Chapter Four - The Border to Donggu (Part 2)

"I am restless," he confessed with great reluctance. "But the palace will have to deal without me. It wouldn't be the first time."

Hearing his admission, Inka chewed her lower lip in distress. "What if it's serious?"

The glow of humour changed his face, imparting warmth. The thought of failure never crossed his mind. "There's no need to worry. The palace only recruits qualified individuals. Beihai is in safe hands."

"It must be nice to have people you can rely on," she cracked a half-smile, slightly envious.

Kyou never gave it much thought before. All his workers were adept, and no talents were taken for granted. He had Jin to thank for that. At the end of the day, he expected everyone to accomplish their tasks efficiently. It was the reason why they were paid handsomely. He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I suppose you're right."

"Who goes there?" An angry voice bellowed, followed by a set of thundering hooves.

Inka turned to see a uniformed soldier drawing near on his horse. Yanking the beast to a halt, the man regarded them with undisguised hostility, his lips tightening. "Name yourselves."

Kyou bowed at the waist and Inka hastily mimicked his actions. "I am Kyou and this is my sibling. We came from the North to join the rebellion."

The soldier's face marginally relaxed. "Are you the new recruits? I've been waiting for you."

Had he been waiting for someone else? This was their golden ticket in. Nodding steadily, Kyou replied. "Yes, we are."

"Well, come along," the soldier urged, reining his horse around. "You're just in time for the celebration."

They were escorted into a rudimentary camp swarming with people and activities. Wayward children and dogs ran amok, playing hide-and-seek amongst the makeshift tents. What were children doing here? More importantly, what were they celebrating?

This liveliness wasn't what she expected of a rebel camp, assuming it to be more...tense and stringent. She stole a sidelong glance at Kyou, whose expression was unreadable.

"We don't have tents for everyone, so you'll have to share. You're welcome to sleep under the stars if you like. On this island, you are free to roam but, bear in mind that violence is strictly prohibited." The soldier warned sternly. "Our goal is to depose Lord Daifuku and gain an audience with the King. The rebellion doesn't need wilful soldiers."

"Pardon me for asking but, what does Lord Kusunagi want with the King?" Kyou questioned, surmising it was the source of the rebel leader's discontent.

"That is between Lord Kusunagi and the King. A lowly commoner should just do as you're told and stick to things your brain can process."

Inka's blood boiled at the insult. How dare he called the Emperor stupid! Her gaze swung to Kyou but he remained placid. Why wasn't he saying anything? Usually arrogant, it annoyed her how he allowed this soldier's impertinence. It was unlike the man she was getting to know.

The soldier flagged down a buxom woman emerging from a nearby tent and introduced them. "This is Mari. She is our appointed caretaker for all new recruits." He turned to the woman. "Then, I'll entrust them in your care." Before leaving, he gave Kyou and Inka a serious once over, deliberately warning them. "Don't cause any trouble."

"Yes sir," they declared in unison.

Unlike the uptight soldier, Mari was a welcoming older woman whose eyes lingered a little too long on Kyou. Inka frowned, mentally shaking her head. She should focus on the mission. Besides, why would it matter if Kyou found the woman attractive?

Even so, she felt a stab of annoyance when Mari constantly brushed up against his arm - a touch here and there. It intensified when the woman giggled at something Kyou had said, and the damned man had to reciprocate, dimples flashing.

Inka hadn't realised her jaws were clenched until she had to forcibly relax them.

"It's always wonderful to have new recruits fighting for the good of our people." Mari clasped her hands together, leading them into the supplies tent. "Did Haku inform you that this will be our last night here on the island? Tomorrow morning, the men will be marching into the capital." She paused to study them. "By the way, what are your names?"

Promptly cutting Kyou to the chase, Inka inserted herself in the middle. "I am Inka, and this is Kyou." She forced a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Taken aback by Inka's silent aggression, Mari's gaze flicked hesitantly from her to Kyou. Were they a couple? This petite woman was clearly warning her off. "Y-yes, likewise."

Kyou bit back the urge to smile. Could the little witch be jealous of the mature Mari? It was a trait he recognised from his harem females when he paid someone too much attention. Usually, their pettiness irritated him but he was curious of Inka's actions. The thought of her fighting for his affection inexplicably raised his spirits.

