
As the few weeks passed, Reece was still mourning about Lucy while Brook couldn't help but feel sorry for him, Brody on the other hand, he was focused on finding Mugel.

The next day, two people that seemed to have been lost and were looking for someone, as they looked around, they saw Brody as he was playing video games.

As they came inside, he had changed the screen quickly, as they asked who he was, "I'm the probation worker, anything I can do for you?"

They replied with "we were looking for someone, we were told that he would be here". Brody told him that whoever they're looking for, they may as well find him.

As they looked around deeper, Cece thought she heard something, she used her powers which were actually the ability to look through walls and such.

She then found a guy who left there frozen, it was Reece and was left frozen but by who? Well that was something that they were going to find out.

When confronted, Reece tells Jake and Cece that a man walked in with a case full of money handcuffed to his wrist and when they touched him they had a raging hunger to steal the money within the case.

Discovering that Reece had spiked their drinks Jake and Cece wake up locked in the freezer only to accompanied by Mike a few minutes later and infecting them with the greed also.

Reece's frees them as he had awaken from that greed magic that Mike had infected him with and tells them that he actually has the case that everyone is now looking for.

In order to distract them Jake using his power of telekenisis but it fails miserably. The others try and get the briefcase for themselves.

He ends up grabbing the case anyway and runs up to the roof with the other 4 following him. Mike grabs the case but falls off the roof and dies and his power is lifted.

They bury the body and when the return their new probation worker greets them with a frightening story scaring the other shitless.

Brody ends the show with "Chances are he'll be dead within a week anyway"

As Brook returned, she saw that everyone looked miserable, Cece and Jake ran off at the moment they had the chance to escape, they didn't seem to have interest of chasing them.

As Jake and Cece were trying to go home, they were encountered by an old man who gave them something then disappeared, moments later, the police arrived.

They spotted them holding onto drugs and arrested both of them on the spot, now they have to serve community service until they're free to do whatever.

As Jake went home, he had something that he had kept something that was shocking. As Cece got home, she was greeted by her dad who was annoyed.


He then kicked her out of the house and had her to pay for the money for the charges. She then went to Jake's home, as she did, she was met by Brook.

When learning about Cece's situation, she let her inside until she could get up on her feet, as she did, she began to ask Cece about her life before the problems she now had faced.

She then went on about her going into university but then she brought up a topic that Brook was really interested