Chapter Sixteen - Unrequited Affection (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Clouds Huma Huma"

"Are you feeling fine, little dove?" Shuhei's voice snapped her out of her stupor.

Flushing scarlet, she refused to look him in the eye. In fact, she hadn't lifted her head since entering the breakfast hall. He glowered at his youngest brother apprehensively. "What have you done, Kyoutarou?"

Kyou calmly picked up a dumpling. "What are you referring to?"

Rei couldn't contain his grin. "Admit it, Your Majesty. You were the closest one."

"I think the entire palace heard it last night," Ryuu mentioned indifferently.

Inka's face reddened to the point where Shuhei began to fret, believing she was unwell.

Right at her ear, Kyou whispered. "Don't worry, they aren't talking about how you were screaming my name last night."

"Then what are they talking about?" she demanded, trying to tame her frazzled nerves. She hadn't even told him about Akio walking in on them at the bathhouse.

"Didn't you hear the peacocks crying from dusk till dawn?" Ryuu interrupted her thoughts. "I hardly slept a wink. Damned mating season."

There were peacocks in the compound? Inka shook her head. "No, I didn't." She and Kyou had been so caught up in each other that nothing else registered. She couldn't even think beyond the multitude of orgasms he had forced upon her.

As if reading her mind, Kyou's lips twisted with male satisfaction. That was when she felt a piercing stare in her direction. Raising her gaze, she caught Akio brooding at her with an unfathomable expression. The fine hairs on her nape stood on end.

Shoving to her feet, she murmured, "I'm going for a walk."

"Do you want me to accompany you?" Kyou started to rise but she shook her head.

"No, it's fine. I'll be right back."

"Be careful," he warned, noticing the way his brother was watching her.


Inka was startled to find 'him' waiting for her at the garden's edge after her long walk. Adopting a bravery she wasn't feeling, she greeted cordially, "Your Majesty."

"I want you to be my concubine." He confronted her forthright. "I will compensate my brother for his loss."

She blinked a few times, processing his words. Her uneasiness ebbed as irritation set in. "That is impossible, Your Majesty. If you will excuse me, Kyou is waiting for me." She tried to move pass, but he clamped a hand around her arm.

Frost chilled his words. "I wasn't done talking."

"Well, I am. I will never be anyone's concubine." She jerked away, outright contempt sparking her temper. "For your information, I am not an object to be traded." When he bodily blocked her path, she barked in exasperation. "What do you want from me?"

"I want you," he answered frankly, stunning her into silence. "After watching your little performance last night, I realized I was too hasty to dismiss you. I've never had a savage in my bed before. I can see why my brother is fascinated with you."

His vulgarity only intensified her dislike of him. There was that same glimmer in his eyes whenever he looked at her — darkly sadistic.

"Kyou will tire of you soon." He pressed conceitedly. "And when he does, you'll come to me. There's someone I'd like you to meet and when she arrives, you'll know that he isn't serious about you. You resemble her in many ways, discounting your unique colouring."

Inka's hand itched to slap the smugness off his face. "You're wrong. I'm not going to listen to your nonsense so please step aside or I will be forced to scream." Enraged silver eyes clashed with bottomless black. She may not be wholly civilised but, she was no pushover. "Your Majesty."

Akio's lips quirked at her caustic tone. Magnanimously moving aside, he watched her storm off, his eyes following her until she disappeared inside.


Inka was hiding something from him. After she returned to the breakfast hall looking slightly pale and breathless, he asked her what was wrong.

"It's nothing," she dismissed his concern.

He was unconvinced, especially by the way she stiffened when Akio entered the hall. His eyes narrowed upon his brother. Had something happened between them? He was determined to get to the bottom of it. It vexed him how little she trusted him with her problems. They needed to work on that.

As planned, they toured the village and enjoyed the local delicacies and sceneries. It helped to take Inka's mind off the King's disturbing proposal, although she did feel unsafe. Any sudden movements and she would startle easily.

Her jumpiness only deepened Kyou's suspicion. He noticed how quiet she was when they arrived at the plantation, showing none of her previous enthusiasm. Enough was enough. While Kuriko rambled on about some romantic folklore, he pulled Inka a safe distance away from prying ears. "You're going to tell me what's wrong or we're not leaving." His eyes hardened. "And I don't want another lie out of those lips."

"I told you there's nothing to worry about," she insisted with frustration.

