Chapter Twenty Eight - The Savage and Her Emperor (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion "A Breathtaking Piano Piece by Jervy Hou"

Inka welcomed the feel of Kyou's skin against hers even though they were both sweaty from the summer heat. She enjoyed their mingled scents, loving his warm muskiness and caressing the hard tendons of his back covered in deep scars as their tongues mated. How she wanted to keep him forever. Their noses touched as he deepened the kiss, hungrily devouring her mouth.

His energy surrounded her, soaking into her very pores, his lips conquering her with terrible, beautiful cruelty. There was no pain, no attempt to harm. Kyou kissed her like the dictator he was ─ with the heartless skill of a man who had kissed many women over the years, their faces had to be a blur by now. She hated to admit it, but he had a talented tongue.

Kyou lifted and arranged her on hands and knees on the edge of the cold tiles, splaying her legs wide open for his gaze. She let him part her with stark intimacy, her pretty pink, glistening lips were vulnerably open for him to admire, and he studied her with an intensity that made her heart hammer violently. She looked over her shoulder to meet his liquid eyes.

"I'm dying to taste you." He toyed with her, running his fingers up and down her wet slit. Mercilessly, he flicked his thumb over the ultrasensitive bundle of nerve endings at the top but not giving her the hard pressure that she needed. Shuddering, she moved her body against the rhythm of his light strokes, tempting him.

A rush of liquid flowed to the juncture of her thighs, and she moaned. Finally, he dipped his head and licked her. Inka choked on a cry at the strangeness of his tongue tasting her, lapping up her cream like it was the most delicious delicacy ever. She went down on her hands at the overbearing pleasure, biting her lip as he teased and grazed her nub, his whiskers scraping her inner thighs increasing her own pleasure.

"Don't hold back your voice. Let me hear it," he commanded against her opening. The erotic movement of his lips on her sensitivity made her squirm and she released a whiny mewl. It was agony and ecstasy, liquid lightning contained within a body that suddenly seemed too small, too fragile for what it was being asked to bear.

Kyou's kiss bespoke masculine possession and a wild, inexorable hunger. Pleasure filled her body, singing through her veins as he caressed her on every level, pushing her to feel as she had never before and as he took her over. The peak was a slow climb, a shattering descent. Colour exploded in a wild wave, but she didn't break, floating with the tide to come home in Kyou's touch.

The primal heart of him, the part that urged Kyou to finally make her his, to possess her to the core purred in silent satisfaction. Inka was still pulsating with the shockwaves of her orgasm, her cheek flattened on the ground as she tried to catch her breath.

"We've only just begun, little one," he grinned at her winded expression.

Getting out the pool, he carried her to his bed, dumping her onto the flowing silk sheets. She rolled onto her back, watching him with those magnetic eyes as he crawled over her, bending his head. His tongue stroked her nipple, making her stomach contract while pleasure spiked through her. She felt his cock pressing against her stomach as he took his time kissing and sucking her breasts, lavishing each one with the same attentiveness.

He pulled back, rising above her and gently parted her thighs. "Do you trust me?"

She nodded. "Yes,"

"I'll be gentle," he promised, coating the tip of his manhood with her arousal. She moaned at the tender stimulation of his vertical movements. He took her hand in his and laced their fingers together. Kissing her lips, he gently pushed into her, forcing her flesh to part and take his shape, opening inch by inch.

Inka gasped at the sudden pain that ripped through her pleasure as he embedded himself to the hilt – hot and throbbing. He was so big, she felt completely filled — full.

Above her, Kyou went rigidly still. "Are you alright?"

"Just give me a minute," she panted, letting her body adjust to his largeness.

Kyou had been with many women but, never a virgin in his bed. His face must have shown his distraught because she pulled him down for a deep kiss. It made his heart squeeze with a strong emotion. She was comforting him when he should be the one to soothe her.

Slowly, he began to rock his hips against hers. "Tell me if it hurts."

Inka revelled in his gentleness and relaxed her muscles, feeling the pain ebbed and replaced by a new pleasure. She breathed heavily as he moved even faster and instinctively, she met his strokes, driving him deeper into her body. She clung onto his shoulders, feeling the strength of him as he pleased her. It was raw and biting, and it was all she could do not to scream out.

A new demand built within her. Inka rocked her hips against his harder, matching his rhythm, amazed at the sharp, intensifying pleasure. Just when she thought she couldn't stand it anymore, her world exploded into a titillation she'd never dreamed of. Kyou buried his face into her hair and joined her release, groaning beside her ear.

