Chapter Sixteen - Unrequited Affection (Part 2)

Feeling warm and sticky, Inka decided to visit the bathhouse before dinnertime. As she made her way across the hall, she noticed a suspicious figure slipping into Kyou's chamber. Her senses went on high alert. Retrieving her safety knife, she shifted closer and tentatively pried the doors wide enough for her to peek in.

"Hello stranger," a husky, feminine voice floated from within. "It's been awhile."

Her heart palpitated in a strange rhythm as she envisioned the image of Kyou with the owner of that voice, their limbs tangled in passion. Jealousy gripped her.

"Attaw," Kyou's response was frigidly calm. "What are you doing here?"

Attempting to locate them, Inka struggled to see through the narrow opening.

"Is that all you have to say to an old friend?" the woman purred.

"Stop it, Attaw. You're only embarrassing yourself," Kyou censured detestably. "I warned you not to test my patience on this. Put your clothes back on."

Inka's eyes bulged unforgivingly. She had heard enough. Securing her weapon, she barged in furiously, "What is going on?" Her gaze swept the place, landing on Kyou's guilt-ridden face and the stranger's undisguised contempt. It was hard to ignore the woman's nakedness, her round, perky breasts jutting out proudly, calling for attention. Inka refused to look away, even as she dug her fingernails into her palms to anchor herself.

Calm down, she repeated in her head. She shouldn't jump to conclusions. This intruder could be a deadly assassin.

"I can explain," Kyou insisted with a slight panic in his voice. It was comical to see the Emperor of Xi all flustered.

"I don't know what's happening here but," Inka fixed a steady glare at the stranger, "I'm the type who acts first and ask questions later." And then she attacked.

Attaw immediately ducked and seized Inka's wrist, forcing it into an angle that dropped the weapon.

"Both of you, stop it this instance!" Kyou barked, impossible frustration rising.

"Is this what you're into these days, Kyou?" Attaw taunted, hurling Inka across the room. "Wild bitches who bare their fangs at anyone?"

"Inka!" Kyou rushed to help her.

Wild bitch? Obviously, this woman wasn't an assassin. Inka smacked his hand away, wiping the blood from her split lips. There was an unforgiving spark in her eyes he had never seen before. "I'm not just any wild bitch," she bit out, straightening to her full height that couldn't outmatch Attaw's six-foot-three. "I'm the wild bitch who is going to make you regret coming here today!"

"Inka, stop!" Kyou ordered fiercely. "Attaw is my General." His words fell on death ears.

"Leave her be, Kyou. She'll soon learn that she's no match for me," Attaw sneered, widening her stance.

"Shut up and put your clothes back on," he grated, feeling a familiar throb between his eyes. "When you're done, step outside and wait for me." He turned to Inka. "I need you to calm down and listen to me. I have absolutely no interest in General Attaw. She's only a childhood friend."

"I don't care who she is," Inka declared hotly. "Ashina women do not share what is theirs."

Kyou couldn't get through to them. Reasoning with them was like talking to a brick wall. Never could he imagine being caught in a woman's squabble. Over him.

"I remember you. You were in the marketplace today." Attaw recalled, slipping her blouse over her head. "With hair that colour, it's no wonder you're unforgettable." She shot the Emperor a brief, pained glance. "Is this your response to what we have shared? Have you changed while I was away?"

"You're more than a General to him." Understanding dawned upon Inka. Their familiar tone and body language suggested that they were once lovers. She could hardly think above the blood rushing in her ears. It was easy to dismiss his past but, when you're confronted with a beautiful vision of one of the many women he had slept with...jealousy and insecurity consumed her.

The reality of his past hurt more than she realized, especially with her inexperience. Her hands fell listlessly to her side. Lowering her head, she said to him. "I wish to be alone. Don't come after me and don't find me." Turning away, she left the room.

