Chp.34: The end of the ending.

Like getting up from a deep slumber, she woke up to complete darkness. A room that she knew was very small even though she couldn't see anything.

"Hello?" she called out and the voice echoed. "Hello?" she called out again.

"Yes?", a polite female voice replied her back.

"Who is it?" she asked fearlessly.

"Oh! Who am I?" teased that voice.

"I am Louisa. Nice to meet you." Said the lady with a smooth and sweet voice.

"Where is my father? Where is the lawyer? Where am I?" Janice's voice became more anxious.

"Tsk tsk tsk. You still live with your old habit huh? Too bad." Said Louisa. And suddenly all lights turned on.

To her surprise, Janice was sitting on the floor of a big ballroom with a bright, dazzling chandelier and a lot of people looking at her.

"What is this?" she thought to herself. "I am sure I felt stuffed as if I was thrown in a small room." She frowned while giving the lady in front of her an attacking look.