Chp.86: The mystery.

"What just happend?" Noah was utterly confused as to what was he supposed to do. There was a lot of things his mind could remeber and yet a lot of things he had forgotten. He wanted to know what was happening. 

"Was it because of my curse? But even so I have never experienced it before." His mind was repeating words on its own.

Almost making him change his expressions so much that Kyte who was already a bit irritated since Noah stopped him from touching his pile of letter, also could notice that he was distracted. 

Kyte was going on about something important, but then seeing Noah being distracted he felt the need to ask , "Where is your attention Noah?" He asked while supressing his anger inside significantly.

"Oh! I am sorry. What were you saying your highness?" Noah asked half heartedly since his eyes still looked away from Kyte's gaze.