Chapter Twenty Seven - The Princess of Ryoga (Part 3)

"Kyoutarou," Princess Amina purred, stroking his sleeve.

Dark, implacable eyes watched her, his jaw locked in irritation at her audacity for using his name and touching him.

"I am confident that we can come to different sort of arrangement," she proposed in a sultry undertone, her lashes fluttering in invitation. "I can satisfy you in other ways, Kyoutarou. All you have to do is say yes. All women of Ryoga are trained in the arts of the indian Kama Sutra. I am certain you have heard of it?" She inched closer. "Think of the pleasures that I can offer you with this body."

Kyou speared her with a venomous gaze. "If you think that I am fool enough to be lured by a warm body, then you are courting death, princess. There is a limit to my patience, and it wears thin. You are not the first woman to proposition me, and you won't be the last." Pity filtered his condescension. "You should learn to value yourself, princess. There is more to being human than one's beauty. Alas, you are an ordinary beauty who lacks character, honour and faithfulness." He inclined his head curtly. "Good evening, princess."

"I don't believe you!" She raised her voice in utter disbelief. How dare he talked down to her and lectured her! Her wounded ego demanded retribution and it would only be satisfied when he begged for forgiveness — on his knees. "There must be something wrong with you to desire only one woman. All men are the same. If I were to take off my clothes right now, there is no way that you can resist."

Arching a thick, aloof brow, he remarked stonily. "Save yourself the embarrassment. I do not need to explain myself to you but, know that a man is capable of desiring one woman when he truly loves her. Discard all your assumptions of men, Princess Amina and that is who I am. A pretty face, money or prestige will not influence me. I own them. You are wasting your breath and my time."

If appealing to his manhood failed, then perhaps the Kingdom's welfare might sway him. "Even if it means that you will gain an army massive enough to conquer the world?"

"An army is worthless if they are not loyal to me. If I needed men to die for me, then I would hire a village of assassins. At least I know they will get the job done."

"You're cold-blooded!" she accused harshly; her angelic features distorted with resentment.

"Thank you," he said and started to leave.

"At least tell me." She stopped him. "I am not stupid. I know the Ashina woman isn't the only reason why you rejected my hand in marriage."

"Because Ryoga is too hungry for power, and that kind of mad desperation isn't healthy or beneficial for my Kingdom," Kyou replied bluntly. "The King of Nanyang had been possessed by the same obsession and all he wrought was devastation and his own death. If you choose to walk down this path, you'll only condemn your people to a future of suffering. Don't say that I didn't warn you."

Amina watched his broad back disappear from sight, reflecting upon his words. He angered her indefinitely but, his arrogance and confidence were the reasons why she desired him. The stories of how he ruled Beihai and restructured the Kingdom after the old Emperor's death proved that his capabilities were immeasurable. She wouldn't give up so easily, there must be another way to force his compliance. Ryoga needed strong pillars of support, and Xi would establish the perfect foundation.

"It wouldn't be wise to provoke his wrath," an accented voice whispered from the dark.

Amina whirled around. "Who's there?"

A glint of silver under the moonlight appeared from the shadows.

"It's you!" Amina spat viciously, her contempt obvious.

"If you insist on changing Kyou's mind and demanding that he marries you, it will only backfire on you and worse, on Ryoga," Inka advised soundly. "You shouldn't poke a sleeping tiger."

"A little savage like you wouldn't understand matters of the state."

"Oh, I understand clearly what it means to be a member of the royal family. And if given the choice, I would choose to be who I am again in another life. Your world is filled with lies, deceit and corruption. You use both women and men as pawns to gain power and status, so that you can crush those weaker than you. To be you is a disgrace to humanity."

"Shut your mouth, you bitch!"

"Insults?" Inka drawled, a smirk curving her lips. "Tsk, I would have thought foul language was beneath you. And here you accuse me of being the savage."

Amina's hand reared back intently, but Inka caught her wrist in a death grip. She closed the distance, her voice dangerously low. "I am not as nice as Kyou. If you want to steal him from me, let me warn you that you will never succeed. Kyou is mine and he will never love anyone else but me." She crushed the Princess's hand, eliciting a sharp cry. "An Ashina always protects what is theirs and if you tell anyone that I threatened you, you're only going to incur the Emperor's wrath. I suggest you retreat and find another lowly prey to latch onto. Do I make myself clear?"

Amina glared at her in murderous silence.

"Am I clear, Your Highness?" Inka repeated with a hard jostle.

