
" Hurry " The person before her spoke.

The train was crowded. Everyone was going somewhere, it was sort of free as it was still a month till university resumption but that did not mean people never went early to avoid being late.

It was the first time she left her town, ever since she was young her life revolved around a place.

Unlike Diane who went on holidays to visit her relatives every new year she spent it with her parents who always found time.

Sitting on the bench she noticed it was worn out though still pretty. All around her were strangers talking to strangers.

The train was not going to the city it was on its way to Crinn.

Crinn had a port so people rode the ferries and airplanes has transportation there was absolutely no road leading from Crinn or their town to the Capital.

It was one of the reasons why they were almost completely clueless of what's going on.

According to their teachers the capital was filled with news about what was going on their was a little bit of protection from the truth but they were not completely oblivious to what was going on.

. In front of her was Diane who seemed unfazed by all the things around her has she held her phone to her face lost in whatever conversation she was having.

Lana could have picked up her phone but considering she had no friends except Diane and that the environment was completely strange she needed to take it all in.

She could be watching funny videos but the scenes outside and around her was too nice. she thought.

She looked out of the window.

".....ten years of being together and am not good enough... " that statement broke her trance she looked at the scene acting out in front of her.

The guy was dressed in a clean up tight manner compared to the high class manner girl he held.

It was so obvious they were on complete grounds.

"Yes, ten years is a long time and I wasted it on you. " 'Ouch ' that slow stab hurt Lana where she was seated she could not imagine the look on the guys face.

Not that she had to imagine the scene was still playing out in front of her.

"Was the ten years a joke " His voice quivered.

The girls hand clenched into a feast as she answered " No "

" Is it because of him. " His voice dripped of anger.

" No it is because of you, you seem treat me as an item and I can't do it anymore. "

" I have long wanted to part ways with you so it is best we do that now. " She walked away.

Her fist was ever clenched her footsteps heavy tears dropped from the corner of her eye.

It was obvious she loved the guy but is attitude was more than she could take.

Lana was disappointed by the simple scene she had hoped to see heartbreak and cries.

Unfortunately it seemed her wish was not getting fulfilled.

Conversation between passengers heightened that made it look like they knew each other for a while.

"Little girl here " a thin arm stretched a packet to her.

Lana turned to look at the person, an old lady came into her view, she was dressed in a pink homely coloured jumpsuit she looked like the sweet grandma nextdoor with her sunflower hat and pink slippers.

"Ma'am what is that ? " she asked cautiously.

" Oh it is a miracle fruit grown in my backyard it is like dried dates "

Lana stared at the lady feeling skeptical about the fruit, she had never heard the selling of miracle fruits.

" Not just the dried fruit, I also have a dimm fruit these one provides you with immeasurable strength my grandchildren have eaten it now they are super Mechas.

" And I also have seeds from an unknown plant. The plant existed 300 years ago. " she said

To be clear did all plants not exist 300 years ago they only underwent mutation.

Dried fruits and dimm fruit seemed all fake , the lady just wanted to sell it.

"So ma'am are you giving me " Lana teased.

The lady eyes glittered. " I wanted too but because you doubted me.....I..hmm " she paused

" Ma'am can I buy it "

As soon as those words left her mouth the old lady's face grew a large smile. Lana had seen the smile on adverts especially for things not needed.

" It only cost about 20 earth coins for the fruits but the sunflower seeds are 35 earth coins. "

Lana had no need for all the materials and their so called magical properties. She handed the lady 55 earth coins and collected the items which she immediately threw in her bag.

She noticed the last went away very fast m, she obviously wanted to sell to other people. It was obvious when she was picking the seeds from her collection that she was going to sell the rest.

Lana brought out the seeds and looked at the them.

The seeds shimmered them went dull she wondered what kind of fruit it would grow. At least the fruit could be snacks. She stuffed the seeds back in her bag.

' I will plant it in the pocket dimensions when I gain enough mental strength.' She thought.

Lana closed her eyes and began to meditate. It was not comfortable but there was nothing else to do and the scenery outside remained the same.

An hour passed and the train gradually slowed down. Lana could feel the deceleration of the train as it finally came to a stop at the station.

Diane stretched her muscles and got her bag. She had actually watched Lana until she fell asleep before she was able to fully concentrate on her game.

Though earth coins were kind of a lot of the woman resided in the village. They had 200,000 earth coins in general so it did not matter. She knew Lana just gave her the money out of pity.

It would be enough for her 1 Earth coin was worth 100 ground notes. with the current situation of things that was enough since she probably grew most of her food.

Lana eyes flew open and she saw ppl rushing to get off the train as ppl rushed to get onto it. She immediately got her bag and followed Diane off the train.

