Chp.137: The cursed one - Final Season

So this is the story of two people. Janice and Noah. 

Two people who were fated to die how so ever they tried to end up together. But then why did they ever tried to get together?

Well that was just the case, maybe how fate is written and destiny is decided. It doesn't have any particular meaning or perhaps it is no worth it to search for that meaning at all. 

For all that the search will give in the end is a feeling of worthless waste of time.

It was destined after all.

Otherwise there was no reason for everything that happened to happen in the first place. Hera and Harrison made a mistake. 

And so did Henry and Zelda did. And somewhere Xander and Roseanne were wrong too. Everyone is wrong and everyone did make mistakes, but why were they not the one's who bore the consquences of their mistakes. Their children weren't supposed to be the ones to get affected. Or maybe at the end, the children were the one's who were the sinners?