
As Reece made his way into the probation centre, where a medium is performing a seance. The medium delivers a message to Reece, who is casually passing the room, saying that Mia "wants to know why."

This startles Reece, who quickly leaves and informs the others, unaware that Mia is watching them from close by. Meanwhile, Reece sees a note from Mia to meet her in the old storeroom.(and bring some chocolate).

As Brook is leaving, she sees Tony waiting for her, and he begins to chase her. Andre is enjoying vodka for the first time when he drunkenly starts coming on to Lucy in front of Brody.

Brook interrupts them to announce Tony's return. Tony breaks in but quickly explains that he's not there to hurt them.

They reveal that Karen is also back, but Tony was unaware that Karen died to begin with, which enrages Tony.

Tony searches for Mia, who is in the storeroom with Simon. The two start reminiscing, upon which Mia notices that Reece has become a more confident person, much to her relief.

He explains that he no longer has invisibility before the two head off for wine. Tony, in his search for Karen, walks in on Andre sleeping.

Meanwhile, Simon takes Sally back to his flat, upon which she expresses her true feelings for him. Simon tells her that he earlier had a vision of them kissing, to which Sally offers to fulfil it.

However, Reece is reluctant to betray Lucy, to which Mia reminds him that he let her die before they begin kissing; as they are getting passionate, Reece is unaware that Mia is recording everything on his phone. Shortly after, Mia abruptly leaves.

Brody, meanwhile, is teaching Andre to smoke at the community centre. The gang decide to fill Tony in when he asks about Karens replacement.

Tony is disgusted with the group's overall behaviour, to which Lucy stands up for them by explaning how they've done nothing but stand up for themselves.

Sally then sends Lucy the video of her and Reece kissing, to which she watches in shock. She confronts Simon in the locker room and breaks up with him.

Reece encounters Tony as he tries to chase after her, while Karen follows Lucy onto the roof of the community centre.

She plans to throw Lucy over the edge when Tony and the gang stop her. Tony explains that the storm affected him too, and explains that they're back to be reunited with each other.

The two embrace and kiss, while the gang watch dumbfounded when they disappear.

Reece tries to explain to Lucy why he kissed Mia, and Lucy forgives him leading him into the locker room. Brody sees Mia crying over the way she's behaved, and that she feels dirty.

Brody tells her about Karen and Tony moving on, to which she misunderstands that her unfinished business is revenge. Reece and Lucy are then seen having sex in the toilets.

Just as Reece and Lucy emerge from the locker room, Mia swings her arm and slits Lucy's throat before disappearing. Despite their efforts, Lucy dies while lying in Reece's arms.

The group decide to bury Lucy in the woods. As Reece was there mourning about Lucy, Brook then tells him that she can still be saved as long as Mugel is dead.

Reece began to find that courage again and make a promise to Lucy and Andre that he will get their murderer before he gets them, which Andre strangely had left for no reason.

"You better not be trying to flirt with my girlfriend!!!!!"