Chapter Five - The Deepest Betrayal (Part 1)

Inka swept her hands over her disguise, taking a quick whiff of the starchy fabric. Her face wrinkled in disgust at the sour stench of man and sweat. "This will have to do for now."

Gaze falling onto the half-naked soldier passed out on the dirt, her lips twisted in revulsion. The moment the disgusting lecher had tried to kiss her, she slammed her fist into his face and knocked him out cold. She wasn't sorry about his broken nose. After hastily undressing him, she pulled on his dirty rags.

Before she could slip into her robe, she felt a presence behind. Bracing herself, she instinctively moved and tackled the stranger to the ground. The man let out a soft grunt before wrapping a hand around her throat and squeezed. Turning the tables, he held her up against a tree.

"Who are you?" he demanded gruffly.

Inka recognized Kyou's voice and repeatedly slapped his hand, wheezing hard. "I-it's me! Let go!"

Stunned that he nearly strangled the witch to death, he relaxed his grip but didn't release her. Instead, his fingers slid into her hair, cradling the back of her head. Possessively. "What were you doing? I looked everywhere for you and yet here you are. Alone. Inviting danger." His mouth firmed. "Don't you know how dangerous it is for a single woman to wander around a camp full of drunks? One of them could have easily hurt you."

Inka coughed, drawing deep breaths of air into her stifled lungs. His worry was lost on her. "I was going to sleep when this man," she pointed at the unconscious soldier, "accosted me."

Kyou finally spotted the man sprawled in the shadows. His face darkened with anger. Seizing her wrist roughly, he demanded, "Did he hurt you?"

"No, I hit him before he could."

"What were you thinking!" he exploded, shaking her forcefully. "What if he was stronger than you? You could have been seriously hurt!"

"I'm not helpless," she assured, trying to break his imprisoning hold. "He was drunk and I'm a trained warrior. You don't have to worry about me." She flinched at his immense strength. "Kyou, you're hurting me!"

His name on her lips snapped him out of his momentary anger. It was the first time she said it. Softening his grip, he drew her close enough to see the glints of her moonlight hair. "Forgive me. I was worried about you."

Astounded by his frank admission, she hadn't a choice but to accept his apology. Inka wondered what he was thinking of when he gazed at her so intently. Did he realize he was petting her like a child? It was...nice and comforting.

The feeling dissolved when she remembered about their generous hostess. Face closing over, she asked, "Why aren't you with Mari? Isn't she a better companion?"

These were casual questions, but Kyou caught the edge beneath. He grinned, leaning close into her ear, lowering his voice. "I'm not interested in Mari." His nose trailed a seductive path along the curve of her jaw. "Besides, I've got you to warm my bed tonight. Don't you think it's long overdue?"

His warmth and earthy scent invaded her senses, inspiring a restlessness she couldn't understand. Gasping at his boldness, she pushed him back, aware of the hard muscles beneath her touch. "I'm not sleeping with you!"

"Where are you going?" He reeled her back into his arms. Something dark and electric gleamed in those midnight eyes, sparking a sensuous thrill along the length of her spine.

Inka noticed him closing the distance, angling his mouth to hers. Her heart drummed in her ears, and her stomach fluttered. She wasn't ready for this! Lightning quick, she forced a respectable distance between them. "I-I'm going to bed!"

Kyou watched her go, wondering what came over him. For a moment there, he wanted — no — needed to know what she tasted like. How strange. To him, kissing was a prelude to sex, and he never paid much attention to it.

Following her back to her pallet, he realized she no longer wore the dress he gave her. His brows furrowed. "What are you wearing?"

"The dress and my hair makes me stand out too much. I needed to blend in."

While he wasn't happy about her discarding the dress, he couldn't help but admire her shapely bottom encased in pants. His desire for her returned, shooting straight to his stiff cock. "A wise decision but," he groused uncomfortably. "I think it's better if you wore something less appealing."

A frustrated growl escaped her as she sat down on her pallet. "How is this days old pants appealing? And for your information, I didn't have a choice. These were the only ones I could steal unless…," she trailed off, her lips curving naughtily, "Would you like to give me yours in exchange?"

"You wouldn't be able to fit," he pointed out as a matter-of-factly. "These are tailor made to my height and I don't wear anything that isn't silk or cotton."

"Your birth right is showing, Your Majesty," she snorted. To Inka's consternation, he merely smiled and with an exaggerated sigh laid down beside her. Scrambling to her knees, she glared down at him. "What are you doing!"

He folded his arms behind his head and closed his eyes. "Isn't it obvious? I don't have a blanket and you're my best source of heat."

"No." She chucked her robe at him. "Use this if you have to. You're not sleeping with me."

He didn't respond.

Releasing another growl, she tried desperately to roll him off but he wouldn't budge. "Waya, you're heavy!" A corner of his lip tugged upwards. Resisting the urge to throttle him, she accused hotly. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

Cracking an eye open, he patted the space beside him. "Give up and go to sleep, witch."

"If you try anything —,"

"If I try anything, you won't be able to resist." He cut her off, confidence dripping from his tone. "But I won't. When I have you under me, it's because you want me. Badly. Now stop fussing and lie down or I won't be held responsible for my actions."

Heeding his threat, she dove into the pallet and wrapped the robe tightly around her body. She made sure to have her back facing him, although it didn't mute his compelling presence. How could anyone ignore the sun if it was right behind you? Not that he was the sun.

