Passing the test

Diane waved happily at Lana she had successfully passed all three sections of the strength test and hoped Lana would do the exact same.

Cold seemed to seep into her bones as she grew nervous.

Lana might act like she had no care in the world but test and things she could fail was what she hated the fear never stopped her from trying but it was still there.

Her hand was stiff from fear but she took deep breaths to calm down though her guys felt like it was filled with air she still did not want to stop.

She bent and picked up the 50 kg rock.

She looked far beyond her and imagined that in the long distance was a big laboratory. Her hands lifted the rock and tossed it. It flew over three hundred and fifty metres.

She immediately lifted a 200kg rock and tossed it about two hundred metres. She picked up a 250 kg rock only to toss it about two hundred metres.

Moving to the weight lifter she should have gone to the punch reader but she had her ideas.

Rushing towards the 300kg rock she lifted it above her head, she knew since she could throw a 250 kg rock Lifting a 300 was child's play.

She dropped the rock and lifted a 350 kg rock, it was so heavy that her hands quivered to avoid an accident she immediately dropped it and stretched her arms.

The final section was the punch reader. With all her might she threw her left punch at the plate attached to the front of the machine.

The readings rose up from Zero to 567 power punch.

It was quite impressive considering she only had hundred power punch a year ago , she threw her right hand with a little more force than the left.

The readings which had dropped immediately rose again to 587.

She smiled knowing the strength test was over , her training was not in vain. A year ago her right hand strength surpassed her left hand by 50 now it was only by a 20.

Lana immediately walked to her best friend as she heard the voice call out the next number.

" Hey so how are you feeling " Diane asked ; though she kind of hoped her friend would not say sleepy.

Lana could hear the teasing tone in her voice despite how concerned she acted she knew exactly what she wanted to hear. It was not about the test.

"Not sleepy though I can't promise I won't later. Come let's us stretch the next test is speed , it has two parts reflexes and race. " she reminded

Diane breathe in relief ' at least she is not sleepy '

Both girls began to stretch their muscles. This time they did not look out of place as a lot of people where engaged in the exercise.

Time flew bye and the test was concluded.

The short blonde haired girl was called Raine and she had a potential of 134 percent. Her major being strength and Energy sensing.

Amper scored a potential of 139, despite her terrible score in strength her speed and mental strength made up for it.

The school has other speed potentials faster than Amper their potential ranged from 130 to 148. Their speed and elemental power was amazing though they lacked the mental strength to support the amount they had.

As rare as it was a Genius popped up in a school like theirs a potential reaching 189.78 .

If there was anyone that would be a Genius it had to be Cody he obviously knew about the world we were oblivious to. Lana thought.

He had dropped a lot of comments that she was only ever to relate to after she found out how the world worked.

She had nothing against him though the other party might think otherwise she never felt the need to worship his every foot step and 'she stole' according to him is favourite fan DIANE.

Diane had a big crush on him before Lana became friends with her. She was super protective over him though he never noticed her or he pretended he did not.

Becoming friends with Lana the girl would never worship anyone and neither would she allow her friend to do the same.

It took a few weeks to reorientate Diane but she was finally on the right track a few other girls and guys followed Diane new behaviour and it was a big blow on his inflated ego.

To Lana someone like him becoming a Genius was extremely cliche. He was an entitled brat who felt the whole world owed him.

She kind of hoped he would suffer a blow to see life differently but how wrong was she. She should have known that life was unfair.

Diane was pleased with her self though she didn't score as amazing as she had wanted. It was amazing to be at the top. Her potential was 129 with her energist sensing test score being the highest in the school.

The girl wished she could go to mecha school but University of Magic was her best choice. The university still had a Mecha department it was just not as good as other schools.

Lana on the other side had the best mental strength. It might be due to the fact she was training every day since her parents left her the manual, though her elemental and energist sensing were on par with each other.

Her potential was just at 129.8, She was also heading to magic university.

The lowest score was just off ninety by 0.2 percent which was very strange. Representative of each university where shocked a school like theirs was a low tier E class.

Students in these regions should be very poor in talents only with occasional dark horses but it seemed like the school had fed this set of graduating students a bottle of cent explosion.