A small metal like container. It was like a car except it seemed to lack tires but strangely kept it self a float she felt like looking under to see what was their.

A middle age lady came out from what she felt was the driver's seat. The lady was dressed in a loose worn out suit spying into the driver's seat she noticed the game like console it looked like a joy stick.

It looked like a replacement for a staring wheel has she found no other use for it in the driver's seat.


The so called vehicle was long at least 8 ft long, as she was admiring it's sleek body which seemed to be one of the main inventions from the ancient history that had to do with fishes.

Diane who had loaded their luggages dragged her distracted friend into the vehicle. She had gotten used to these strange machines when she went to visit her cousin it was a pity Lana never believed her and taught it was due to too much video game.

" Hey " Lana grumbled.

" Do you want to be left behind " Diane asked.

Stumped by the question Lana remained quiet and focused on looking out of the window.

Out there she saw things she considered folk tale she had never once believed the existence of all these technology after all how could their town then be undeveloped.

She felt ashamed of being a country folk who let their poor unequipped environment distort their imagination.

'Why' she thought ; it seemed their town was to small no wonder it was an low tier E she know understood how drastic that was just by seeing these she began to pity those low tier F town.

Who knew how badly surprised she would be with the next things

Through out the trip a nice silence filled the car. Lana peered out of the window, she saw various vehicles like hers below them. It then occurred to the car was flying.

The cars packed right at the train station exits and entrance. People climbed in and out.

Moving farther away from the train station their seemed to be different versions of the vehicle everywhere in sizes and shapes.

The airplane would definitely look different she expected.

Taking a lean back she stopped checking the place out and put in her ear phones. and listened to music.

Diane paused her game and decided to take a quick nap she wanted to remind Lana to keep an eye out in case the lady began to act strange but Lana was still listening music.

She imagined how terrible it would have been of she had let Lana come alone.

Ignoring her she closed her eyes and took a quick nap.

The airplane was exactly like Lana imagined it was a space craft. It looked beautiful.

Diane was also shocked by the beauty of the Taau airlines plane. She had only seen a plane once but it was never as beautiful as this.

The boarding was simple and they had no inconvenience being on the plane.

" The 007 Taau airlines plane is about to land at our destination the capital so all passengers, host and hostess should remain seated. Thank you ". An announcement rang through the plane

Lana immediately sat up and woke Diane up. Unlike her who mostly woke up at their destination Diane could remain sleeping till the plane flew again.

"Diane the plane is going to land soon " She whispered in her ears.

Diane eyes fluttered open and she saw Lana's smiling face staring at her. She then remembered what she heard touch down or so.

" Lana where you able to call my uncle Drake he is the only one who comes from the capital to Crinn town " Diane asked , she did not want to spend a night at the airport her uncle's family where super busy since he decided to accommodate them they should not stress him.

" Yes I have , You are lucky to have uncle's all I have are people I don't know or talk to no family event " Lana whined

Diane rolled her eyes at what Lana said like she would ever go-to a family event or mingle with people if she was not told a life depended on it.

" Plane 007 of the Taau airlines will be landing in 5 minutes please remain seated all headphones , phones and commwatches should be shut off. Thank you. "

" what is commwatch " Lana asked.

" My cousin brought it to Crinn two years ago it is like a super fast mobile phone but it can be worn. It is extremely strong, waterproof and has a long lasting battery of at least 94 hours. " Diane explained.

Lana looked up trying to imagine how it looked like.

" Just imagine your Mobile phone worn on your hand , it's screen is bendable so it fits on the arm perfectly and it's anti radiation proof. "

" Like we have had radiation problems since the days of the Mech. The era of Mech erased all radiation problem. " Lana replied.

" Plane landing in 10 seconds. , 9 ,8, 7, 6, 5 ,4 ,3 ,2 ,1 seconds. Please remain in your seat till you are informed to leave "

They had finally arrived at the capital.

" Thank you for joining the 007 Taau airlines flight we expect you next time. " The male host had such a nice voice.

Diane and Lana collected their bags at the station, they went to the Lounge and sat on a vacant seat very close to the airport exit.

Diane spotted her cousin standing with a big sign which read Diane and her weird friend.

She felt annoyed but their was absolutely nothing she could do.

" Lana my cousin is here"

" Where " Lana asked stretching her neck.

" The one with the stupid sign post, I am sorry My uncle's family have always been extremely arrogant just because they lived in the capital.

" it is fine. " Lana was actually happy she never had close relationship with her so called uncle and aunt.

" Let's go they are offering us accommodation. " Lana assured her friend Diane.

They walked up to Diane's cousin who only greeted them with a nod before signalling them to follow him.