"And where are you from?" Mari continued making small talk, shuffling around the room to open cabinets.

"From the borders," Inka repeated Kyou's lie.

"Are you lovers?"

Inka blushed at that bold question. Even if this were an act, she could never assume the role of his lover. "No, we are…siblings."

The older woman's face relaxed and Inka caught the rekindling interest in her eyes. "Well, that's good news. We don't get a lot of young men brave enough to join the rebellion. You must be a very valiant man, Kyou."

Inka scowled at her casual use of the Emperor's name but, Mari only had eyes for him. The woman then proceeded to hand them blankets, water skins and daily necessities. "These are all we have so use your resources sparingly. Now, why don't we join the celebration? I'm sure you are both hungry and exhausted from your trip." Linking her arm through Kyou's, Mari hauled him away. "I'll introduce you to everyone else."

Inka trailed listlessly behind the couple, quietly fuming. Since she wasn't hungry or keen to make merry, she decided to retire for the evening. Unfortunately, Mari failed to show them where their 'beds' were, so she found a safe spot under a tree and spread out the blanket to make a comfortable pallet. She didn't want to risk bumping into anyone who might recognise her.

As her eyes drifted shut, hushed voices carried in the wind.

"I heard Lord Kusunagi has found the missing women of his tribe."

Her eyes flew open.

"After the attack, the women and children were taken by Donggu slave drivers."

She gasped, covering her mouth to muffle the sound. How could that have happened?

Someone sighed. "That's tragic. I heard rumours about Donggu's infamous slave trade. Beautiful women are sold as prostitutes, while the less fortunate ones become servants for the rich. They even loan children to workhouses and the older ones end up as street thugs."

His comrade lamented. "Donggu's as corrupted as our nation."

Her hands fisted at the thought of Lupa at the mercy of ruthless slavers. She needed to know if it was true. Consumed by her thoughts, she missed the pair of boots emerging from the bushes. "Aren't you a pretty morsel?" A loud hiccup. "Are you a new recruit?"

Twisting around, she found a drunk soldier leering at her. He squatted and invaded her personal space, his breath reeking of alcohol. "Why don't you join me for the night, pretty dove?" He raised his hand to rub the strands of hair that escaped her hood. "I've never had a woman with hair like yours. How pretty."

Tamping her urge to sock him in the jaw, she played along. He just stated a problem she had been wary of since they set foot on the island. Her unique colouring called for attention, making her a recognisable target. First, she needed a disguise to move freely amongst the rebels.

Pasting on a plastic smile, she coyly touched his thigh and lowered her lashes. She had seen this seduction ritual several times from the tribeswomen who wanted a man to comfort them for the night. "I'm a little shy in public. Can we go to someplace more private?"

Her words incited his lust and he immediately pulled her to her feet. "I know a good spot we can enjoy ourselves."


Kyou was enthusiastically welcomed by the rebels, their senses overwhelmed by the euphoria of fine ale. Who knew if they would return alive after tomorrow. This was a celebration of life and death. Eagerly they accepted him into their ranks — the women even more so.

Mari was shamelessly rubbing her body against him like a cat in heat, her invitation blatant but he wasn't interested. Kyou wasn't a saint. He freely indulged in the pleasures only a woman's soft, nubile body could provide. He suspected his lack of interest was because of a certain silver haired witch.

Speaking of Inka, where was she?

Glancing around, he noticed she was missing. A coil of apprehension tightened his gut. Wasn't she behind him all this time? He sighed inwardly. He should have known she would wander off.

"Why don't we retire for the night, Kyou?" Mari purred flirtatiously. "I promise you won't regret it."

Mari was breathtaking, but she wasn't the one he wanted. This took him by surprise. His abnormal attraction to the witch was fast becoming an inconvenience. Politely pushing her hands aside, he made a deferential bow. "My apologies, my lady. As beautiful as you are, I have someone I am faithful to."

He expected her to throw a fit or to coax him to change his mind, but her face softened, making her appear younger. "Is that so? Well, whoever she is, she's one lucky woman."

If only she knew the truth, Kyou thought wryly. The situation was complicated enough without the addition of romantic love. Getting up, he graciously excused himself and went in search of his troublesome witch.