
All graduating student formed a line down below waiting for instructions it had been off a year since they started training after being introduced to their world.

It made sense and explained why information were off limits. Today, they were all lined up in perfect order which was rare just a year ago Cade power house one of the greatest on mecha battle show was invited to encourage them. Now Tyana an elemental was invited to give word of encouragement.

The graduating students reaks with untapped potential but a majority of them seemed to be interested in becoming Mecha. Though they were not discouraged the teachers and principal knew today was not just about encouragement.

An early test and examination was being conducted. It was broadcasted that anytime during the week could be their examination.

All of the equipment were ready and Tyana was a neutral judge from none of the university. The kids were only able to recognize her due to her un doubted fame. Standing in the dark were university professor Energist, elemental, mecha , researchers and other fields all waiting to pick the most favourable students.

The student were only over a three hundred which was incredibly shocking but that was to be expected the school was located far away from central town. As the students could be almost ignorant of the energy level.

Tyana walked up unto the stage it had been a long while since she was invited by a school to encourage and invigilate. She probably would not have come if not for her friend who was saved by the director.

Though she felt it was pointless no amount of prep talk would be able to prepare them for the future. According to the government she could not tell them the truth on how mean the world is.

It had to be wrapped in so much sugar it could cause a craving to want to have it if only they knew what the sugar coated lies was filled with diabetes. It killed , hurt people so bad that only few ever survive but that's not what she was asked to do she had to give them these sugary lie and all those with potential would take it and those without will crave it.

Looking down at the people she was going to lead to their deaths , the excited face seemed to glimmer with hope like she was giving them a treat. It reminded her that even with all the dying at least they had hope of survival.

If they remained here and continued with their normal life they would be killed on these knew earth before they understand what was happening.

Making a decision she rather they find a way to cure diabetes than they being helpless and humanity dropping to the bottom of the food chain.

" Good afternoon young seedlings , I believe you all know why we are here. " though they were briefed they did not want to admit it.

" Today you all will be taking various test to find out your potential some of you know it already while some need these chance as you probably have improved over the one year training"

" You will find out how high your potential is and where you are going from here. Even if your potential is low you have no need to worry. When I was tested I had a potential of just ninety percent, it took years of practice for me to be there before you all. Just having potential is not enough hard work is what count. Just like me countless people have left those with potential behind.

So do not give up on your self and don't take unnecessary risk.

Once you all cross the Level 1 threshold you will find that many things in these world are not as they seem, monsters out there need defeating and it will be in your hands to defend the earth from any harm. "

She had said all that she should.

" You all are required to match to the hall for your test"

It was this day that they had all been waiting for. Each of their hearts were filled with things they would see on how their name would be heard across the galaxy.

The principal of Darmin high knew the test were going to be successful if a year ago , they already saw untapped potential he had given the names to the universities that were present. After all there were only fifteen university representative.

Lana scratched her head as Diane kept pulling her arm and jumping. Diane looked so excited if she didn't have a grip on Lana arm the latter feared she would have flown into the skies.

" Ane if you keep pulling my arm it would come off then you would really fly to the sky and miss the test. "

Diane released her arm only to hold it back " People's arm don't just come off like dolls and how can you not be excited. We would finally be like the people in the TV , I hope to be a Mecha punching monsters saving princes and flying to the sky. "

The typical dream of all girls and boys to me heroes.

" No am very excited. I am just not getting my hopes high the test is very important and I do not want my emotions to interfere. So you should also calm down" Lana immediately advised gently patting Diane hand.

" Yh but Lana we both took the test a year ago and have put in so much more effort at least we could be picked as one of those Geniuses or at least potentials. " She grumbled breathing deeply to calm her self.

Lana was no longer sure if being a potentials was a bad thing but it seemed to be.

Firstly, they got special treatment and attention. They could be given more resources to grow.

Secondly, they were literally celebrates being greeted and getting things cheaper so people could curry for favor was a classic tale.

Thirdly, they were always stronger than the everyone except the Geniuses.

But the danger was that they were prone to be under the surveillance of everyone, if they grew to fast they could be a threats and threats are eliminated.

Being under the spotlight is fun and amazing but when you need to hide there is nor dark cover for you.

Maybe it was due to the tales are parents got from fallen potentials that fell into the hands of the government of those who shone so bright that they were shot out of the sky.

Or rather her cautious behavior which trusted no one. She rather be away from the spotlight that be stuck like a dear in headlights looking for where to run.

" Ane do you remember the book at the library ' My dark blanket ' " Lana asked.

Diane wondered why she asked about the tragedy book when she would not read because of its sad ending.

