Chp.72: He met her.

Xander and Noah's relationship was a perfect example of how a relationship can actually be strained.

There were many instances when Xander had wanted to show his side of story and his love for Noah but always failed. Over the period of time that had developed into Noah feeling that his father hated him to the core.

But now perhaps it was too late for them. Too late to mend what was supposed to be healed with love a long time back.

Now Noah was nothing more than a stubborn noble who didn't wanted to do anything with his father's wishes and dreams and instead do the exact opposite of that.

"I am going to the battle field for a war in three days father." He said in a stern and cold voice. Not much like with an intention to inform him but just to tell him that he won't be able to do whatever his father his father wants him to.