After a moment of silence, he murmured. "You shouldn't have to hide your hair or looks."

"We've come this far. I don't want to jeopardize the mission." And she didn't want to be the reason it might fail. Although, she believed he wouldn't blame her for it, not anymore. She had seen a glimpse of the man beneath the title of Emperor.

"Kusunagi's not on the island," Kyou stated pensively.

She twisted her head to look over her shoulder, noting his eyes were still closed. "What are we going to do?"

"We'll just abide our time. An opening will eventually present itself."

"You promise to release me after we find Kusunagi?" Her thoughts shifted to her missing tribespeople.

Kyou winced inwardly at the reminder that she wasn't here of her own accord. Technically, she was still his captive. Had it only been two days since they travelled together? It felt longer. "I never break my word."

"Good." Her response brisk.

"Why are you in a rush to leave?" he questioned, sensing the underlying urgency in her voice.

"I just have to," she answered curtly, hoping he would drop the subject.

Kyou suspected it was important but decided to let it slide. The witch didn't owe him anything but, he couldn't deny the desire to know everything about her.


The next day, the rebellion marched into the capital. Kyou counted at least fifty heads in the unit — more than enough manpower to overrun a noble's manor which was leniently guarded compared to the royal palace.

Before departing, Mari had wished them good luck and briefly kissed his cheek. Kyou wondered if that was the reason Inka hasn't spoken a word to him since. The thought of her jealousy made him remarkably pleased.

Removing his water skin, he took a sparing sip before offering it to the silent witch beside him. Inka accepted and drank thirstily. He had to stop her before she consumed every drop. The sun was a harsh foe, beating down on their backs like rays of fire.

Wiping her sweat, Inka wondered if their destination was close. Mentally, she had planned her next course of action. Once Kusunagi was dealt with, she would head to Donggu and search for her tribespeople. Time was of the essence.

"We shall set up camp here!" Haku, their Captain declared. It explained his austere behavior the first time they met. "Replenish your energy and prepare your weapons. Once we receive the signal at dusk, we will attack as planned!"

The men scattered and started raising tents off the ground. Resting in the shadows, Inka and Kyou shared a tent with a few men.

"I've never seen you two before. Where are you from?" A burly man with a jagged scar on his cheek asked, sharpening his knife. He looked downright intimidating.

"We're from the Eastern border of Shiryuu," Kyou replied, urging Inka to take his refilled water skin. He didn't want her to overheat. "I'm Kyou and this is my brother, Ginka."

Inka nearly choked on a mouthful of water. How dare he called her a boy! Covering her hand over his, she dug her nails into his skin. Kyou didn't even blink, his larger hand engulfing hers. She tried to tug free, but he held on tighter.

"I'm Drago." The burly man gestured to the other males. "That's Xan and Yato. We're from the North. What brings you boys into the rebellion?"

"Same reason we told the Captain. We're here to avenge our dead cousin."

"Sounds noble," Drago huffed without taking his eyes off his weapon. "We want to replace Daifuku with a capable leader. Where I'm from, we don't rely on the harvest and have a limited supply of fresh water. Our houses are built from wood and leaves gathered in spring. Come winter, we lose a few comrades to the bitter cold. Clothes are scarce because our trade resources are meagre, and our village is isolated. We've appealed to Daifuku for aid, but he continuously ignored us."

"We thought about moving but it's difficult without money," Yato chipped in regretfully.

Xan nodded in agreement and remarked miserably. "We have mouths to feed and with my second baby on the way...medicine is expensive."

Inka deduced that Xan was a few years older than Kyou while the rest were in their mid-thirties but, the harsh realities of life made them appear haggard and defeated. She had no clue of the people's sufferings. Listening to their hardships made her thankful to have a self-sufficient tribe.

A sincerity to help them bloomed within her chest. She glanced at Kyou who was listening intently. As the Emperor, what did he make of this?

The men chit-chatted about meaningless things and at one point they asked if she was mute.

"My brother isn't talkative like me," Kyou explained, patting her turbaned head.

"He sure has unusual eyes," Drago stared unabashedly at Inka.

Kyou deliberately blocked her with his body from prying eyes, dismissing their concern with a jaunty laugh. "It's a birth defect. You'll get used to it."

Inka breathed a sigh of relief when Drago shrugged and left the tent to attend to his business.

"Relax," Kyou soothed, handing her a strip of dehydrated meat. "Eat up. You'll need your strength." He then startled her by chuckling. "They're idiots for believing you're a boy. One look at you, and no one could have mistaken you for a man." His eyes traced the silhouette of her body beneath her bulky clothes.

She flushed a little. "You could have warned me."

"And miss getting a souvenir from you?" He cheekily waved the crescent marks on his hand.

She appeared chastised. "I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be." He flashed the widest smile she had seen, so distracted she nearly missed the next words out of his mouth. "I don't mind wearing your marks on me."

Inka balked, jerking her gaze away. This wasn't the same cold Emperor who ridiculed her days ago. What the hell was going on?


Come sunset, the rebels prepared to move out. The Captain was seated on his war horse, his focus on the distant glow of the capital. A twinkle amongst the dotted lights brought a fierce smile to his face. Whirling his stallion around, he roared. "This is the moment we have been waiting for! Are you ready, men?"

The rebellion clamored in response, their fighting spirit spurring the Captain to raise his sword. "Then let's seize the manor and make it ours! Charge forth!"