She felt him throbbing deeply with spurts of his warm seed. A feeling of awe gripped her, wondering if they had made a child together.

Kyou breathed in the sweet fragrance of her silken strands. Her soft arms and legs wrapped around his body made him feel as if he had come home. It felt surreal.

"I love you, Kyou," she said, stroking his hair.

A swell of emotions overwhelmed him, and he crushed her body to his. "I love you too, Inka."


The next morning, King Qizan bid Beihai goodbye, thanking Kyou for his generous hospitality. The Princess didn't spare them a glance, stomping off in a flurry of angry silks.

"Forgive my daughter," Qizan apologized. "She had her sights set on you when we had received your invitation."

"It would be best for her to find a husband who will cherish and love your daughter as I love my fiancée." Kyou motioned for Inka to come forward, palming her smaller hand. "This is my fiancée, the Princess of Ashina."

Inka acknowledged the King with a curtsy she'd seen others do in court. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty."

"The pleasure is mine," Qizan responded. "You're truly an exquisite beauty who rivals my daughter. I admit I am bitter about our complete defeat to you, Princess of Ashina."

"Inka will suffice," she said, her eyes gleaming with mirth. She gauged that the King held no contempt towards her. "And, I have to agree with the Emperor that your daughter deserves a man to love, honor and protect her. It's what every woman deserves."

"Thank you, Inka. I hope that she will be as lucky as you are."

Kyou and Inka waved the King's entourage goodbye when Jin appeared from thin air, bearing a missive from Donggu.

"Is it from Shuhei?" Inka demanded anxiously. "I haven't heard a word from him since the battle."

"He's doing fine." Kyou read the letter. "Apparently he wants to congratulate us for our impending wedding."

She blinked in bewilderment. "But we haven't told anyone about our engagement."

His lips formed a smile wavering between amusement and irritation. "That bastard must have had a spy watching us the entire time."

Inka failed to find it amusing. "Well, I'm relieved to know that he has recovered enough to play his tricks on us. But I do hope he would stop spying on us. It makes me uncomfortable in my own home."

"I'll talk to him," Kyou promised. "But I think the entire palace heard you screaming my name last night, and not the peacocks."

Her ears turned red. Quickly changing the subject, she lifted her ring to the sun. It was a simple golden band with a dainty diamond. "I haven't thanked you for the ring. It's beautiful. How did you know that I wouldn't have preferred a huge diamond ring?"

"If you had, you would have spent an hour browsing those gaudy jewelries when we were in the market. Not only did you ignore them, but you also skirted the shop for the tinker stall instead."

Her blush burned her cheeks. "I didn't know you were watching me so intently."

He lifted her hand and kissed her ring. "Shouldn't you know by now that my eyes only follow you wherever you go? But there's a surprise for you. Why don't you flip the ring over?"

Wondering what he meant, she slipped off the ring and turned it over. Laughter bubbled in her throat. "Why, you had our names carved in! How romantic of you, Kyou."

"The ring maker told me that it's a fashionable trend amongst couples." He hid his embarrassment behind a cough. "I would have given you my mother's ring but, I found this one suited you better. This ring represents our future together, one unfettered by my parents' past."

The fact that he had personally bought this ring with their future in mind, touched her. Rising on tiptoes, she kissed his cheek. "Thank you. I'll treasure it forever."

"You missed a spot," he said, tapping on his lips.

Smiling wider, she slipped her ring back on and threw her arms around his neck, slamming her lips against his. Inka poured all her feelings into her kiss. Her heart was full, and her body completely satiated. All because of him. Ending the kiss with a soft nudge, she stared into his soulful eyes. No one would have believed this man to have a ruthless side with that look in his eye. "I feel as if we have come a long way and been through so much. I have learnt to grow, to feel and to conquer my fears. There are plenty more that I need to learn to be a good Empress for Xi. Knowing that you'll walk beside me for the rest of my life...I feel reassured, and it gives me more courage than you know."

"You're not the only one, witch. Before I found you, I have forgotten the feeling of true happiness and you have taught me many new emotions. Some were pleasant, and some I hope not to repeat." His sour expression made her laugh. "But most importantly, I'm glad that we can finally be together and focus on us. I think we haven't spent enough time at all, and I plan to fix that."

"Oh?" she arched a delicate brow.

"In fact, I'm going to start now. Do you need me to carry you?"

"Whatever for?"

"I noticed your legs are still unsteady from last night."