"I know enough that when a woman says that it means the opposite and your actions tell me otherwise. I don't tolerate liars, especially not from my lover." His warning was crystal clear.

Their eyes locked in a silent battle before she eventually caved in. "Your brother saw us last night."

"Which one?" he frowned.

"The King," she forced out, unable to speak his name.


She nodded aversely.

"Is that what's been bothering you? That he saw us pleasuring each other?"

"No! And lower your voice!" she shushed him, stealing a glance at Shuhei and the others. "Your brother walked in when I…," Her ears reddened, and she cleared her throat. "When I was coming." Her mouth flattened unhappily. "Are you satisfied now?"

"Of course not." His jaw tightened. "He saw my woman in her most vulnerable state. Your cries and expressions are mine alone."

"Oh, forget about that." She rolled her eyes. "Your brother seems to have it in his head that he wants me."

The air around Kyou thickened and boiled. "Wants you as in…,"

"Yes, in exactly that manner. He accosted me in the garden this morning and prepositioned me to be his concubine."

"That son of a bitch!" he cursed audibly, turning Shuhei's head. "I'm going to have a word with him."

"No!" she cried, shaking her head wildly. "I don't want you to make a fuss about it. I have rejected him and if we don't respond, he can't retaliate. I don't want to give him an opportunity to attack you."

"I will not compromise when it comes to your safety." He insisted strongly. "We don't know what tricks he has up his sleeve."

"And I am grateful that you want to protect me, but I can fight my own battles."

Kyou's first inclination was to protest. This little witch was too stubborn for her own good. Physical combat and mind games were two separate matters. With his vast experience he would choose a bloody battle over psychological warfare any day. It was easier to cut down an enemy you could perceive with the five senses. Seeing the determination on her face, he knew she was being brave for him, and he didn't want to trample on her resolve.

His expression softened a little and he exhaled ruefully. It wasn't as if he fought fairly. She didn't have to know that. Drawing her into his embrace, he rested his chin on her head. "Promise me that you will be careful. Akio's not like Shuhei who blows hot air." He was unwilling to add that Akio resembled him. Once they had something in their sights, they would pursue it relentlessly.

"I promise."

"And promise me, if anything happens that you'll come to me first." He looked her straight in the eyes, unafraid to show his concern.

A mischievous smile curved her lips. "I double promise. Would it make you feel better to seal it with a kiss?"

Reluctantly, he grinned. He was glad she wasn't troubled any longer. "If you dare."

Sneaking a glance at the others, she rose on tiptoe and pecked him on the mouth. At once, his arms banded around her and he deepened the kiss, swallowing her startled squeal. Inka realized he wasn't going to release her until she yielded to him. Slipping both arms around him, she returned his kiss, feeling inherently safer when he was near.

"Good girl," he murmured, brushing his thumb over the colour in her cheeks.

Inka could watch him watching her all day. Clearing her throat, she tucked her hair behind her ear and said, "Let's get back to the others."

Once they were within earshot, Shuhei approached Kyou with furrowed brows. "What was that all about?"

"Akio made a move on her." Kyou exhaled in annoyance. "I need eyes on Inka at all times."

"That's strange. Akio doesn't pursue women. It's always the other way around." Shuhei reflected in bafflement, then his eyes widened. "You don't mean…?"

Kyou's dark look was enough to confirm Shuhei's suspicion. "It seems the throne isn't the only thing you need to worry about."


They visited a farming village where Kuriko introduced them to the delights of Chinese cuisine. Shuhei and Ryuu were enthralled by the mouthwatering aroma of roasted Peking duck coated with shiny, sticky sweet barbeque honey sauce and the tantalizing fragrance of roasted pork belly, ma-po tofu, stir fried vegetables and shark fin soup.

"I've never had Chinese dishes before," Shuhei licked in his lips hungrily and tucked into his first bite. He moaned at the exquisite flavours bursting upon his tongue, savouring the juicy, tender meat. "I just died and gone to heaven!"

The others resonated their agreements, thanking the chef and Kuriko for the gastronomical adventure. After lunch, they perused the stalls in town for souvenirs. Inka wanted to gift Lupa with a special memento from Nanyang and was about to cross when she bumped into a tall figure.

"Pardon me," she apologized, her eyes travelling up the stranger's willowy frame. Inka couldn't see the woman's expression beneath her hood but felt her palpable irritation.

"Do watch where you're going," the woman snapped haughtily and walked off.

"What an unfriendly lady," Inka muttered.