Chp.8: The games have begun

Noah Robbins, who currently underwent a massive, life-threatening accident, was now a victim of some bull crap of some strange man who apparently appeared in his hospital room with his work desk and now is in the middle of offering some deal that, Noah apparently had no interest in.

"Hey what's with the narrative, listen to my offer first at least." Said the man in a stubborn way like a child.

"Um, ok since I can't move and won't be able to for probably my entire life, let's hear you out." Said Noah with a tired and hopeless expression.

He could see that both of his legs were just numb and wrapped with bandages and his entire body is just nothing but a showcase of wounds.

The man, he noticed it.

"I'm Bob the grim reaper. And I would like to help you out." Said the man as he made his work desk disappear with a snap of fingers.

"So, the first thing that I would love to do for you is, make you capable of walking again, what do you think?" said Bob with an evil shine in his eyes.

Noah flinched a little and his excitement was clearly getting reflected in his eyes.

"He seems like an easy man." Thought Bob to himself.

"Are you real? And if you are what do you want in return for helping me out?" Noah's expression shifted from being excited to a cold business face.

"Oh, he is indeed different. This will be interesting." Bob had a little change of his ideas about Noah.

"First listen to the entire offer and then decide if you are worthy to give me anything in return." He said.

Noah nodded and looked forward to Bob's words.

"I will help you restore your body again, but you have to devote yourself to one feeling before you do that. Your only job now is to think about the feeling that is covering your entire soul right now." Bob said.

"What is that feeling Noah Robbins?" Bob said in an intimidating way.

He created an illusion and Noah could just listen to that questions over and over again. He couldn't bring himself to speak it out but the feeling got intense and,

"Revenge.", Noah mumbled.

"Hmm? What did you say?" Bob asked.

"I want to dedicate myself to revenge. I want them to know what it feels like to see someone close to you die." Yelled Noah angrily.

"Ma my, that's quite an intense feeling. But, I will help." Bob said with a happy smile.

He snapped his fingers and the hospital room in a blink of an eye, changed into a marvelous executive office cabin.

Even Noah changed from a bedridden patient to a fine gentleman he was before the accident.

"So you are some kind of a magical grim reaper.", Noah said with disbelief.

"Ew gross, What is magical about grim reaper? I am deadly." He said with an evil smile.

"Yeah sure.", Noah said ignoring Bob's deadliness.

"What's up with people nowadays, don't they think ghosts and reapers are evil anymore, it's all because of the people who do a false investigation." He was whining to himself.

"Anyways, Mr. Bob Reaper, how are we going to proceed." Asked Noah in an impatient way.

"Oh, don't be so impatient, I have a way to make you go anywhere you want but you must complete the mission you undertake." Implied Bob.

"So now who is your target?" Bob asked slyly as he hypnotized Noah a little.

"J-an-ice.", Noah mumbled.

"Who?" Bob asked excitedly.

"Janice Green.", Noah said more loudly as he was still hypnotized.

"So now, you'll be going into the world, where Janice has no power and you can win over her in any way. But remember the harder you break her heart the more good you will feel." Said Bob.

"After all she snatched your mother from you and made you fall in this abyss. She deserves to be loved so hard that she can't live without it and then leaving her to die, don't you think that will be a great start to your revenge?" Bob whispered in Noah's ears.

"You'll become Noah Gilbert, the duke of Gilbert duchy and she will be your wife, Janice Tyler. You know her inside out but she doesn't know you and thus use it to your advantage. The game is already set, you just have to play and win Duke Gilbert." He slyly insisted.

And with a snap of fingers, Noah disappeared in thin air.

"Ah! I am so tired. I am the best." Noah said to himself while pounding his shoulders.

"Now the game is set, all that is left to watch it being played. Everyone will get a taste of their own medicine." He laughed in a psychopathic manner.

Meanwhile, Noah reached an unknown villa.

"Where the hell am I again? Did I transport to another universe or something? Wait what am I even saying? It's not like that is possible. I might be close to my death to be able to dream such things." He mumbled massaging his forehead.

"What happened, baby? Wasn't I good enough?" A voice said in an extremely sweet voice.

He looked down and realized that he was in someone's bedroom and there was a woman in front of him that he didn't know about. On top of that, both of them didn't wear any clothes and it was morning.

"What kind of bull crap setting is this? This woman can never be Janice Green." He thought with extreme regret since he agreed to Bob's deal.

"Butler." He yelled on top of his lungs and suddenly a man dashed into his room.

"Yes Master?" he bowed with a panic.

"Who is this woman? Take her out of here and call my wife." He said with extreme rage.

"Yes master, but the duchess didn't come on this trip with you. You, in fact, came alone and that too a little bit injured." Replied the butler.

"What? Janice didn't come. How can she do something like this?" his fury was just rising.

"Well, the attendants reported that she fell ill and you had to send her back the ducal mansion, in the capital city. But all the 13 attendants came with you and you didn't send any attendant with the duchess." Reported the butler.

"Why would the original duke do that? Is his bond with his wife on bad terms? And what's with sleeping with other women when you are married." He was getting confused.

"Clean this mess up, butler.", Noah said with a sigh.

He got up and soon after cleaning himself, he found that the duke was indeed injured but just a few cuts on his arm and legs.

"Wait, if the duke has few cuts on his body that means, someone is behind the power of the Gilbert duchy or maybe Duke Gilbert.", Noah mumbled.

"I have my own feelings to do justice first. I will love Janice so hard that she won't have anyone else than me. And when she is completely dependent on me, I'll leave her to make her leave with nothing. No power, no love, nothing." He had an evil smirk on his face.

The game had been long set up. Now it was ready to be played.