"Yh I read it , wait please don't tell me you are in the mood to read it. "

" No "

" So what and why are you asking. " Diane was thankful her friend did not want to read it if not they would have to sneak to the library right now.

"Remember you said the Main lead was a Genius who was very rarely seen he was like a burning star till he was killed because he shone to brightly had how no matter how her tried to hide his light under a dark cover the people he was trapped with would strip him of it. He was always under surveillance on pretext of care and them he died. "

Of course Diane remembered but she did not act smug about it cause she was sure Lana wanted to tell her something important.

" I remember. "

" if the story was a little bit true do you think being a potential is a good thing. You will not be able to hide even if you want to. If you still want that then it is fine but remember you have to do exactly as they say. There is no free gift how would they take care of you without needing anything"

Lana's word sent Diane in a spiral pool of thoughts. It was true the world was mean just how would they be to jist provide without needing anything.

The test had begun.

The first one was strength: it consist of a weight lifting, punching and throwing heavy stones.

It made her remember the cave men animation she once saw.

Each of them lined up according to their number. They were called in one after the other.

" No 1 " The loud voice resonated through the hall. The short haired blonde girl moved in immediately. Of she delayed it would be seen as insolence.

Her stature was small yet steady she had incredible brute strength and they all knew after all she had beaten half of the class cause they called her short and her friend ugly.

Lifting the Stone of 100kg she threw it about 400 meters away, lifting a 300 kg rock she threw the rock the same distance as the first which was frightening the heavier it is the shorter the distance.

Lifting the 500 kg rock she threw it about 300 metres away from where she stood.

Moving unto the punch reader she threw a heavy fist into it causing an instant 745 power punch figure to be formed using her left hand.

She picked with her right hand and the punch reader showed a 789 power punch. It was to be expected after all her right hand was the main hand she used.

It was time for her final strength test, a lot of student already felt their was no need for her to do the last one after all she was already very strong but she did. Lifting up a 700 kg rock above her head she gently put it down and stood showing it was the highest she could go.

To the student she was not showing off but the representative knew she only had these final strength so she decided to use it as good as she could though it exposed her lack of stamina it showed her intelligence, strength.

She was already in for great consideration as long as she passed other test she had a place in a university.

" No 2 " a loud voice rang again.

" Hmphhh " Lana was so tired if she really had to stand all through she would be so tired when it was her turn.

She leaned on Diane " Ane am super tired "

Diane knew it was going to come to this they have barely started and here she was saying she was tired.

"Lana fine let's sit on the ground and pretend to be meditating. "

" No way everyone will stare " Lana could not think of how weird they would look it is a test.

" Better excuse than you falling asleep in my shoulder. "

Pulling Lana to the ground with her they sat on the ground in a meditative pose. After a while she turned her head and watched Lana who had fallen asleep.

Lana would probably practice asleep art of such a thing existed she was asleep yet it looked like she could open her eyes know which she could if disturbed.

If only Diane knew how right she was, a pity they no one had an idea of the sleeping art.

Time passed and the No of people before them reduced , while the precious Lana had been partially asleep Diane was fully awake monitoring closely the strength test went.

Apart from the short blonde girl who showed incredible strength in the beginning. No 2 was also strong just a little weaker that she was.

A pity No 2 was more of a show off Diane thought all the strength show off just to pass only 2 sections of the strength test.

The rest where of average strength or below except Amper a guy with long dark hair and Janet. Their strengths were bottom of the barrel worthy they could be considered boneless but she knew that they were one of the fastest people in her school.

Diane woke Lana up in fear that she might be to tired to lift anything.

Lana was actually in a rest state she heard almost everything but fell asleep in between as soon as she was awoken she begun to stretch. Her glasses free face looked at the short line before she got up and dusted her body. they where not required to move after being called this was the reason she could sleep peacefully.

Diane and Lana both watched as the people before them, only few passed the three section most only passed two and the worst like likes of Amper who Diane watched passed just one.

Lana wondered if any of the representative was disgusted because she fell asleep she kind of hoped not. There should be no problem with sleeping.

In fact others over looked the girl thinking she was beyond weak. Tyana eyes were on the Lana and Diane she clearly saw that Diane never fell asleep once , she just provided a pillow using her shoulder.

These were the things lacking in the world friendship. Their was no pure care only respect and fear those who could find it was lucky. To not care about ones reputation during a test just because one friend felt sleepy was to cute.

How she hoped it could last.

The world that they lived in whether it was 300 years ago or the present times.

It always tore apart good friends causing pain for one of them or even both.