Kyou started to give chase but, Attaw stopped him with a firm grip. He pierced her with an icy glare, his voice astoundingly cold. "What is the meaning of this, General? I told you before that we were a one-time mistake."

"You might want to forget what happened, but you cannot deny our chemistry. We were good together, Kyou," she drawled, finding his dilemma amusing. "If that tiny savage doesn't understand the price of being with royalty, then let her go. Backing out of a fight she instigated proves that she is weak. I'm disappointed that the Ashina tribe only boils down to this much. It shows that rumours are just that."

"Inka is different." He contested vehemently. "She's nothing like you or those harem women. Where everyone failed, she succeeded."

Attaw turned pale. "You don't mean ─?"

"Yes, I love her. And one day, I'll make her my wife."

"You cannot be serious!" she screeched in outrage. "You're the Emperor of Xi! It's expected of you to marry a woman who can solidify your position and bear you strong heirs. That tiny savage can't possibly fulfil her royal obligation in any way except to warm your bed. You can set her up as a concubine but, I beseech you to reconsider marrying her."

"And marry you instead?" His insult found its mark when she flinched. "You may be a General but you're still a lowly one. Is this what you wanted to hear? How does it make you feel to be judged for your status? Do you regret being a commoner's daughter?" For every threatening step he took forward, she took one back. He towered over her. "Unlike you, I am not obsessed with a person's prestige. You can be the most beautiful, the most intelligent or the richest but you won't be able to make me feel an ounce of what I feel for that tiny savage."

Attaw couldn't speak, swallowing the dryness of her throat.

"We may have grown up together but, I am drawing the line between us." He didn't need to speak above a harsh, sinister whisper. "If you ever cross it, I will strip you from your position. I don't need a General who is incapable of performing his or her duty." Their eyes met. "Do I make myself clear?"

A tremor of fear rocked her body. Releasing a shuddery breath, she nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Good." He was pleased to have settled the problem. "Now tell me, what are you doing here?"

She appeared surprised by his question. "Didn't you send for me? I received a missive to meet your here in Nanyang palace."

"I never sent you any missive," he clarified, frown lines creasing his forehead. "But I have a good idea who did." If he needed evidence that his brother was up to no good, this was it. "You are excused, General."

Retreating like a kicked puppy, Attaw paused at the doorway. "Tell me one thing. Did I ever have a chance of winning your heart?"

Kyou turned his back on her, that action speaking for itself. "I'm sorry, Attaw. I've always thought of you as a close sister. Like I said that night was a mistake and I hope you'll forget it. For everyone's sake."

"I see." Her voice trembled uncharacteristically. "Then, excuse me for intruding, Your Majesty."

Kyou squeezed his eyes shut for a brief second. He was sorry that it had come to this. Attaw's infatuation was getting out of hand, and he had to end it — had to hurt her. It wasn't her fault that he fucked up one time. He took advantage of her kindness, and it still ate at him. He knew that saying sorry couldn't heal emotional wounds, and sometimes pride. His father had been a master at that. The only way he could atone for his mistake was to treat Attaw with the respect she deserved — never with pity. She was a strong woman, a survivor.

His mind returned to Inka, hands curling tightly as he remembered her retreating silhouette. Her air of defeat made him feel like the lowest scum. It had never occurred to him that his past frivolity would hurt the woman he loved. Heck, he never expected to fall in love either. "Inka." Her name was like a prayer on his lips. "Please come back."


Inka wasn't punishing Kyou for his past indiscretions. She understood that he was a healthy, virile male in his prime and of course, he would have sex. He had a harem for goodness sake! And it was expected of him to bed beautiful women. Ironically, many men in history were led to their downfall because they weren't thinking with the head on their shoulders.

She wished that she could honestly say she wasn't bitter. But it would be a bald face lie. She needed time to think about what she was getting into. Kyou's existence changed her entire perspective on her ideal partner. Love and marriage were two different things. To have both would be a blessing but, it was rare.

