning, it's Matt, why is he always going against me?" asked Maddie, it was clear that she was not going to let this go.

"Why does everything always have to go your way?" asked Matt, he sounded really upset.

"Why do you think that I want everything to go my way?!" shouted Maddie.

Ollie and Annie both looked at each other. It was clear that there was something really serious going on here.

"Alright, you know what, it's true, the both of you have been at each other's necks, and it's not healthy. You guys need to talk this out." she said, she had a feeling that if they did not resolve this would end up blowing out of proportion.

"Annie's right, lately you both have been insufferable with each other, and it's not going to end well if this continues." said Ollie.

"And Ollie is right, so you two need to speak up and tell us why you're both annoying each other to pieces." said Annie.

"Maddie you go first." said Annie as she looked at Maddie.

"Why me?! Matt should be the one to go first." she argued, but one look at Annie's face and she knew it would be better for her if she shut up and just answer the question.

"It's not my fault, Matt has been the one always refuting me no matter what I say. If I argue with him it's because surely I know he's going to argue with me first." she admitted.

"Alright, Matt what do you have to say to her?" asked Annie as she looked at Matt.

"Well how can you blame me for that when I know that clearly she's going to say something just to argue with us." he replied.

"How do you mean? Would you care to elaborate?" asked Ollie.

"We all know that Maddie is just going to disagree with us even though we all agree that something is fine." he said.

"And that annoys you?" asked Annie.

"No, what annoys me is how she always wants to be mean even if she doesn't have to." said Matt.

"Especially when it comes to Ollie, you don't have to hate him, you just do, you don't have to be unkind to him, but you just do because you're Maddie." Matt said in exasperation, clearly, this matter had been on his mind for a long time, but he just kept silent.

Ollie was completely quiet, he did not know what to say. On one hand, he felt flattered that Matt was speaking up for him, however, on the other hand he did not want to offend Maddie by taking sides here. He was in a very precarious situation right now.

"So that it... that's why you've been really annoyed with Maddie lately... you don't like how she treats Ollie." said Annie.

"Of course I am, Ollie is my friend, and I don't like it when you see he's trying his best to fit in and make you happy, but you don't care, you just continue being unnecessarily mean!" he said.

"All Ollie has tried to do the entire time we've been here is make our stay enjoyable, and all you've done is whine and complain and be unkind and not appreciate everything single thing he has gone out of his way to do you us and you especially."

"I know that you have your issues and there are reasons why you don't warm up to people so easily, but you don't have to be mean to protect yourself by getting hurt by hurting the person first." he said.

The silence was deafening. Ollie definitely did not see this going as deep as it did. Annie was at a loss for words. Matt seemed to have finally vented out all his feelings and Maddie was just quiet.

"I don't see why you all think that... and I'm saying that because if you think that then Annie definitely does and the blondie is no exception." said Maddie. Matt was surprised, he had expected her to yell, to shout, to be angry at him for what he just said.

Replaying his words in his mind he realized that he ended up sounding more harsh than he had intended to. He just wanted her to know what was on his mind, he just wanted her to understand.

"I seriously don't know what's the problem with the way I treat the blondie. He doesn't complain." she said as Ollie was too scared to say anything.

"Umm Maddie... I don't think that's true, it's not that he doesn't complain, more like he can't complain, knowing how you are." admitted Annie.

"But that's our thing, it's our type of relationship, we argue all the time, he tries to prove he's a know it all and I shut it down, it's how we work." said Maddie.

"No it's not, it's unhealthy, you just want an excuse to torture him because you see it's working." said Matt as he shook his head.

"Gosh... I don't get why it's such a big deal, and I don't know why it bothers you so much." she shrugged.

"It bothers me so much because you're my friend, but he's also my friend, and I love the two of you, and all I want is that you get along so I don't have to be walking on eggshells whenever I'm with you two." said Matt.

"I just want peace, and I know that you're trying to accept him in you own way, but could you please try to speed it up a bit?" asked Matt as Maddie sighed.

"Sure, whatever you say, I will be nicer to be blondie, I will be less mean, even though that's just how I am." she said.

"Maddie." Annie called as Maddie ignored her.

"Blondie, stop being a coward and hiding behind Matt and Annie. I like friends that are able to stand up to me no matter the situation, even though you've tried to do that in the past, you need to get a backbone." she stated. At that point Ollie did not even try to defend himself, at least now Maddie was going to be nicer to him.

"And you don't need to sound so mean yourself, as if you're fed up with me and frustrated." she turned to Matt sounding meeker than before.

"Maddie, I didn't mean to sound like that, and no I'm not fed up with you, not at all, you're my friend, and I care about you like I would any of my sisters. I just want you to be better, happier." he said.

"But that doesn't mean that we won't quarrel and annoy each other." he said.

"Of course not, don't count on it." she replied as they both laughed at each other.

"Aww, that's so sweet, how about you use a hug to seal the reconciliation?" asked Annie as she smiled.

"Not at all, Matty boy is still going to pay in the future." said Maddie as she chuckled.

"Again with that annoying nickname." he laughed.

"You call me mean, you better just enjoy the nickname Matty boy, it's definitely going to stick." she laughed as Annie shook her head and laughed.

"You two are definitely too alike, more than you know." said Annie as Maddie stuck out her tongue at Matt.

"Anyway, blondie... thank you for going out of your way to make this picnic enjoyable." she said turning to Ollie who felt nervous as she spoke.

"Clearly you got all my favourite foods here to pacify me, I'm sure a little redhead, hazel eyes birdie told you that apple juice is my favourite juice." said Maddie, Matt looked guilty as charged.

"So thank you... for everything and more, you're a good friend... even though you're an annoying know it all most of the time." she said.

"And there's the Maddie I know." laughed Matt.

Maddie could be stubborn, yes, but one thing was sure, she could change when she wanted to, especially when it was for the best to please the people that she cared about most.

"You're welcome Maddie... and thank you... because this has to be the first time I've heard you say something actually nice about me to my face, at least." he laughed, he felt really happy.

"Don't flatter yourself blondie, don't." she scoffed.