Chp.92: A little rest.

Noah snapped back from his dream, only to remember nothing at all. The dream kind of struck to him and he remembered bits and peices of it but still he wasn't able to gather all of it. He was in daze though, since in a long time he had a beautifully calming dream.

Instead also he did get up waking up all fresh. All the pain inside his head had subsidised and he was feeling warm.

Around his tent he could still see that the guards and the soldiers were still on high alert. Which brought back the night that went by. The attack on the crown prince and the story of the tribes wanting their revenge since the Welhem royal family ignored them and made them who they were in the present day.

"Aaah. My head isn't paining anymore but I do feel a little disturbed."he mumbled to himself as he ruffled his hair.