Her gaze narrowed pointedly. "And whose fault was that? You ravished me four times even after I begged you for mercy."

"It's five times," he corrected, scooping her into his arms. "And we're going to be doing that every day and night."

"You're going to be the death of me," she complained with a smile.

He laughed deeply, the sound of his happiness echoing throughout the palace, enlivening the servants who heard it.

Those who had worked in the palace since the old Emperor's rule knew the pain and loneliness that governed the young prince. Deep down, they had often prayed for him to find someone who would remind and teach him the meaning of happiness. Their prayers had been answered and he was not alone anymore. Standing beside him was a strong and courageous woman who would help him to rule the Kingdom for a better future. And of course, live a long, prosperous life with their brood of unruly children.


Back in Donggu…

Shuhei sat in bed chuckling at the lengthy letter from Inka, imagining her giving him an earful in person. She had threatened not to let her catch his spy — or else. Apparently, his unattainable brother was finally going to marry the woman he loved, and he had abolished his harem. Kyou mentioned that he would be sending a few of those delightful women to him as a retribution gift.

Inka wrote about Akio's death and described her days with his older brother in great detail. It seemed she felt genuinely sorry for Akio and believed he had been manipulated by his dead mother from the grave.

She wrote that 'he wasn't a bad man.'

Shuhei doubted it. Akio's situation was complicated. People were only good in front of the people they loved and cared about. What Akio had instigated, wasn't a simple crime but massive destruction. In the victims' eyes, he would remain a villain forever. But Shuhei supposed that was Inka's charm and beauty — her big heart to see the good in others, not the bad.

His brother couldn't be saved. Akio's pride was destined to be his downfall. Had he surrendered to his defeat, Kyou would have spared his life. But nothing could save Akio from his consuming hatred and path to self-destruction. His brother's death pained Shuhei but, perhaps it was for the best. Akio's soul had been set free from the chains weighing him down in the mortal realm.

Moving on, Commander Rei had been assigned to Nanyang province until a new King was elected. The way Shuhei saw it, the Commander was already an apt candidate for that position. Maybe it was Kyou's hidden intention.

The Ashina women have returned to Shiryuu and re-established their tribe with Lupa appointed as their young Chieftain in training. His smile widened when Inka recounted her horrifying experience with the royal seamstress. She had a long way to go, this Empress-in-training.

"What's so amusing?" Kira's husky voice sent involuntary ripples of desire through his body.

Rolling up the letter, he cleared his throat, adopting a serious expression. "My brother and his lover are finally getting married. They've invited me to their wedding."

"And you find that amusing?" Kira set his dinner tray in front of him.

"Inka's been nagging at me like she always does."

"She's the Princess of Ashina, isn't she?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"There are rumours circulating around the Emperor's relationship. I'm sure it will die down after their engagement is announced."

He frowned. "What kind of rumours?"

"After she was kidnapped by the late King Akio, the people are speculating a sordid love triangle." She snorted indelicately, tucking a sheet of cloth over his neck. "Those villagers have nothing better to do than gossip."

He caught her wrist. "You're being awfully talkative today. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," she defended, tugging her hand away. "I just wish you'd hurry up and get better. You're boring when you're sick."

He flashed a lopsided smile, taking a spoonful of soup. "When am I ever boring?"

She rolled her eyes. "I've been nursing you since they carried you back, all messed up from the war. You had me worried. I told you to come back safely."

"I couldn't have predicted what happened." He struggled to lift the spoon, feeling the twinge of pain in his shoulder.

She noticed his difficulty and grudgingly sat down on the bed, snatching the spoon from him. "Here, let me."

Shuhei wasn't oblivious to the brimming sexual tension between them. It had always been there for the past two years but now, it had become an intensifying ache. He chalked it up to his celibacy after Catrina's death. It wasn't that he didn't dally with women but, he couldn't bring himself to be intimate with anyone. It felt like a betrayal.

His eyes dropped to her pink, puckered lips as she blew his hot soup. Gently, she held the spoon towards him, her golden eyes meeting his as he opened his mouth. They were both silent as she fed him, both enjoying the peace.

"Now that the war is over and King Akio is gone, what do you plan to do?" She voiced her concerns when he was done.

Shuhei took a moment to ponder. "Akio's disagreement with Kyou has opened my eyes to Donggu's weakness and I want to strengthen our defenses. I think that it's high time for me to take a bride."

She froze, feeling her heart sank pitifully into her stomach. "You want to get married?"