"Yes! Yes! I'm not deaf!" Amina exclaimed, exasperated. "I can hear you loud and clear. The both of you are completely mad!" They had both threatened her in their own way — what an insane couple who deserved each other.

"Excellent!" Inka released her abruptly. "I'm glad we had this conversation. Goodbye, princess. Let's never meet again.


Kyou waited around the corner before he ambushed her in the dark. He silenced her protest with his mouth, kissing her so thoroughly that she couldn't catch her breath. "I am remarkably turned on by your threats, my little savage," he whispered against her skin, his voice filled with pride.

She pushed against his chest. "Were you eavesdropping?"

"I knew you were following me. It would have been strange had you stayed in my chamber like a good girl," he said in amusement. "I had to see what you would do to her."

"You sneaky bastard!" she smacked him playfully.

"But I love how possessive you are over me. It was a magnificent speech and I think you will make an amazing mother to our children."

She blushed, looking everywhere but at him. "Isn't it too soon to think about children?"

"Not at all," he declared with a wolfish grin. "In fact, as soon as we're married, we're going to start making our own little army of princes and princesses."

"Married?" That was the only word she caught onto.

"Yes. You, my little savage—" he tweaked her nose, "—are going to become the Empress of Xi."

Her eyes widened nervously. "I-Is this another warning?"

He looked bemused. "No, this is real." Kyou retrieved a golden band from his pocket and bent on one knee. "Will you, Princess of Ashina take me, Kyoutarou of Xi to cherish, love and protect you until the day you die? Will you teach me how to love, to be more patient and to be happy with you, and our children for the rest of our lives?"

Inka was helpless against the tears pricking her eyes, nodding vigorously. "Yes! Y-Yes! Of course, I'll marry you!" A slight hesitance. "If you're certain that I am a fitting Empress for you and this Kingdom."

"You are," he said confidently, sliding the ring onto her finger. "Finding you on that fateful night was unexpected but, I have no regrets. I am happy. You are loyal, fierce, beautiful, and intelligent and you protect what's yours. Those are not only good traits of an Empress but a woman I am eager to spend the rest of my life with." Standing up, he pulled her into his arms. "Thank you for accepting me."

Inka continued trembling, words escaping her except, "I love you so much, Kyou." Though not entirely unforeseen, she suspected Princess Amina had somehow pushed him to propose earlier than he had planned. But it was fine. She would rather spend the rest of her life making wonderful memories and arguing with Kyou than to live without him forever. There was no room for doubts, only love.

Kyou's arms tightened, his heart soaring and his soul feeling at peace. This was the same warmth he remembered from his mother. "I love you too, Inka. You don't know how happy it makes me to hear you say it."

"I'll say it for the rest of our lives," she promised, rising on tiptoe to kiss him.

As their lips met, she felt the slow burn of his need grow until it pulsed against every inch of her flesh. "I can't wait anymore, Kyou," she murmured against his lips. "Won't you make me yours tonight?"

He searched her gaze, dropping his forehead against hers. "Are you sure? I did promise you."

"No, I want to. I need to feel you."

"Then I shouldn't keep you waiting."

Kyou guided them back to his chamber and started disrobing, letting the heavy silks of his garment fall to the floor. He stood in his naked glory, allowing her to look her fill. Her eyes took in his broad shoulders, the wide expanse of his sculpted chest, down to the rippling muscles of his lean stomach before reaching the jutting hardness of his arousal. He was extremely large and frightening, but he would never hurt her.

Not intentionally.

He was also comfortable in his own skin while she felt shy and awkward.

"Will you undress, or shall I do it for you?" His husky voice teased her.

She swallowed nervously, her shaky hands lifting to untie the sash at her waist, allowing her robe to slip off.

Kyou's heart thudded loudly in unadulterated desire, his anticipation singing in his veins. His eyes tracked her tensed movement as piece by piece, the barrier shielding her siren's body was removed. His breath hitched when the last cloth fell away, exposing her magnificent breasts and rosy, red skin. Her arms lifted to undo her hair, letting it wrap around her body in lustrous waves that he loved so much.

"Beautiful," he sang in appreciation, extending a hand to her. "Come here, witch."

She entrusted her hand in his larger one, feeling loved and desired. He led her into the warm waters of the milky bathtub awaiting them, wrapping her arms and legs around his body.

"Let's see if I can make you wild for me," he growled softly, his hands gripping her buttocks tightly and his mouth slammed over hers.