Chp.109: Overlapping truth.

Suddenly chills went down Kyte's spine as ge immediately turned around to look at the person. Although he knew that person very well, still he couldn't break through the overly flowing sarcasm and a lot of anger that the sentence possessed.

He knew it was supposed to be the person whom he knew all too well. It was Noah, the duke, Janice's husband and currently the person who witnessed something where he was supposed to be the last one to do so.

He panicked in that very moment as Noah walked towards them. Kyte was standing there, speechless due to getting caught in this sudden situation and Janice was drooling and deep into sleep as she sat on the chair.

Noah was extremely enraged. Well there was no reason to ask why Noah was really angry but still Kyte dared to stop him as he stood tall right on his path as he was walking towards Janice.