He got into a sleek deep blue vehicle with dark windows it was longer than expected. He opened the door from inside.

Lana looked at Diane before they both carried their luggage and sat on the inside. The chairs were much warmer and clean with a cream covering.

Diane's uncle house was big , he seemed to be an important person as they were check points or he lived in an important environment. The latter was

more believable.

Upon entering the living room they saw a lady dressed in a blue flowing gown she seemed to be those ladies from the movies were everyday was like a party.

It was strange as Lana had a large number of comfy cloth so did Diane after all one was a gamer and the other was an introvert.

" Aunty" Diane greeted with a small bow of the head.

' How obvious' Lana thought. of course she was the aunty.

Lana was quick to copy it her head bowed came up as soon as it was down making it seem like an elongated nod.

The lady sneered at Lana wondering why her husband accepted his neice and her countryfolk friend.

She hopped the girl would go back upon seeing how her son Parker described her but she came anyways.

" Diane and friend " Her voice dripped with so much contempt.

' Rich people ' Lana thought.

Diane was used to such treatment so she did not mind. They remained standing until Her aunt motioned for them to sit down.

" Are these your luggage " She asked

" Yes" Diane answered; it was weird for Lana to see Diane acting so meekly. Lana was the one who behaved like that.

As much a Lana was sweet to all adults she remained quiet because she had a mean streak that rarely blew up and Diane's aunt was standing at the borderline.

She held her luggage close to her the only thing of important was the cloth bag which contained the pocket dimensions. The Cosmos ring was stringed on a thick thread and worn on the neck.

" Maids , search them " she commanded.

Both Diane and Lana were shocked what did she mean by search them. Did they seem like thieves how dare she do this.

" Aunty but why" Diane asked whilst holding her best friend hands. She could feel Lana's anger which was on a constant increase.

Lana was not a mean person but she had a massive temper she usually reined in most of the time.

" Well to prevent you from stealing " she answered.

Diane walked away and let them search their bags.

Lana on the other hand stuck close to her bag in case they stole something.

Their bags were on zipped and the disappointed look on the maids face was insulting. They removed each of their clothes including their underwear for the lady of the house to see.

Lana was feeling suffocated , she wanted to tear the clothes out of their hands. How she had a lot to say but she bit her tongue because it was Diane's aunt.

" Lana am sorry " Diane whispered.

" Oh it's fine " she assured " But if they their touch my stuff I will break their hands I promise. "

She stroked the Cosmo ring on her hand. Diane had the exact one, Diane's mother had given it to them the morning after the party, she also gave them a bottle of thousandth explosion. It was more reliable than the bottle of cent explosion.

They had also given them some precious energy stones about 100 each.

They could have kept it for their daughter but the gave it to both of them.

Lana also had precious gift her parents left behind for Diane but she was not given her now.

She did pass on the mental manual that her mum selected for Diane it was on par with her's but different.

The maids touched Lana cloth bag and were about to check what was inside when Lana tore the bag out of their hands.

" Let them search it. " Diane's aunt commanded.

" No. I have let them search but they are not to touch these. What if they break it. I doubt your family can afford my family's heirloom passed down from a thousand generation. " Lana lied.

She did not spare the old mean lady another look. She bent down and closed all her clothes back.

Enough was enough who cares if they had finish searching. She was done with these drama.

" Ma'am are we staying or are you kicking us out. " Lana sneered.

Diane was thankful her friend controlled her temper.

" Maids take them to the guest room by the training room. It is probably the best they have ever seen "

Lana turned and smiled " It is probably bet.. ...hmphmm " She could not finish her statement as Diane pit a hand on her mouth and thanked her aunt while dragging her away.

In their ugly looking room Lana grew angrier " Diane why did you block my mouth. "

" She is still my uncle's wife "

Lana wanted to say her uncle was no good but she remained quiet. Whilst Diane was unpacking. Lana refused to open her luggage.

" Lana aren't you going to unpack " Diane asked she had only set a few clothes aside when she noticed her

" Nope and neither should you, with your aunt rude behaviour. We will be getting our own apartment very soon. "

" How " Diane asked

" We need a Commwatch first and we also need to know how things work here and my parents left both of us Four million earth coins each. " Of course that was not true the money was more than that but Lana lied.

Her friend would not spend the money if she knew how much it was. She could share things with her but never liked to collect hers because she felt it was wrong.

" Are sure they left it for me or you "

Diane asked

" For you they also left other things but I can only give you one after the other. "

Diane never wanted Lana's things she didn't want her to think they were friends because of her money.

She packed up her bag once again understanding Lana's point. It was better to be prepared. If her parents didn't give her the Cosmo ring she wondered what would have happened if her aunt found those energy stones.