Chp.53: To put back the peices.

She sent an anonymous letter to prince Robert, to his rumoured camp. Luckily for her he really had his camp set there in the heart of the winter forest in the north of Aartals.

Robert, who received this letter anonymously didn't exactly knew why would anyone send him a letter of alliance but with the clear identity. But he was smart to figure out from whom the letter can be from exactly. 

He send a letter back addressing the duchess and she was glad that he recognized her. They met on the set date and Roseanne also cleared her stand as to why she wants to co-operate prince Robert in this alliance.

"But whom exactly do you want to take your revenge on? On whom is your grudge?" Asked Robert as he kept down his cup.

"As I told you your highness, my target is the person who is exactly your target, his majesty Henry." She said with only malice in her eyes as she said that name.