Chp.138: The reincarnation

The first timeline

On the day of Janice Tyler's and Noah Gilbert's wedding a lot of things were set to go wrong. It was as if the stars were aligned in a very diffrent and wrong position. 

The fate written was only pouring curses on them on that very day. Well it wasn't even that much of a surprise since from the very first step everything had started to go wrong.

And that step was not marrying the fated person she should've ended up with, Crown prince Kyte Welhem.

So when and how did everything started to go wrong?

It was right in that moment when Robert first lost the ring.

On that particular night when he was instructed to deliver that ring he lost it or maybe to put in a more appropriate way, Louisa stole it from him.

It wasn't like he didn't have any option or way to snatch that little ring, away from a little girl who was just training to be a witch. Whereas he was a fully equipped and powerful repear.