Despite the average result in comparison to the C to A tier towns, there were a few of students which individual test was C to A tier town worthy.

A decision was made fast and other students whose university was not present were sent there scores.

One of the main university was University of Magic , such a high standard institution felt it was below standards for them to send representative to a low tier town to hint for students.

They were a proud university being one of the top. The university of Mecha felt happy they decided to put up an acception they immediately selected the best suitable for Mecha.

Hearing them call a few students for special admission made Diane and Lana feel bad but they knew they would get theirs in a month's time.

Lana walked out of school with her head high before her were parents peering through the gates to congratulate or console their child.

A tear escaped her eyes as she remembered her parents were someone far in space.

In a way they seemed to only be separated by a the sky.

Home was the next best place for her to go to. A party was organised to celebrate their victory.

When it was being organised she thought how awkward would it be if someone failed the party expectations would be a disaster but surprisingly they all seemed to do well though she was sure all those teacher would say it was all thanks to them.

Rather they should be happy the had all awesome hardworking students.

Lana preferred to give credit to the hundred years rumor which she believes.

If after a hundred years something happens they all felt though the hundred year anniversary had passed they should prepare. A year ago when she warned them innocently they did not believe when she also thought she was just making up nonsense.

As soon as this world was exposed to them their childish mind saw it has the earth rested upon their shoulder at least it got them into an institution.

It was just that they needed a lot more to get out of it.

She had walked far and had almost arrived home when Diane's call came through.

Lana knew it had something to do with that party just not what. Thousands of thought flew through her mind but it all rested on one thing

'Diane was hopefully not trying to convince her to go ' Lana thought , hopefully not was the key word.

Her thoughts snapped back to the reality

Her hands clicked answer

"My sweet Ane, are u home "

"No I thought we had an agreement the party is by 4 pm so get over to my house it is still just half past twelve. There should be enough time to dress up "

" Ane I am almost home and I hate parties I could help u pick your clothes but no party " Lana insisted.

Or more like she tried putting up a little resistance.

She thought it would help her test her friends limit but it seems like today was a do not listen to the word ' no' today.

" Ughhh, No absolutely not you promised. Either you come here or I will never speak to you again. "

'That was a drastic promise' Lana thought.

"Fine I will be there. " She finally agreed, Instead of feeling heavy or stressed. It felt like she had avoided a calamity.

Walking into her house she packed up her clothes and everything important which was nothing else but the pocket dimension bag and her Cosmo ring.

Every thing of important was dumped in her Cosmo ring. She would have loved to use her pocket dimension but her mental energy was still to weak.

Her bags were packed. Diane might say it was just one party but she was sure that she probably would not come home until a weak later.

" Lana child are you there "

Chills crawled up Lana's back when she heard that voice

" It's me"

Of course she knew her, the creepy neighbor who only came when her parents went out.

Mrs Mar...

" Mrs Mary Ann "

She dropped her bag and ran to the front door only to see her in her living room peeking into the far corners of the house.

"Ma'am may I help you"

A smile bloomed on her face " Child did your parents just leave. "

" Yes " Lana replied.

" Oh! and here I thought I could meet them " Mrs Mary Ann looked down.

" Hmm " Lana hummed.

" I am sorry about the last time, they had left the blue berries I gave them and that's what I was actually here for. I was also very concerned about your exams too. " Her face was so caring that Lana could have fallen for her fake care.

A pity Lana was not interested in such conversation. She only nodded to whatever she said.

" So how was you potential " She asked.

Finally a personal and important question. She was here to mock her , these type of people annoyed her they never mind their business.

An honest answer would shut her up but Lana felt that it would not be that interesting.

" Uhmm Just above 80 " Lana downcast face showed so much unhappiness.

Lana was proud of her acting skills if she decided to go into acting her natural skill would sure make her famous.

" Oh ! do not worry everything will be okay. " Mary Ann was so happy she immediately controlled her self and remembered she needed those blue berry seed.

She hoped the parents gave the their daughter the seeds, if not these was a waste of care.

" Ma'am thank you so much for caring " She sniffed.

Lana was loving these.

