Chp.87: The future.

Back In Aartals. Before Kyte left for war.

"So you just ran away from the palace?" Asked Elena Bella as she looked for a new dress for Janice.

Elena, Janice and Eugene, all the three of them came to the capital city for two main reasons. One was for Janice to go ahead to the palace and take part in the crown princess competition and the other reason was for Eugene and Elena to start with a part time jobs somewhere near the palace.

The only intention was, that when Hera won the bet with Zelda she almost became sure that Janice will definitely get crowned at the crown princess. It was almost absurd to look at Hera's eyes when talking about the victory she would acheive if Janice won the contest.

And thus it was inevitable that Elena would become the head maid for the new crown princess since she was her childhood friend and the most trusted person, and she would also arrange for Eugene to become the knight in the royal guards of Welhem family.