Mini-Hiatus Notice

Hello reader.

I hope you are staying safe and healthy. As for me, I'm totally fine (sarcasm intended).

Well anyway, I'm here at the most horrible time of the year, THE EXAM WEEK 'drum roll'. And to tell you it ain't going that smoothly. Lol. But still, I want to tell you that I am super thankful for your support and motivation that keeps me going on enthusiastically.

So I'm here with a piece of good news and bad news. Firstly the BAD NEWS is that this story will be on a one-week mini-hiatus. That is till 31/07/2021.

But then the good news is that I'll be uploading bulk chapters in the first week of August itself. Yay!!

So please keep on supporting me and reading my stories it really makes me feel awesome. And also if there are any particular comments that you want me to know or any ideas regarding the ongoing story, don't hesitate to tell me about it in the comments.

Have a great weekend ahead. Thank you!!! :)