She hated this festering resentment towards his past, so she was going to keep away until she purged this wretched venom. It wouldn't be fair to anyone, least of all Kyou.

Deep in her thoughts, Inka failed to see where she was going and rammed into a hard body. Rubbing her sore nose, the apology died on her lips when she recognized 'his' silk robe. "You!" She wasn't in the mood for his unpredictable antics. "What do you want?"

"I'd be more respectful when talking to the King." Akio snatched her jaw roughly.

Her cheeks hurt as his fingers dug into her flesh, possibly leaving marks. "Let me go!"

"Didn't I warn you that my brother is a lying dog?" He smiled viciously, like he had won a game she wasn't even playing. "Are you ready to be mine?"

Then, it hit her. "It was you!" He had intended for her to find Kyou with the General. "You're despicable!"

A negligent shrug. "I'm only opening your eyes to the truth."

"Even if I know the truth, you cannot change my mind."

"Tsk, tsk," he chided. "Being in denial won't help your cause. Men are not born to be faithful. We are easily seduced by three temptations in life ─ prominence, wealth, and sex. Our hearts are so fickle that it changes like the wind. Women are there to see to our pleasure and they are vessels to bear our children."


The loud crack resounded around them. Inka's chest heaved as her eyes locked with Akio's shocked ones.

Then, his jaw tightened, and rage constricted the black of his pupils. Akio felt a bolt of satisfaction to see her shrink back. He licked the blood off his upper lip. "I'll let you off this once but, hit me again and I'll cut off your hand."

"You're a monster!" Her accusation vibrated with disgust and defiance.

It only incited him — an intense, heady sensation thrummed through his veins. Without warning, he yanked her into his arms. Inka yelped; the sound stifled by his brutal kiss. Her opened mouth gave him access and his tongue dove right in, sucking on hers. She released a muffled scream, pummelling his chest to shove him off. When it didn't work, she bit him. Hard.

Akio staggered back in pain. "You bitch!"

Looking disheveled and feeling a little mad, she bared her teeth. "There's more where that came from, Your Majesty. Touch me again, and I will do more than just bite."

Akio glorified in her audacity and grinned fiercely. "I'm going to enjoy the moment when I crush your spirit and fuck every single hole in your body. And trust me," his voice dropped, "you'll love every second of it."

Vile revulsion twisted her pretty face. "Not before I stick a knife in your gut."

Amazingly, he chuckled, unmoved by her threat. "Oh, the things I would like to do with that mouth of yours."

Growling, she shoved him aside and bolted to safety. After ensuring he wasn't following, fear crashed in, replacing the adrenaline rush. Sagging against the wall, she couldn't stop shivering. This feeling of horror was different from facing death on the battlefield. She couldn't understand King Akio's motive.

Alone and scared, she found herself wandering to Shuhei's chamber. With a trembling hand, she knocked lightly.

"Who is it?" he called out dubiously.

"It's me," she croaked.

There was a series of sounds accompanied by heavy footsteps. The light from his room spilled onto her when he answered the door. He immediately noticed her distress. "What's wrong, little dove? You don't look well."

Confronted by his gentleness, Inka burst into tears. He quickly handed her his handkerchief and sat her down. "If this has something to do with Kyoutarou, I'm going to pound him into the dirt."

Her incessant sobbing and hiccups thwarted his ability to fully comprehend her situation, so he sighed and patted her back. "We'll continue this conversation after you're done crying."

That evening, she skipped dinner and refused to leave his quarters even after much cajoling. Kyou must have caught wind of where she was because she heard his distinctive voice followed by Shuhei's muted comebacks. They were arguing about her.

Her shoulders fell. She felt horrible for adding friction to their strained relationship. What was she doing?

Shuhei reappeared after shutting the doors with more force than necessary. Staring at her intently, he expelled an exasperated breath. "Now, I suggest you tell me what the hell is going on before I blow my top."