" Yes yes did they leave the seeds or anything for you to practice with. "

" Nope if not I would have scored high. " she answered.

The answer disappointed Mrs Mary Ann so much that she told heavy depressing steps away from the house but not forgetting to peer into every corner.

Lana was finally at peace. She immediately went to her parents room and packed all she could find into the Cosmo ring.

Under the loose floor plank was a Cosmo bag. Lana was not interested in what was there she packed every thing into the Cosmo ring.

The house was thoroughly emptied from the books in the study to the food stuffs then all the clothes.

This made her Cosmo ring a lot more stuffed but once she gained access to the Pocket dimension she would arrange everything inside.

With a pocket dimension hidden safely hidden in her cloth bag. She headed straight to Diane's house.

" Lana dear please come in, is Diane forcing you to attend the party. " Diane's mom Julia asked , her hair blew away from her face highlighting her beautiful features.

Her skin was fair with an highlights of yellow she looked like a drop of sunshine fell upon her school.

It was in complete contrast with Diane's father whose skin colour was pale. It made him look like a vampire who hid away from sunlight.

Ironically, he was barely seen during the afternoons.

" Yes she threatened me " Lana tattled, Julia was a very nice person she mothered Lana and Diana.

When Lana's nanny quit without notice she immediately asked Lana to move in and when Lana tried to delay she dragged her all the way to their home.

It was one of the main reason her clothes were not the only one she brought with her Diane's was at least half of it.

" Well at least you will spend time with us before you and Diane go off to the university. By the way she is in her room tomorrow we have a suprise for both of you so come back early tonight. " She waved as she hoped on her bicycle.

Lana waved back and immediately knew it would be a congratulations party it would have happened today but Diane was so insistence on a party.

It was rare to see Julia so calm to let both girls go to a party she feared Lana would be negatively influenced by Diane into drugs or taking illegal strengthening pills.

' Diane probably dropped a complete details of everyone we were going to meet , the place we were going the phone number and if their CCTV was working. ' Lana thought.

She was so right, except she had no idea Julia called the place to ensure their CCTV was in proper shape and it would not falter or have unnecessary blind spot.

The only one to blame for these was Lana and the criminal shows she watched. She always told Julia about the crimes that could happen and how they kidnapped and sold high schoolers for their potential.

It was only a movie were they were kidnapped and the Main lead was used for experiments. The higher the potential more they could withstand those crazy experiments.

Such experiments were looked down upon as her parents told her it was unorthodox.

Julia had actually asked Lana's parents about it but they assured her it was not normal or right.

Lana walked into Diane's room without knocking not that it would have any effect.

Diane was playing Dance hall fight instead of getting ready. It was obvious she at least had her bath.

Lana tapped her but was only greeted by a quick head turn before she faced her beloved game.

After a quick shower Lana fell asleep. There was no reason to sleep but a sleepyhead like her never needed a reason.

Diane's game came to an end when she punctured a hole into the last Mecha fighter. She then remembered her friend was around.

Turning back she was greeted by Lana's sleeping face. The time was 3:00

yet the party was four.

She shaked Lana waking her up.

" It is three sleepyhead would you hurry " Diane said.

" So we already have a cloth to wear we would go by 3:45 " Her eyes were wide awake but she did not want to get up.

Being forced off the bed by Diane they got ready for the party and set off.

The party was amazing it was filled with so much joy and young dreams. Lana felt happy that she knew everyone here though some were bone deep jerks at least she was part of a celebration.

The party lasted till late in the evening. This was the longest either girls had spent outside and they were so worried that Julia would kill them.

It reminded Lana of why she avoided parties , they were so distracted by how much fun they were having that they forgot the time completely.

" Have you gone there "

" No sir " He replied.

" We must not lose those copies by any chance. "

" Sir you seem so sure it is there what if they handed it over to someone " he asked.

" Never, it doesn't matter whether the trust the person or not. It is the thing that they would not trust. "

The young man knew his boss was right that thing was dangerous it was rather given to enemies than friends.

" Sir , she and her men seem to be tracking it down "

" Search discretely ahe must notnget it first. "

The young man immediately moved to obey orders. He felt there was something else he wanted to tell his boss but he did not amf he was not sure why.